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The Parallel Packet Switch. Sundar Iyer, Amr Awadallah, & Nick McKeown High Performance Networking Group, Stanford University. Web Site: http://klamath.stanford.edu/fjr. Contents. Motivation Introduction Key Ideas Speedup, Concentration, Constraints Centralized Algorithm
The Parallel Packet Switch Sundar Iyer, Amr Awadallah, & Nick McKeown High Performance Networking Group, Stanford University. Web Site: http://klamath.stanford.edu/fjr
Contents • Motivation • Introduction • Key Ideas • Speedup, Concentration, Constraints • Centralized Algorithm • Theorems, Results & Summary • Motivation for a Distributed Algorithm • Concepts • Independence, Trade-Off, Request Duplication • Performance of DPA • Conclusions & Future Work
Motivation • To build • a switch with memories running slower than the line rate • a switch with a highly scaleable architecture • To build • an extremely high-speed packet switch • a switch with extremely high line rates • Quality of Service • Redundancy “I want an ideal switch”
Architecture Alternatives Y QoS Support • An Ideal Switch: • The memory runs at lower than line rate speeds • Supports QoS • Is easy to implement Ideal ! PPS Switch ? Output Queued CIOQ Switch Input Queued X 1x Ease of Implementation 2x Nx Z Memory Speeds
What is a Parallel Packet Switch ? A parallel packet-switch (PPS) is comprised of multiple identical lower-speed packet-switches operating independently and in parallel. An incoming stream of packets is spread, packet-by-packet, by a de-multiplexor across the slower packet-switches, then recombined by a multiplexor at the output.
Key Ideas in a Parallel Packet Switch • Key Concept - “Inverse Multiplexing” • Buffering occurs only in the internal switches ! • By choosing a large value of “k”, we would like to arbitrarily • reduce the memory speeds within a switch Can such a switch work “ideally” ? Can it give the advantages of an output queued switch ? What should the multiplexor and de-multiplexor do ? Does not the switch behave well in a trivial manner ?
Definitions • Output Queued Switch • A switch in which arriving packets are placed immediately in queues at the output, where they contend with packets destined to the same output waiting their turn to depart. • “We would like to perform as well as an output queued switch” • Mimic (Black Box Model) • Two different switches are said to mimic each other, if under identical inputs, identical packets depart from each switch at the same time • Work Conserving • A system is said to be work-conserving if its outputs never idle unnecessarily. • “If you got something to do, do it now !!”
Ideal Scenario Output-Queued Switch Multiplexer Demultiplexer (R/3) 1 R R (R/3) 1 1 Demultiplexer Multiplexer (R/3) R R Output-Queued Switch 2 2 (R) 2 (R/3) Demultiplexer Multiplexer R R (R/3) 3 3 Output-Queued Switch k =3 Multiplexer Demultiplexer (R/3) R R (R/3 N=4 N=4 Packets destined to output port two
Potential Pitfalls - Concentration “Concentration is when a large number of cells destined to the same output are concentrated on a small fraction of internal layers” Output-Queued Switch Multiplexer Demultiplexer (R/3) 1 R R (R/3) 1 1 Demultiplexer Multiplexer (R/3) R R (2R/3) Output-Queued Switch 2 2 2 (R/3) Demultiplexer Multiplexer R R (R/3) 3 3 Output-Queued Switch k =3 Multiplexer Demultiplexer R R (R/3) N=4 N=4 Packets destined to output port two
R R R C3 C1 A R 1 A 1 C1:A, 1 R B R R R 2 B R R 2 C2:A, 2 C2 R R R C R 3 C 3 C3:A, 1 Cells arriving at Cells departing at (c) (d) R R C3 C3 R 1 A C4:B, 2 1 R B R R R 2 B R R 2 R R C R 3 C5 C4 R C C5:B, 2 3 Cells arriving at Cells departing at Can concentration always be avoided ? t=0’ t=0 t=1 t=1’
Link Constraints • Input Link Constraint- An external input port is constrained to send a cell to a specific layer at most once every ceil(k/S) time slots. • This constraint is due to the switch architecture • Each arriving cell must adhere to this constraint • Output Link Constraint • A similar constraint exists for an output port Demultiplexer Demultiplexer After t =4 After t =5 A speedup of 2, with 10 links
AIL and AOL Sets • Available Input Link Set: AIL(i,n), is the set of layers to which external input port i can start sending a cell in time slot n. • This is the set of layers that external input i has not started sending any cells to within the last ceil(k/S) time slots. • AIL(i,n) evolves over time • AIL(i,n) is full when there are no cells destined to an input for ceil(k/S) time slots. • Available Output Link Set:AOL(j,n’), is the set of layers that can send a cell to external output j at time slot n’ in the future. • This is the set of layers that have not started to send a new cell to external output j in the last ceil(k/S) time slots before time slot n’ • AOL(j,n’) evolves over • time & cells to output j • AOL(j,n’) is never full as long as there are cells in the system destined to output j.
Bounding AIL and AOL • Lemma1: AIL(j,n) >= k - ceil(k/S) +1 • Lemma2: AOL(j,n’) >= k - ceil(k/S) +1 k ceil(k/S) -1 Demultiplexer k - ceil(k/S) +1 AIL(i,n) At t =n
Theorems • Theorem1: (Sufficiency) If a PPS guarantees that each arriving cell is allocated to a layer l, such that l € AIL(i,n) and l € AOL(j,n’), (i.e. if it meets both the ILC and the OLC) then the switch is work-conserving. U AIL(i,n) AOL(j,n’) The intersection set • Theorem2: (Sufficiency) A speedup of 2k/(k+2) is sufficient for a PPS to meet both the input and output link constraints for every cell • Corollary:A PPS is work conserving, if S >2k/(k+2)
Theorems .. contd • Theorem3: (Sufficiency) A PPS can exactly mimic an FCFS-OQ switch with a speedup of 2k/(k+2) Analogy to CLOS ?
Summary of Results • CPA - Centralized PPS Algorithm • Each input maintains the AIL set. • A central scheduler is broadcast the AIL Sets • CPA calculates the intersection between AIL and AOL • CPA timestamps the cells • The cells are output in the order of the global timestamp • If the speedup S >= 2, then • CPA is work conserving • CPA is perfectly load balancing • CPA can perfectly mimic an FCFS OQ Switch
Motivation for a Distributed Solution • Centralized Algorithm not practical • N Sequential decisions to be made • Each decision is a set intersection • Does not scale with N, the number of input ports • Ideally, we would like a distributed algorithm where each input makes its decision independently. • Caveats • A totally distributed solution leads to concentration • A speedup of k might be required
Potential Pitfall “If inputs act independently, the PPS can immediately become non work conserving” • Decrease the number of inputs which request simultaneously • Give the scheduler choice • Increase the speedup appropriately
DPA - Distributed PPS Algorithm • Inputs are partitioned into k groups of size floor(N/k) • N schedulers • One for each output • Each maintains AOL(j,n’) • There are ceil(N/k) scheduling stages • Broadcast phase • Request phase • Each input requests a layer which satisfies ILC &OLC (primary request) • Each input also requests a duplicate layer (duplicate request) • Duplication function • Grant phase • The scheduler grants each input one request amongst the two
The Duplicate Request Function • Input i€group g • The primary request is to layer l • l’ is the duplicate request layer • k is the number of layers • l’ = (l +g) mod k “Inputs belonging to group k do not send duplicate requests”
Output-Queued Switch Multiplexor De multiplexor (R/k) (R/k) 1 C1: B R R A 1 Multiplexor De multiplexor C 2: B R Output-Queued Switch R B 2 2 Multiplexor De multiplexor C 3: B R R C 3 Output-Queued Switch =3 k Multiplex or De multiplexor C 4: B R R N=4 D Key Idea - Duplicate Requests Group 1 = 1,2; Group2 = 3; Group 3 = 4 Inputs 1,3,4 participate in the first scheduling stage Input 4 belongs to group 3 and does not duplicate
Understanding the Scheduling Stage in DPA • A set of x nodes can pack at the most x(x-1) +1 request tuples • A set of x request tuples span at least ceil[sqrt(x)] layers • The maximum number of requests which need to be granted to a single layer in a given scheduling stage is bounded by ceil[sqrt(k)] So a speedup of around sqrt(k) suffices ?
DPA … results • Fact1:(Work Conservance - Necessary condition for PPS) • For the PPS to be work conserving we require that no more than s cells be scheduled to depart from the same layer in a given window of k time slots. • Fact2: (Work Conservance - Sufficiency for DPA) • If in any scheduling stage we present only layers which have less than S - ceil[sqrt(k)] cells belonging to the present k-window slot in the AOL. then DPA will always remain work conserving. • Fact3: We have to ensure that there always exists 2 layers such that • l € AIL & AOL • l’ is the duplicate of l • l’ also € AIL & AOL • A speedup of S suffices, where • S > ceil[sqrt(k)] +3, k > 16 • S > ceil[sqrt(k)] + 4, k > 2
Conclusions & Future Work CPA is not practical DPA has to be made simpler • Extend the results to take care of • Non FIFO QoS policies in a PPS • Study multicasting in a PPS