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Fast Food Nutrition Analysis Project

Analyze daily caloric needs using MyPlate guidelines, design three meal menus from different fast food restaurants in PowerPoint, compare nutritional details, make healthier choices eating out.

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Fast Food Nutrition Analysis Project

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  1. My Menu A Nutrition PowerPoint Project

  2. MY MENU (Nutrition PowerPoint) • Objective: To determine your daily caloric needs (from https://www.choosemyplate.gov/SuperTracker/default.aspx) and to design a three meal menu (each on separate slides) in PowerPoint from three different Fast Food Restaurants. Start by “googling” the restaurant of your choice, and find the nutritional information for the food that you might eat there for each meal at each restaurant of your choice. The idea is to discover how many calories, how much fat, sodium and sugars are in each fast-food item. Hopefully, this will help you to make good choices when eating out at fast food restaurants!

  3. Launch the Internet Explorer and Go to: https://www.choosemyplate.gov/SuperTracker/default.aspx and “Create Your Profile”

  4. Enter the required information to complete Step 1

  5. SKIP STEP TWO and click SUBMIT

  6. Click on the MY PLAN tab at the top and open My Plan to see your personalized results

  7. GO TO PowerPoint and Paste these results on SLIDE TWO as shown. This is the total calories that you are allowed to eat in ONE DAY FOR THREE DIFFERENT MEALS!

  8. Open Up PowerPoint and Add this sentence as the TITLE for your PowerPoint slide Number TWO

  9. Use the PRINT SCRN button on your keyboard to take a “screen shot” of the Daily Food Group Target Chart. Then paste it and crop it on the bottom of slide two.

  10. On the Format>Picture Tools, Use Crop to eliminate any unwanted areas of your picture.

  11. Until it looks like this…..

  12. ON SLIDE THREE, insert a table by clicking on the insert table icon and change the number of columns and rows each to 5.

  13. Resize the chart, then go to the internet and find a Fast Food (like McDonalds) restaurant that publishes their Nutritional Information so that you can copy the information into the appropriate boxes on the table that you created as shown.

  14. Look for the Nutrition Section of the Website

  15. You must include a Food item, Beverage, and total on EVERY slide. You will complete three different meals, one for breakfast, one for lunch, one for dinner, from three different fast food restaurants. The sum total for the calories of each meal MUST be within 50 calories of the calorie allowance from the “choose my plate” results from slide two

  16. Continue repeating the same process using a different Fast Food Restaurant for lunch and dinner

  17. Finally take all of your TOTALS from each slide and Paste them is the appropriate box in a Grand Total Slide 6

  18. Grand Total; Calorie Allowance =Insert your caloric allowance from slide two here Then add your results for a grand total in each column

  19. Sources • https://www.choosemyplate.gov/SuperTracker/default.aspx • http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/food/food_quality/nutrition_choices.html • http://www.subway.com/nutrition/nutritionlist.aspx • http://www.tacobell.com/nutrition

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