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Discover how organisms convert glucose into ATP in cellular respiration, the power plant of cells. Learn about the three steps: glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain.

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  1. CELLULAR RESPIRATION Chemical Pathways Chapter 9-1 http://www.clickatutor.com/mitochondria.jpg

  2. http://www.inclusive.co.uk/downloads/images/pics2/tree.gif AUTOTROPHS ___________ use energy from sunlight or chemicals to make their own food In the last chapter green plants used ________________ to trap energy from __________ and make ______________ PHOTOSYNTHESIS sunlight food (glucose)

  3. In this chapter, we will learn how this glucose is ____________ by organisms and the _______ is stored as _______ in a process called ___________________ broken down energy ATP CELLULAR RESPIRATION What kind of organisms do this?

  4. What kind of organisms do this? plants fungi animals bacteria ________ (Including _______) ______ ______ ______ humans ALL LIVING THINGS NEED ENERGY!

  5. How do we get the sugar from the plants? REMEMBER! _______________ get their energy by eating other organisms. HETEROTROPHS We get the energy the plants stored as glucose by _____________ directly or eating the _________ that ate the plants. eating plants animals  Image from: http://ag.ansc.purdue.edu/sheep/ansc442/Semprojs/2003/spiderlamb/eatsheep.gif http://www.cibike.org/Eating.htm

  6. Image from: http://vilenski.org/science/safari/cellstructure/cytoplasm.html Area with gel-like material inside cell membrane surrounding mitochondria = ______________________ Power plant of cell that burns glucose and stores the energy as ATP = _______________ CYTOPLASM mitochondria http://www.clickatutor.com/mitochondria.jpg

  7. DOUBLE MITOCHONDRIA = cell power plant Surrounded by ___________ membrane Outer membrane & Inner membrane (called _______________ ) Space between inner membrane & outer membrane = ____________________ Space inside cristae folds = _________________ CYTOPLASM surrounds mitochondria CRISTAE INTERMEMBRANE SPACE MATRIX

  8. This process of releasing the energy from FOOD (glucose) to make _____ = ________________ ATP CELLULAR RESPIRATION  Image by Riedell Image from: http://www.biologyclass.net/mitochondria.jpe

  9. PHOTOSYNTHESIS ___________ + _________ + ___________ →_______________ + __________ 6 CO2 6 H2O C6H12O6 6O2 CELLULAR RESPIRATION C6H12O6 6 CO2 _____________ + _________ →________ + __________ + __________ ______________________________________________________________ 6O2 6 H2O The two equations are exact opposites!

  10. CELLULAR RESPIRATIONincludes 3 steps: ______________________ ______________________ _______________________ GLYCOLYSIS KREBS CYCLE ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN

  11. The first step in cellular respiration = __________________ Glycolysis happens in the ________________ outside the mitochondria GLYCOLYSIS See glycolysis movie CYTOPLASM

  12. Glycolysis (GLYKOS = ________ LYSIS= ___________ ) Glycolysis ____________________________ BUT it needs some ____________to get it started. What molecule do you think is going to supply the energy do this? sweet split apart DOES NOT REQUIRE OXYGEN ENERGY ATP

  13. GLYCOLYSIS ________ ↓ ___________ → →_____________ ↓ ____________________ + _______________ GLUCOSE 2 PYRUVIC ACID ATP ATP ATP ATP NADH NADH 4 ATP’s 2 ATP’s PUT IN ________ and GET BACK __________ Net gain of ________ and __________ 2 ATP’s 2 NADH


  15. WITHOUT PYRUVIC ACID ___________ OXYGEN 2 kinds of fermentation ___________________ & _____________________ ANAEROBIC Alcoholic Lactic acid

  16. ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION _______ +_____ →__________ + ______ + _____ PYRUVIC ACID ALCOHOL CO2 NAD+ Happens when yeast makes bread dough rise CO2 bubbles make _____________ in bread Alcohol _______________ during cooking air spaces evaporates http://www.deliciousdelicious.com/archives/herb%20bread%201.jpg

  17. LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION _______ +_____ →______________ + ________ PYRUVIC ACID LACTIC ACID NAD+ muscles Happens in _____________ during ____________when body can’t get oxygen to tissues fast enough. Lactic acid builds up in muscles causing soreness exercise http://www.miranda.com/library.en/Images/Pictures/girls-runners.jpg

  18. LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION _______ +_____ →______________ + ________ PYRUVIC ACID LACTIC ACID NAD+ Happens when bacteria are used to make __________and ____________ like: Yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut, pickles, cheese sour cream, & kimchi food beverages http://chronicle.augusta.com/images/headlines/032200/DANNON_YOGURT.jpg http://www.reillydairy.com/natural_cheese.html

  19. WHY DO FERMENTATION? WHY NOT JUST KEEP MAKING ATP USING GLYCOLYSIS? WITHOUT OXYGEN, PYRUVIC ACID ___________ and all the _______ carriers get full. Eventually glycolysis will builds up NAD+ NAD+

  20. Flooded Corn Field Plants do ____________ but plants need ______________________ too. If plants seeds are under water 3 days or more, the seeds will die. If a plants roots are under water for 3 days or more, the plants will die. photosynthesis By:http://skyways.lib.ks.us/towns/ElkCity/2007flood.html oxygen for cellular respiration

  21. REMEMBER:The “fork in the road” happens following glycolysis. The presence or absence of _______________decides which path it takes next. OXYGEN

  22. REMEMBER: Glycolysis happens in the ________________ outside the mitochondria. Krebs cycle happens in _____________ inside the mitochondria CYTOPLASM MATRIX

  23. Krebs Cycle Animation-(select #3) KREBS CYCLE KREBS CYCLE PRODUCES ____ ____ ____ ____ 6 2 2 8

  24. WHERE DOES IT HAPPEN? ET Glycolysis KREBS Enzymes for ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN are located in the ___________________________ Inner mitochondrial membrane (cristae)

  25. REVIEW:1. GLYCOLYSIS Happens in ______________ Breaks down ____________ into ________________ Produces _______ __________ CYTOPLASM outside mitochondria 1 glucose 2 pyruvic acid (pyruvate) 2 2

  26. Review: 2.KREBS CYCLE happens in ________________ Breaks down _________________ Produces: ____ ____ ____ ____ MATRIX inside mitochondria 2 pyruvic acid 2 6 2 8

  27. Review: 3. ELECTRON TRANSPORT Enzymes found in _____________ Uses high energy electrons and H+ ions donated by _______ and _______ Makes ___________ ________ acts a final electron acceptor to produce ________ 1NADH = ___3___ ATP 1 FADH2 = ___2___ ATP cristae inner membrane of mitochondria NADH FADH2 34 (net) ATP OXYGEN H2O

  28. CELLULAR RESPIRATION (aerobic/ with oxygen): 1 glucose → _______________ FERMENTATION(anaerobic/ without oxygen): 1 glucose → ________________ 36ATP 2 ATP

  29. Remember ! CARBOHYDRATES SUPPLY ENERGY Cells burn GLUCOSE for their energy needs Images from: http://www.miranda.com/library.en/Images/Pictures/girls-runners.jpg http://www.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/BioBookCHEM2.html

  30. http://www.therunningdoctor.com/runinjuries.htm EXERCISE and ENERGY (Short term energy) Cells normally contain _________ amounts of ATP produced by _______________ & __________________________(only enough for a few seconds of activity) Once this ATP is used up_____________ fermentation can provide enough ATP to last about ___________________. SMALL GLYCOLYSIS CELLULAR RESPIRATION LACTIC ACID 90 seconds

  31. EXERCISE and ENERGY (Short term energy) Once race is over, _______________ must be broken down using oxygen. Well __________ athletes burnlactic acid moreefficiently. Lactic acid trained Image from:http://www.miranda.com/library.en/Images/Pictures/girls-runners.jpg

  32. EXERCISE and ENERGY (LONGER term energy) For exercise longer than 90 seconds _____________________ is the only way to make enough ATP. Cellular respiration releases energy _____________ than fermentation. Well conditioned athletes must pace themselves during a long race. Cellular respiration more slowly

  33. What happens in a long race when the body’s glucose all is used up? Animal cells store GLUCOSE as _____________ to use later. GLYCOGEN REMEMBER Image from: http://www.msu.edu/course/lbs/145/smith/s02/graphics/campbell_5.6.gif

  34. EXERCISE and ENERGY (LONGER term energy) ________________ store glucose as ________________ which can be broken down into glucose to supply energy for_______________ of activity. MUSCLES glycogen 15-20 minutes

  35. EXERCISE and ENERGY (LONGER term energy) After glycogen stores are used up the body begins to break down ________ That’s why aerobic exercise must continue for longer than 20 minutes if you want to lose weight! FAT Image from: http://blackmovie.us/movie/Fat.Albert/fat.albert.movie.jpg

  36. ALL CELLS NEED ENERGYAll ____eukaryotes______________(including plant and animal cells) have __ mitochondrien ______ for cellular respirationAll ___ prokaryotes _____ (bacteria)have their electron transport enzymes attached to their_______DNA__________Remember: No membrane bound organelles!

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