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Start. Refresher Learner Induction 2017/18. Important information about studying with Manchester Adult Education. MAES FUNDING. MAES courses are funded by the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). ESFA funded courses are financed in whole or part by the European Social Fund.
Start Refresher Learner Induction 2017/18 Important information about studying with Manchester Adult Education
MAES FUNDING • MAES courses are funded by the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). • ESFA funded courses are financed in whole or part by the European Social Fund.
Welcome Back!We hope you enjoyed your break- here are a few reminders about learning with Manchester Adult Education • Move on
Your Opinion Matters • Move on You said… In November we held Learner Forums in our centres to hear about your experience of studying with Manchester Adult Education so far. Over 100 learners attended the forums, providing feedback and ideas for improvements from themselves and their classmates. Thank you for your time! Here are a few of the things we’re doing in response… …we did! (or will do)
Enrolment • Move on
Induction • Move on
Other • Move on
A reminder about staying safe • Start
Safeguarding • Move on • Manchester Adult Education is committed to ensure that learners and staff have a safe and healthy place of work and learning environment. Our policy includes safeguarding against abuse. • You are also responsible for your own safety and for preventing injury to others. • Please talk to a member of staff about any safety concerns you have – we can help or point you in the right direction to get help.
Prevent ‘Prevent’ is part of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to prevent people being radicalised. The Prevent Duty is about keeping us all safe and within the law. MAES respects the views of individuals and the right to express them in non-extremist ways. If you have any cause for concern, for yourself or a family member, please talk to a member of staff. • Move on
Looking for Work We have Work Clubs and ESOL Work Clubs in many of our centres which you might want to join. These are drop-in workshops where staff and volunteers will help you to use a computer to job-search, fill in applications, register with employment agencies and update your CV. We also have some short courses to help you get work.
Progression Think about your long term plans • Move on We can help you work out the best route to reach your goal- please talk to your tutor or make an appointment to see someone from our Learner Services team to discuss your options. You may be at the start of your course now but it’s not too early to think about this! Where do you want to be in 1, 3 or even 5 years’ time? What job do you want to be doing?
Advice about your future • Impartial information, advice and guidance about learning and work is available at all our centres via Learner Services. • We will help you to develop an Action Plan and prepare for looking for work. You can discuss: • Careers • Courses at Manchester Adult Education and other colleges • Higher education courses • CV writing • Job search skills. • Please ask at the centre office for an appointment.
Other Courses You may have only chosen one course so far, but we have lots of courses that might suit you. Please check our leaflets on each area for course listings, or visit our website. Ask at the centre office for more info or make an appointment with someone from our Learner Services team for a discussion.
Refresher Hunt Find out the answers to the questions by exploring the centre and asking members of staff and/or other learners.
Your Course Your tutor will give you information about your course: • Timetable (rooms, tutors, tutorials) • What you’ll be learning on the course • Exams, exam fees and course work • What you could do after this course
Attendance • You must arrive on time and attend all your classes. • Please let your tutor know if you are going to be late or can’t attend a class by calling the centre. • Ideally your attendance will be 100% but if your attendance falls below 90% you may lose your place.
Flexible Learning & Holidays • If you have to miss a class for a good reason, e.g. shift work, caring responsibilities or ill health, we can give you work to do at home so that you don’t fall behind. • Many courses will continue during school holidays – if you cannot come due to childcare, you can complete work at home, or be helped to pay for childcare for school-age children. • Some courses have study weeks - these are part of your course and it is important that you do the work set for you.
Problems If you have a problem or cannot continue with your course for any reason, please talk to your tutor or a Learner Services advisor. For example, if you want to make a complaint or you want to appeal an exam result, we have policies explaining the steps to take.
Your Centre Your tutor will now give you information about your centre: • Where toilets and other facilities are • Who’s who and who to talk to • Parking, bike parking and public transport routes • Where the drink machines and special areas for eating and drinking are
Fire Procedures Your tutor will now tell you about the centre’s safety procedures and fire exits. Your centre will hold regular fire drills for your safety. Please make sure you know the procedure to follow.
Accidents & First Aid • Move on • Please tell the centre office if you have an accident. • They will note it in the Accident Book. • This information helps us prevent further accidents.
Learner Agreement • You have already signed the Learner Agreement on the back of the enrolment form. • Please have a look at what it says and keep it safe.
Smoking • Move on • You cannot smoke in any of our centres or entrance areas. • This includes electronic cigarettes.
Mobile Phones • Move on • Please switch off your mobile phone in class or put it on silent mode. • Your tutor may allow you to leave your phone on if you have a special reason. • You must check with your tutor first.
Equal Opportunities • Move on • All learners and staff should expect to receive fair, equal and supportive treatment according to their needs. • We do not accept discrimination on any grounds.
Respect • Move on • Learners and staff are expected to show respect for each other. • Abuse will not be tolerated and may result in learners being excluded from their course.
Help with Costs • Move on • Our Learner Support Fund may help you with travel costs, childcare costs or course fees. • Please ask at the centre office for more information and make an appointment to see a member of our Learner Services team.
Additional Learning Support • Move on • If you have a learning difficulty and/or a disability, you can get additional learning support. • This includes: • transport • helpers • signers • note-takers • dyslexia and language support • additional help with English and Maths • Talk to your tutor if you feel you would benefit from extra support.
Computer & Internet Use • We provide access to computers for you to use as part of your course. • Some centres offer Digital Drop-In workshops. • Some centres have PCs you can use outside class times. • You can also use PCs in libraries to support your learning. • You must follow our policies when using our computers, about using the internet and email.
Looking for Work We have Work Clubs and ESOL Work Clubs in many of our centres which you might want to join. These are drop-in workshops where staff and volunteers will help you to use a computer to job-search, fill in applications, register with employment agencies and update your CV. We also have some short courses to help you get work.
MCC Website MAES Online We provide online learning resources on MAES Online. These resources are available at any time of the day from any computer connected to the internet. www.manchester.gov.uk/adulted www.manchesteradulteducation.org.uk
Student discount card 25% off National Express • As a Manchester Adult Education learner you can get an ‘NUS Extra’ Student Card, which for just £12 will give you access to great student savings on clothing, travel, entertainment, food and technology. • Go to www.nus.org.uk to buy your card, or ask your tutor for a paper application form. 10% off at the Coop 25% off at the Odeon And much more 10% off at New Look
Tell us what you think • Move on
Learner Comments • Move on • We really value your opinions and will use them to improve our service for you. • As part of your course you will be asked to fill in online surveys or take part in a discussion group. This is your chance to have a say in the way things are done. • We also have comments and suggestions boxes in all our centres.
Keep in Touch • We want to keep in touch with you after you finish your course and welcome any news on how you are doing, such as getting a job or going into higher education. • We need to have your up-to-date contact details so we can contact you by email, phone or social media to find out what you have done since you left. • You can also put a message on one of our Facebook pages and share your news with others. @ManAdultEd
Complaints, Concerns & Compliments • Move on • Please speak to your tutor or the centre office staff if you want to complain or show concern about something- we want to know, so we can improve things. • We also want to know if you’re happy about something we have done so we can make sure we keep doing it. Please note that staff are unable to accept any gifts from learners.
Any other questions?If you’re not sure about anything, please ask! • Move on