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Dr. awadh al- anazi 1435-2014

MALARIA & TRAVEL MEDICINE. Dr. awadh al- anazi 1435-2014. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES. At the end of this lecture students are expected to know: Epidemiology Clinical presentation Risk to travelers Malaria and pregnancy Diagnostic work up Treatment. ETIOLOGY 4 plasmodia :

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Dr. awadh al- anazi 1435-2014

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  1. MALARIA & TRAVEL MEDICINE Dr. awadh al-anazi1435-2014

  2. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture students are expected to know: • Epidemiology • Clinical presentation • Risk to travelers • Malaria and pregnancy • Diagnostic work up • Treatment

  3. ETIOLOGY 4 plasmodia: ·P. Falciparum ·P. Vivax ·P. Ovale ·P. Malariae

  4. EPIDEMIOLOGY • Endemic disease • Usually does not occur at altitudes – 1500 m • World wide ease of travel • Most important parasitic disease of humans • Transmitted in over 100 countries • Affecting more than 3 billion people world wide • Causing 1-2 billion deaths per year

  5. PATHOGENESIS • P.F. invades RBC at all ages - 106 2500/mcl • ·   P. Mal: only old RBC – 10,000/mcl • P. ovale and P. vivax invade young RBC’s. • ·    Microvascularpatholody: secondary Ischemia Adherence of • non-deformable parasitezed RBC to endothelium • · Renal failure: hemalysis, Ischemia secondary microvascular pathology • ·   Deep Coma: hypoglycemia, microvascular adherent parasitized RBC • ·    Pulmonary edema; 2 o: Capillary leak Synd (without C.C.F.) • ·     Immune complexNeph. Syndrome 2 o P. Malariae

  6. C L I N I C A L FEATURES CF vary with: • Geography • Epidemiology • Age • High risk includes • Children • Pregnant women • Non-immune travelers to malarious areas

  7. INCUBATION PERIOD • Sporozoites reach the liver within 1-2 hours following female Anopheles mosquito bite. • Pt. asymptomatic for 12-35 days until RBCs stage of parasite life cycle.

  8. Life Cycle

  9. C L I N I C A L F E A T U R E S • Major • ·  Recurring fevers • ·  Chills (Assoc. RBC lysis – mature zchisonts) • 2)  Periodicity S/O • ·    48 hours: P. Vivax & Ovale • ·    72 hours: P. Malaria • · Non-regular/hectic in P.F. especially in non- immune •   Patients (who are at highest risk of complications and death)

  10. C L I N I C A L F E A T U R E S • 1) Severe P.F. (> 10 parasite/ mcl): AC Complications • ·  Renal failure • ·   Coma 2 o: hypoglc; TNF, or microvascular pathology • ·   Pul. Edema • ·    Thombrocytopenia • ·    G. Enteritis – especially diarrhea • ·    Ch. P. Falcuparum infection • Splenomegaly – typically resolves after treatment with anti-malarial meds. 6-12 mon. • ·   P. Malariae assoc. Immune compl. N. Synd. • ·   P. Vivax – late splenic rupture with trauma 1-3 mon. after • initial infection

  11. MALARIA FEVER PAROXYSMS Rigors, headache associated with pale cold skin (1-2 hours) I Delirium, Tachypnoea, Hot Skin (Several hours) II III Fever Marked sweating and fatigue Patient often symptoms free between paroxysms

  12. DIAGNOSIS • Detailed targeted history including travel hx and clinical examination together with: • High Index of Suspicion (HIS)

  13. DX: Blood film stained with • ·  Giemsa stain or wright’s stain • · Correct identification of malarial Spp is essential for treatment because of P. Falciparum R to Chloroquine • ·   On Giemsa stain – Cytoplasm: light blue, nucleus: dark blue • ·   In P.F • (a) only ring stage a sexual parasite and gametocytes seen in periph. Blood. • (b) While RBC with Trophozoites or Schixonts stage – sequestered in peripheral, Microvasculature, and NOT circulating P-blood. • · All asexual erythrocytic stages of P. Vivax, Ovale & malariae circulate in peripheral blood, thus seen on Blood Smear • ·  Acutely ill patients • DDX: P.F. vs P. Vivax, because • (a)         P. Ovale – Vivax – clinical, morphological • (b)       P. malariae - ch. Infeciton

  14. Thin blood film (RBC morphology preserved): • P. Vivax; infected RBC • RBC enlargement with parasite maturation • Scuffner’s dots (eosinophilic dots in RBC cyto.) • May see Maurer’s clots in RBC eytoplasm • ·Infection with more than one parasite spp: 5-7% • ·Thick Blood Film (RBC) lysed • You may examine 10X. Blood more than in thin film • More diagnostic in lower degree of parasitemias • ·Serology: not useful in managing acutely ill patient • ·DNA probe: similar thick film sensitivity

  15. Plasmodium falciparum:Blood Stage ParasitesThin Blood Smears 1: Normal red cell 2-18: Trophozoites ( 2-10: ring-stage trophozoites)  19-26: Schizonts ( 26 is a ruptured schizont)  27, 28: Mature macrogametocytes (female) 29, 30: Mature microgametocytes (male)

  16. Plasmodium vivax:Blood Stage ParasitesThin Blood Smears 1:  Normal red cell  2-6:  Young trophozoites (ring stage parasites)  7-18:  Trophozoites 19-27:  Schizonts 28,29:  Macrogametocytes (female) 30:  Microgametocyte (male)

  17. Plasmodium ovale:Blood Stage ParasitesThin Blood Smears 1:  Normal red cell 2-5: Young trophozoites 6-15:  Trophozoites  16-23:  Schizonts 24: Macrogametocytes (female) 25: Microgametocyte (male)

  18. Plasmodium malariae:Blood Stage ParasitesThin Blood Smears 1: Normal red cell 2-5: Young trophozoites (rings) 6-13:  Trophozoites  14-22:  Schizonts 23: Developing gametocyte  24: Macrogametocyte (female) 25:  Microgametocyte (male)

  19. Differential Diagnosis of Malaria in Acutely • III Patients Based on P.B. Smear • P. Vivax • P. Falciparum P. Ovale • Multiply Infected RBC Common Rare • Mature (Trophozoite and schizont) parasites Absent Common • RBC enlargement with lager parasite stages Absent Common • Mature (trophozoites & schizont) stage P. falciparum. Typically sequestered in • the peripheral microvasculature. • RBC enlargement in P. vivax typically occurs with later stage parasites that do not • circulate in P. falciparum infection.

  20. MALARIA COMPLICATIONS Depth of coma Temp Vomiting Do not modify outcome Seizures Parasite load Anemia HIV infection did not affect clinical or biological presentation of cerebral malaria and appears not to affect outcome. (Niyongabo et al, Acta Tropica Apr 1994)

  21. Risk factors for poor prognosis in cerebral malaria oCreatinine o Bilirubin o Lactates

  22. MALARIA COMPLICATIONS Major clinical features of malaria are those of the complications. Majority of complications (apart from anemia) associated with P. Falciparum)

  23. MALARIA COMPLICATIONS Majority of complications (apart from anemia) associated with P. falciparum * Anemia: presents in most severe infections and parallels parasitaemia • Hemolysis of infected RBC • Delayed retics. release from BM • Immune – mediated hemolysis of non-infected RBC

  24. MALARIA COMPLICATIONS Majority of complications (apart from anemia) associated with P. falciparum Non-immune: (primary infection) • Haemoglobinuria • Black water fever • Exaggerated haemolytic response to quinine – sensitized RBC

  25. MALARIA COMPLICATIONS Majority of complications (apart from anemia) associated with P. falciparum Mild unconjugated jaundice common, and parallels hemolysis. Hepatocellular dysfunction may contribute to jaundice.

  26. MALARIA COMPLICATIONS Majority of complications (apart from anemia) associated with P. falciparum. Tissue hypoxia related complications Hypoxia results from altered microcirculation + anemia. Maturation of erythyrocyte schizonts in P. falciparum takes place in tissue capillaries and venules. P. falciparum parasitized RBC sequestered in micro circulation because: Altered deformability of parasitized RBC Adhesion involving parasite – derived proteins within RBC and glycoproteins on vascular endothelium.

  27. Cerebral malaria àMost severe common complication Renal Failure àMost severe common complication àATN àDehydration àHypotension àHypervescosity Pulmonary Edema àARDS – may complicate acute phase of severe malaise. Fluid overload may contribute.

  28. Hypoglycemia àGlucose consumption àLactic acidosis àQuinine/quinidine --- insulin secretion Bleeding àThrombocytopenia àConsumption coagulopathy Shock: Endotoxemia Diarrhea Hyponatremia (? SIADH)

  29. LATE COMPLICATION • Tropical splenomegaly in P. Falciparum endemic areas. • N. syndrome with P. malariae. • Burkett’s lymphoma (PF - EBV)

  30. MALARIA & PREGNANCY àMortality àAnemia, hypoglycemia, pulmonary edema: > common àAbortion àStillbirth àPremature delivery high infant mortality àLB wt. àPlacental insufficiency àHigh parasitaemia - ? placenta favorable site for P. falciparum.

  31. CONGENITAL MALARIA • Transplacental infection • Can be all 4 species • Commonly P.v. and P.f. in endemic areas • P.m. infections in nonendemic areas due to long persistence of species • Neonate can be diagnosed with parasitemia within 7 days of birth or longer if no other risk factors for malaria (mosquito exposure, blood transfusion) • Fever, irritability, feeding problems, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, and jaundice • Be mindful of this problem even if mother has not been in malarious area for years before delivery

  32. MALARIA AND HEMOGLOBINOPATHIES • Heterozygous sickle cell train children less likely to contract P. falciparum • C.S. disease: no such protection, rather mortality is higher > normal • Thalassemics: partially protected (? Fetal Hb) • G-6-phosphatase RBC : less prone to P. falciparum.

  33. Principles of Treatment • Treatment should be guided by three main factors (CDC): • The infecting Plasmodium species
 • The clinical status of the patient • The drug susceptibility of the infecting parasites as determined by the geographic area where the infection was acquired and the previous use of antimalarial medicines 

  34. If treatment must be initiated before the species is known treat as P .falciparum • P falciparum should be presumed to be chloroquine resistant, except in a few areas of Central America and the Middle East • Primaquine should be given if Plasmodium vivax or Plasmodium ovale is likely

  35. RESISTANCE PATTERNS -Chloroquine-resistant P falciparum: Eastern Hemisphere: All of sub-Saharan Africa, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, and all of Southeast Asia Western Hemisphere: Panama, Haiti, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname -Chloroquine-sensitive P falciparum: Eastern Hemisphere: Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan Western Hemisphere: Argentina, Paraguay, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Dominican Republic -Mefloquine-resistant P falciparum: Southeast Asia: Regions of Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Burma, and Cambodia -Chloroquine-resistant P vivax: Papua New Guinea and Indonesia

  36. TREATMENT • Uncomplicated P falciparum infection : • Artemether-Iumefantrine or, • Atovaquone-proguanil or, • Quinine or, • Mefloquine. • Uncomplicated Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium knowlesi, or chloroquine-sensitive P falciparum infection: • Chloroquine phosphate or, • Hydroxychloroquine. • Uncomplicated P vivax or P ovale infection, expected to be chloroquine-susceptible: • Chloroquine phosphate or, • Hydroxychloroquine.

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