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Restructuring a Company for the Future

Restructuring a Company for the Future. Dr. Heinz Maise. Strategy. Organisation. Human Resource Management. Structure. Organigramme. What is Design ? What can we see ?. Formal Structure. o. Flow Charts. o. Work Constellation. o. Informal Structure. o. Ad hoc Processes. o.

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Restructuring a Company for the Future

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  1. Restructuring a Companyfor the Future Dr. Heinz Maise

  2. Strategy Organisation Human Resource Management Structure Organigramme What is Design ?What can we see ?

  3. Formal Structure o Flow Charts o Work Constellation o Informal Structure o Ad hoc Processes o The Formal Structure isonly one Part of Organisations

  4. o Dependencies are defined o The allocation of functions, often basis for the further design, are determined o Responsibilities e.g. staff - line, are delineated o The basis for the remuneration of the person holding the position (not always but often) o Prestige, of the person holding the position o Power, at least in the position vis - a - vis the outside o The formal objectives, as a task of the position, by the person holding the position is to achieve What Information can theOrganigramprovide, or not provide ?

  5. o For the person holding the position it represents something like a basis of retreat in case of "danger" o It is a security net for the necessary fulfilment of tasks and for judging them o It provides the basis, at least the legal one, for the effect toward the outside o It represents the basic conditions for the activities The Organigram constitutesa basic informationon the minimum

  6. Age Size Fashion, Culture Technical System STRUCTURE Internal groups Power External Influence Owner - Legal Form Partners, Co-operations Market, Environment Factors which influences the structure according to H. Mintzberg´s "Structure in Five". What influences theSTRUCTURE ?

  7. Strategic thrusts Market relations Customer orientation Flexibility Decision making process Delegation Employees (staff) orientation Key Factorsto Design an Organisation

  8. Strategic thrusts Thesis 1: Strategic thrusts should be reflected in the structure. Market relations Thesis 2: An adequate consideration of market relations will influence the structure. Customer orientation Thesis 3: Market oriented units will create in self-supporting compartments their own customer orientation. Flexibility Thesis 4: Flexible and long-range consideration of the change in environment will give power to today not regarded units in the structure. 8 Theses to Design an Organization

  9. Decision making process Thesis 5: Decision making process should be short. The result will be flat or wide structures with less of hierarchy levels. An adequate consideration of market relations will influence the structure. Thesis 6: Delegation Thesis 7: The responsibility for decisions and problem solving have to be given to the source. Employees orientation Thesis 8: Increasing employees (staff) orientation will create a central management strategy. 8 Theses to Design an Organisation

  10. TOPMANAGEMENT TOPMANAGEMENT Co-ordination Units, Staff Auditing Auditing Law Personnel Information Environment Controlling Strategic Planning Public Relations Marketing Example for Strategic Thrust

  11. STRUCTURING ACCORDING M A R K E T S Co-ordination and SUPPORT groups Direct CUSTOMER groups SUPPORT AREAS - SERVICE MARKET AREAS - CUSTOMER Maturity of Performance Direct Service work Planned Market Relation

  12. Airlines Traffic Passenger Techniques Market Orientationat an Airport Example

  13. Welding Gas Shield Gas Retail Customer Freezing Customer Titel Example Market Orientationat a Gas Company

  14. - Cost Planning - Corporate Design - Master Planning COORDINATION and SUPPORT GROUPS Co-ordination Functions Central Functions Change of Importance of Units - Investment - Marketing - Controlling - Strategic Planning - Auditing - Finance - Administration - Public Relations - Environment - Controlling - Law - Personnel

  15. Holding Company Central Staff Company 1 Company 2 Company 4 Company 3 Customer orientationDecision making process, Delegation

  16. TOPMANAGEMENT TOPMANAGEMENT Auditing Auditing Public Relations Law Personnel Controlling Customer group 1 Customer group 2 Customer group 3 Operation Finance Admini- stration Personnel Employees Orientation


  18. The Future is not defined !

  19. Turn the right Keyswith the 8 Theses

  20. Take a closer Look to your strategy

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