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Functional Assessment of Behavior Problems Chapter 7

Functional Assessment of Behavior Problems Chapter 7. SE – 608 John W. Maag Behavior Management from Theoretical Implications to Practical Applications Second Edition. Out of seat Runs around room Yelling, screaming, crying Disturbs peers

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Functional Assessment of Behavior Problems Chapter 7

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  1. Functional Assessment of Behavior ProblemsChapter 7 SE – 608 John W. Maag Behavior Management from Theoretical Implications to Practical Applications Second Edition

  2. Out of seat Runs around room Yelling, screaming, crying Disturbs peers Aggressive to self/others: hitting, biting, pinching, scratching, pulling hair, throwing things Destroys property Temper tantrums Excluded from activities by peers Steals Self-stimulatory behaviors: rocking, hand-flapping, finger-flicking, or spinning objects Physical complaints Ignores teacher/other adults Non-compliant Argues (talks back) Distorts the truth Does not complete assignments Characteristics of Challenging Behavior

  3. Why do we need to conduct a functional behavior analysis? • To determine if a student is eligible for special education • To meet the federally mandated requirement of the IEP (i.e. if a student’s behavior interferes with his/her learning or the learning of others) • To pave the way for an intervention

  4. Behavior and Its Function • Why do students exhibit challenging behaviors? • What is the purpose of the behavior? • What is the function of the behavior? • Do antecedents influence behavior as much as consequences? • What environmental variables are maintaining the challenging behavior?

  5. What maintains disruptive behavior? • Antecedents – the people and events that precede the behavior And • Consequences – when the desired goal is accomplished

  6. What is involved in conducting a Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA)? • Identify environmental factors that affect the performance of a behavior • Identify the desired outcome (function) that the behavior serves • Identify a replacement behavior and an appropriate way for the student to obtain the desired goal

  7. Basic Truths about Functional Assessment • Context affects how a behavior is displayed or interpreted • All behavior is purposeful and serves some function • Replacement behaviors allow students to appropriately obtain desired outcomes

  8. Behavior Is Purposeful • Behavior is purposeful and serves some function for the student • Behavioral intent or function describes the relation between the behavior exhibited and the outcome desired

  9. Four major functions of student behaviors: • Attention – gaining attention (positive reinforcement) • Tangible - access to objects or activities (positive reinforcement) • Sensory – primarily identified among students with developmental disabilities and perhaps ADHD (positive reinforcement) • Escape – avoiding something aversive (negative reinforcement)

  10. Functional Assessment Step 1: Operational define the behavior Step 2:Gather information from parents and teachers Step 3: Observe the behavior using, anecdotal recording, A-B-C recording, Scatter plot Step 4: Analyze the data and develop a hypothesis of function Step 5: Intervene the behavior and test the hypothesis

  11. Step 1: Operational Define the Behavior • Define the behavior in observable measurable terms • Define the behavior to pass the stranger test • Does the behavior have a movement cycle/ does it have a specific beginning and ending

  12. Step 2: Gather Information Interview parents and teachers to find out: • When are appropriate and inappropriate behaviors most likely to occur? • Do the behaviors occur more in one setting verses another? • Are there conditions under which the behavior is more likely to occur? • What happens when the child exhibits a particular behavior?

  13. Step 3: Observe the behavior • Decide on the appropriate tool for observing the behavior and collecting the data • Observational tools include: • Behavior observation charts • Scatter plot • Anecdotal records • A-B-C analysis

  14. Scatter Plot Analysis • Easy useful tool for classroom teachers • Helpful in identifying a relationship between environmental conditions and behavior • Problem behavior may be found to correlate to a time of day, the presence or absence of certain people, social settings, or certain types of activities

  15. Anecdotal Reports • Provide a complete description of the student’s behavior and the events surrounding the behavior • Record each occurrence of the target behavior and the context, activities, and interactions within which it occurs • Transfer information to ABC record

  16. ABC Analysis

  17. Step 4: Analyze Data • Antecedent: Is there a pattern of behaviors or events that consistently trigger the challenging behavior? • Behavior: What appears to be the function of the behavior? Is the purpose: attention, tangible, sensory, or escape? • Consequence: Is there a pattern of behaviors or events that are consistently present following the challenging behavior?

  18. Step 4: Form a Hypothesis Formulate hypothesis of function For example: Hypothesis -- the inappropriate behavior is maintained by reinforcement from the caregiver. Attention is given when the inappropriate behavior is exhibited.

  19. Step 5: Intervene the Behavior and Assess the Hypothesis • Compare the baseline data and intervention data • Test the hypothesis by withdrawing the intervention • Test the hypothesis by using multiple intervention procedures

  20. Three types of hypotheses • Functional hypotheses are related to the function or the intent of the behavior and lead to interventions that address behavior replacement strategies • Contextual hypotheses relate to the manipulations of the antecedents and consequences • Curricular hypotheses focus on identifying the types of curricular, task, and instructional demands that may prompt inappropriate behavior

  21. Components of Behavioral Support Plans • Description of the behavior • Results from functional assessment • Apply the principals of behavior (i.e. positive reinforcement, Premack Principle/Mom’s rule, shaping, response cost, etc.) • Make problem behaviors irrelevant • Make problem behaviors ineffective • Include a replacement behavior

  22. Summary of the Findings • Behavior support plans generally begin with a summary of the findings • Behavior support plans also include a record of previous interventions • Evaluate previous interventions to determine the most effective • Identify setting event modifications needed to decrease the future occurrences of the target behavior

  23. Identify instructional interventions needed to facilitate behavior change • Include positive reinforcement interventions as consequences to promote the use of replacement behaviors • Teach the student replacement/appropriate behaviors that serve the same function as the inappropriate behavior and reinforce appropriate behavior • Monitor and evaluate on an on-going basis

  24. Importance of Reducing Challenging Behaviors • Helps students learn academic, functional, and social skills without demonstrating challenging behaviors • Helps prepare students to participate in instructional activities in school

  25. Summary • Students present challenging behavior that interferes with their learning and/or the learning of others • IDEA requires that a Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA) be conducted to determine the function of the behavior • Form an Hypothesis • Develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) or Behavior Support Plan (BSP)

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