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Microcredit for Small and Medium Farmers from Microfinance Institutions: Comparative Analysis of Three Distinct Approaches in Bangladesh. Author: Dewan A.H. Alamgir Contact address: Apt No. 206, House No. 76 [Eastern Mobarak] Road No. 8A (New) Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
Microcredit for Small and Medium Farmers from Microfinance Institutions: Comparative Analysis of Three Distinct Approaches in Bangladesh Author: Dewan A.H. Alamgir Contact address: Apt No. 206, House No. 76 [Eastern Mobarak] Road No. 8A (New) Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh Tel: 88-0173 010135 (cell); 88-02-914 6473 (office) E-mail: dalamgir@yahoo.com Microcredit Programs for SMFs in Bangaldesh
Objective and Methodology Objectives of the Study • To evaluate management system and performance of innovative microcredit products for small and medium farmers from microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Bangladesh Methodology • Three MFIs [Bangladesh Extension Education Services (BEES), Centre for Action Research-Barind (CARB) and Samaj O Jati Gathan (Sojag)] selected for case studies on the basis of three criteria: i) Innovativeness of the product and delivery methodology; ii) Potential for growth of outreach; and iii) Reasonable size of current outreach. • All program related policies and management system of MFIs and the products have been studied • Customer satisfaction has been verified • Potential for and constraints against expansion has been analyzed • Financial Viability of the MFIs has been studied Microcredit Programs for SMFs in Bangaldesh
Brief Program Description of Three MFIs Microcredit Programs for SMFs in Bangaldesh
Management of Agricultural Finance by BEES Microcredit Programs for SMFs in Bangaldesh
Management of Agricultural Finance by CARB Microcredit Programs for SMFs in Bangaldesh
Management of Agricultural Finance by Sojag Microcredit Programs for SMFs in Bangaldesh
Financial Viability Indicators of the Three MFIs Microcredit Programs for SMFs in Bangaldesh
Common Issues: Lessons Learned Microcredit Programs for SMFs in Bangaldesh
Replication of Agricultural Finance Methodology Potential for Replication BEES’ approach will be easy to replicate, which is an extension of existing microcredit management system. Strong management decision from the part of a MFI will be critical to replicate CARB approach of agricultural inputs finance. Similarly, Sojag’s approach of crop finance where men are the borrowers will also need strategic decision from the part of a replicator. Critical Aspects of Replication Process • Presence of microfinance program makes agricultural finance more viable • Selection of clients is critical to ensure good recovery of loan • MFIs need to develop internal polices, process and control systems to match with the nature of the program. • Skilled human resource is essential for expansion • Small-scale pilot testing is recommended before launching agricultural finance product • Extension service is very import Microcredit Programs for SMFs in Bangaldesh