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CPSC 325 - Compiler. Tutorial 6 & 7 Symbol Table. What is Symbol Table?. Why Do We Need a Symbol Table?. Bind names to program entities (e.g., variables, procedures). set of possible values, i.e. their type. storage associated with names, i.e., where they are stored.
CPSC 325 - Compiler Tutorial 6 & 7 Symbol Table
Why Do We Need a Symbol Table? • Bind names to program entities (e.g., variables, procedures). • set of possible values, i.e. their type. • storage associated with names, i.e., where they are stored. • visibility, i.e., where they can be used. • Usage of Symbol Table: • verification (e.g., number and type of procedure arguments). • code generation (e.g., types and instructions). • debugging (e.g., memory - symbol association).
What Symbol table does? • Given a declaration of a name, is there already a declaration of the same name in the current scope. (i.e., is it multiply declared?) • Given a use of a name, to which declaration does it correspond (using the "most closely nested" rule), or is it undeclared?
Attention!!! Generally, symbol table is only needed to the two purposes of last slide; in other words, • once all declarations have been processed to build the symbol table, and all uses have been processed to link each ID node in the abstract-syntax tree with the corresponding symbol-table entry, then the symbol table itself is no longer needed • because no more lookups based on name will be performed.
Symbol Table Structure • Associate Attributes with Symbols: • Type • Name • Storage Class • Scope, Visibility and Lifetimes • Structure and Attributes Depend on Language Features: • PASCAL allows Nested Lexical Scoping. • Lisp allows Dynamic Scoping.
Scope, Visibility and Lifetime • Scope: Unit of Static program structure that may have one or more variables declared in it. • Visibility: Refers to what scopes a given variable’s name refers to a particular instance of that variable. • Lifetime: Execution period from the point when a variable first becomes visible until it is last visible.
Scope, Visibility and Lifetime (cont.) Prescribe: Scope, Visibility and Lifetime of Symbols • Global: Visible throughout the entire program execution; lifetime encompasses whole execution. • Functions, files: Visible in all of a given file; lifetime encompasses the entire execution. • Local: Visible and live with activation of a scope. • Modifiers: How Values Can be Changed and Retained. • Static: Retains Values across Lifetime Boundaries.
Assumptions • In this tutorial, I assume: • Use static scoping • Require that all names be declared before they are used. • Do not allow multiple declarations of a name in the same scope • Even for different kinds of type • Do allow the same name to be declared in multiple nested scope • But only once per scope
What operations do we need? Given the above assumptions, we will need: • Look up a name in the current scope - only to check if it is multiply declared • Look up a name in the current and enclosing scopes • to check for a use of an undeclared name, and • to link a use with the corresponding symbol-table entry • Insert a new name into the symbol table with its attributes • Do what must be done when a new scope is entered • Do what must be done when a scope is exited
Possible implementation • a list of tables • a table of lists • My combination way For each approach, we will consider what must be done • when entering and exiting a scope, • when processing a declaration, and • when processing a use Simplification: • assume each symbol-table entry includes only: • the symbol name • its type • the nesting level of its declaration and the location
Approach 1: List of Hashtables • The idea: • Symbol table = a list of hashtables • One hashtable for each currently visible scope. • When processing a scope S:
Operations • On scope entry: • Increment the current level number and add a new empty hashtable to the front of the list • To process a declaration of x: • Look up x in the first table in the list • If it is there, then issue a “multiply declared variable” error; • Otherwise, add x to the first table in the list.
Operations (cont.) • To process a use of x: • Look up x starting in the first table in the list; • If it is not there, then look up x in each successive table in the list. (Note: sometime just look into the global table) • If it is not in any table then issue an “undeclared variable” error • On scope exit, • Remove the first table from the list and decrement the current level number
Inserting Method/Function Names • Method names belong in the hashtable for the outermost scope • Not in the same table as the method’s variables • For example, in the previous example • Method name f is in the symbol table for the outermost scope • Name f is not in the same scope as parameters a and b, and variable x • This is so that when the use of name f in method g is processed, the name is found in an enclosing scope’s table.
End of Tutorial 6 Part 1 END
Approach 2: Hash Table of Lists • The idea: • When processing a scope S, the structure of the symbol table is:
Definition • In this approach, there is only ONE big hashtable, which containing an entry for each variable for which there is • Some declration in scope S or • In a scope that enclose S • Associated with each variable is a list of symbol-table entries • The first list item corresponds to the most closely enclosing declaration; • The other list items correspond to declarations in enclosing scopes.
Nesting level information is crucial • The level-number attribute stored in each list item enables us to determine whether the most closely enclosing declaration was made • In the current scope or • In an enclosing scope
Hash Table of List: Operations • On scope entry: • Increment the current level number • To process a declaration of x: • Look up x in the symbol table • If x is there, fetch the level number from the first list item. • If that level number = the current level then issue a “multiply declared variable” error; • Otherwise, add a new item to the front of the list with the appropriate type and the current level number
Hash Table of List: Operations (cont.) • To process a use of x: • Look up x in the symbol table • If it is not there, then issue an “undeclared variable” error. • On scope exit: • Scan all entries in the symbol table, looking at the first item on each list • If that items’ level number = the current number, then remove it from its list (and if the list becomes empty, remove the entire symbol-table entry) • Finally, decrement the current level number
Inserting Method/Function Names • The method/functions will be treated exactly same way as the variables. From the example, we can easily see it.
Approach 3: my approach • Combination of Lazy Approach 2 and some approach 1. • Use the Hash table of the list algorithm, but there is not deletion of tables/variables. • Refer to my sample output for example
Operations • Insert – which insert the appropriate information into the hash table. • Look up – which look up for the symbol and return the memory location • LookupDecl – returns the tree node corresponding to the declaration of the given variable, or return NULL if not found • incScope/decScope – increment and decrement of the scope count • setMemLoc – set the memory location of the variable
Information stored • Necessary • Name • Type • Memory location • Scope • Optional (but always good to have) • Scope name indicate which function the variable is in. (For debugging propose) • Line Number (also for debugging propose) • Date Type – variable, function, etc.
Conclusion • Symbol table is one of the major component of compiler. A program without symbol table, can only be called as interpreter or converter, but not a “complete” program compiler. • Symbol table is not that complicated. Once the implementation algorithm and concept is clear, it is easy to write a program which create a symbol table.
Graphical breakdown Set memory Location Name Memory Location Insert (with build in filter) Scope Scope function (increase/decrease) Type Look up Other information … Other functions … Symbol Table