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Silvics of Ash Species in Ohio. 4 March 2005 David M. Hix. Outline Species distributions Life-history traits Ecological roles Wildlife values Economic impacts. white ash [Source: ODNR, Division of Forestry]. Species of Ash ( Fraxinus ) Native to Ohio white ash F. americana L.
Silvics of Ash Species in Ohio 4 March 2005 David M. Hix
Outline Species distributions Life-history traits Ecological roles Wildlife values Economic impacts white ash [Source: ODNR, Division of Forestry]
Species of Ash (Fraxinus) Native to Ohio white ash F. americana L. black ash F. nigra Marsh. green ash F. pennsylvanica Marsh. blue ash F. quadrangulata Michx. pumpkin ash F. profunda (Bush) Bush --------------------------------------------------------- Source: Little (1979) [Out of a total of 16 species in the U.S.]
Ashes have distinctive fruit and compound leaves.
Typically small- to medium-sized trees green ash [Source: V. Kline, Univ. Wis.]
pumpkin ash Source: T. S. Cooperrider (1995) Source: E. L. Little (1977)
Pumpkin ash is a large tree of swamps and bottomlands, where it often develops a prominently swollen base. [Source: J. Seiler, Virginia Tech.]
Pumpkin ash is considered to be a true-breeding polyploid derivative of a cross between a diploid green ash and a tetraploid white ash (Harmes 1990). [Source: J. Seiler, Virginia Tech.]
conspicuous four-angled twigs of blue ash Source: P. Wray, Iowa State University
Blue ash is commonly found on dry limestone uplands and stream bluffs.
United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Agriculture Handbook 654 (1990)SilvicsofNorthAmericaVolume 1 – Conifers Volume 2 - Hardwoods http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/silvics_manual/table_of_contents.htm
Usual age when seed is first produced = 15-30 years white ash [Source: P. Wray, Iowa State Univ.]
Flowering and Seed Production Flowering occurs in the late spring (mid-April-late May) Wind pollination only Seed crops are variable; “bumper” crops often about 5 years apart
winged seed (samaras) - dispersed by the wind white ash [Source: P. Wray, Iowa State Univ.] green ash [Source: ODNR, Div. of Forestry]
Seed Dispersal and Germination Seed fall begins in the early fall Wide dispersal usually assured Cold stratification required to break dormancy
White ash seed may remains viable in the forest floor for 3 or more years.
Root system is typically spreading, except on poorly drained sites black ash [Source: V. Kline, Univ. Wisconsin]
*Ash trees are most common in the elm – ash - cottonwood forest type in northern Ohio. Source: FIA National Program, USDA For. Serv.
green ash & other species on a floodplain [Source: V. Kline, Univ. Wis.]
White, green, and black ash are part of opportunistic regeneration guild, which includes other similar species (e.g., boxelder, hackberry, red mulberry).
White ash is a gap-phase species: it persists in the understory, then grows rapidly when a gap occurs above it in the overstory.
Typical upland (left) soils and lowland soils, both dominated by various ash species.
Wildlife Values Moderate importance: Samaras are eaten by wood duck, turkey, quail, songbirds (e.g., cardinal), squirrels, mice, & other animals. Twigs & foliage are browsed by deer and rodents. [Source: Martin, Zim & Nelson (1961)] [Source: J. Seiler, Virginia Tech.] [Source: V. Kline, Univ. Wisconsin]
Over the state as a whole, ash species occupy about 12% of the total forest land (Griffith 1991).
Environmental and Economic Impacts There are several billion ash trees growing in Ohio, (Griffith 1991), and one or more of the ash species is present in every county in Ohio. Ohio has approximately 2.1 billion board feet of standing ash timber that is worth almost $1 billion at the sawmill. Ash wood is used for many applications, including flooring, cabinets, tool handles, and baseball bats. Source: http://www.ohioagriculture.gov/pubs/divs/plnt/curr/eab/
Conclusions The five species of ash are important components of the forest ecosystems of Ohio. Numerous ash trees, both native and exotic species, have also been planted extensively throughout the state for reforestation and as street and landscape plantings. The ashes are distinctive, given their differences in life-history traits and the range of types of sites they occupy.