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Could content-based instruction help students learn English?. Kathleen Wade-Corrales Universidad del Norte. Is it necessary learn English? Are students motivated to learn English? Do you have enough time to teach English?
Could content-based instruction help students learn English? Kathleen Wade-Corrales Universidad del Norte
Is it necessary learn English? • Are students motivated to learn English? • Do you have enough time to teach English? • In practice, do the other school subjects help in learning English and vice-versa? (interdisciplinary projects)
“[It] is most beautiful learning English with this material.”—KR
Agenda • What is CBI? • Why use CBI? • How can I use CBI?
Definition of CBI “The concurrent study of language and subject matter, with the form and sequence of language presentation dictated by content material…” Brinton, Snow, & Wesche (1989)
Definition of CBI “The concurrent study of language and subject matter , with the form and sequence of language presentation dictated by content material…” Brinton, Snow, & Wesche (1989)
Students do not focus on learning about English -- they learn through English.
Features of CBI • Curriculum is based on content • Science • Social Studies • Literature (language arts)
Features of CBI 2. Dual objective: content & language mastery Content Language
Features of CBI 3. Use of authentic language, texts & tasks
Features of CBI • 4. Meets students needs • 5. Language teaching focuses on communicating meaning—not structure
Models of CBI • Sheltered • Adjunct • Theme-based • Language-Content-Task (LCT) • Skills-based
Role of Teachers • Knowledgeable about language • “Knowledgeable” about the target content area Educators must teach language in a way that is different from the method they would use for general English courses
What did I learn? What do I think?
What can using CBI do for my students? • Language gains • Gains in subject-matter knowledge • Increase in learner motivation • Improvement in students’ self-confidence • Higher self-assessment of own skills • Positive influence on attitude towards language
Why does CBI help learning? • Motivates • Raises self-confidence / lower anxiety • Matches students’ interests and needs with interesting and meaningful content • Provides real “input” and opportunities for “output” • Facilitates content-language interaction • Activates prior knowledge
And the standards? • Standards discuss using topics from other content areas in reading from grade 6-7: • “Comprendo textos literarios, académicos y de interés general, escritos con un lenguaje sencillo” (p. 22) • In writing and speaking from grade 8-11: • “Produzco textos sencillos…sobre temas personales y relacionados con otras asignaturas” (p. 25/27). • Hago exposiciones…sobre algún tema académico de mi interés” (p 25). • Hago presentaciones orales sobre temas…relacionados con el currículo escolar” (p. 27)
And the standards? (cont.) • “Relacionar los contenidos temáticos de inglés con los de otras áreas” (p. 32). • “Al leer y revisar en grupo los estándares de inglés, confirmamos que…teníamos toda la autonomía para elegir nuestros propios temas de acuerdo con el contexto…” (p.33)
What did I learn? What do I think?
Is it necessary learn English? --YES • Are students motivated to learn English? –No, but CBI can help • Do you have enough time to teach English? – No, but working with content from other subjects can help/ interdisciplinary projects
Integrating language & content Language curriculum + Content-obligatory language Content-compatible language Learners needs + Content area curriculum Adapted from Snow, Met & Genesse (1989)
Implications • Collaboration with other teachers • Interdisciplinary projects • Different way of organizing structures • No longer “traditional order” (from simple to complex) – present tense & conditionals together??? • Curriculum must be well planned
Why would CBI be effective in Barranquilla? • Highly efficient both lang. & content • Helps meet the needs of the students & goals of “Colombia Bilingüe” • Students find it more interesting, relevant, and challenging • Teachers find it interesting to teach • English Standards suggest it. ?
Is CBI a possibility for your school? How can you implement CBI into your program?
Contact Information kwade@uninorte.edu.co
Bibliography • Brinton, D., Snow, M.A., Wesche, M.B. (1989). Content-based Second Language Instruction. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle. • Formar en lenguas extranjeras: Ingles. (2006). Ministerio de Educación Nacional. • Short, D.J. (1994). Expanding Middle School Horizons: Integrating Language, Culture, and Social Studies TESOL Quarterly, 28(3). • Snow, M.A., Met, M. & Genesee, F. (1989). A conceptual Framework for the Integration of language and content in second/foreign language instruction. TESOL Quarterly, 23 (2).
Content-obligatory Language = language required to develop, master & communicate about a content • Structural aspects (structures, vocabulary, rhetorical devices) • Functional aspects (study skills/language functions)
Content-compatible Language = ask: What other language skills are compatible with the concept? Social studies Science • Discovery of the Americas—past tense; conditional “If Columbus were from France…” • Science experiments—cause/effect—because; if…then clauses