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Digital Marketing Maturity Model

Our Digital Marketing Maturity Model was designed to help organizations with a roadmap for improving their Digital Marketing capabilities.

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Digital Marketing Maturity Model

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  1. DIGITAL MARKETING Maturity Model STAGE 4- World-Class STAGE 3 -Mature STAGE 2 - Progressive STAGE1 - Undefined Digital Marketing Defined, integrated strategy for Digital Marketing exists across an Enterprise; Campaigns are tracked and measured by effectiveness of engagement and conversion Defined, integrated strategy and processes exist for Digital Marketing across an Enterprise Defined strategy and processes exist for Digital Marketing in pockets in the organization No defined strategy or process for Digital Marketing or digital properties Orientation Views Digital Marketing as key component in customer engage- ment strategy and primary focus for marketing team; Organization aligned and measured around Digital Marketing’s contribution to revenue Recognizes that Digital Marketing is omni- channel and the key component in audi- ence engagement to drive preference & loyalty; Long term commitment; Willing participant; Resources for growth Views digital as new marketing channel; Allocates budget & staff resources Leadership Does not see difference between Digital and Traditional Marketing Utilizes comprehensive, end-to-end system integration of all Digital Marketing related platforms with tight integration to Enterprise CRM, MA and other legacy ERP systems Platforms connected to each other i.e. Web Content Management to Content Marketing to Social Listening API integration to Enterprise CRM and MA systems Platforms that perform specific func- tions with coordinated tools, applica- tions and workflows Tools & Platforms Ad hoc development; Point tools for Email, Content and Social Media Marketing; No mobile or video apps

  2. DIGITAL MARKETING Maturity Model Digital STAGE1 - Undefined STAGE 2 - Progressive STAGE 3 -Mature STAGE 4- World-Class Marketing Relies on website landing pages with limited content targeting; Company profile on Social Media networking sites; Social posting is sporadic and ad hoc; Lack of audience awareness; One-way dialog Personalized & localized content delivered to personal devices in real- time through custom content and apps; Native mobile optimized; Proactive social listening with reliable feedback; Fully aligned with sales for enablement Convergence of content, social, mobile and video experiences to create full digital experiences for conversion and sales opportunities; True social dialog; Recogni- tion of preferred audience. Offers rich media content, Social Networks, blogs, Wikis (Web 2.0); Growing subscriber lists for Email; Social customer & audience aware- ness; Mostly one-way dialog Demand Generation Alignment and delivery of digital experiences based on persona expec- tations; Defined cross-functionally to ensure touchpoint consistency; Sophis- tication of digital experience created is very advanced and drives behavior Creation of digital experience is a priority for marketing teams and based on detailed journey mapping; Sophisticated digital experience aligned to buyer engagement experiences and measured on revenue impact Little awareness; Digital experi- ence, occurs as an afterthought, not the driving force behind a Digital Marketing initiative; Sophistication of digital experience created is low with minimal brand impact No focus on creating digital experience Digital Experience Budget connected to marketing goals; Organization aligned for maximum impact of Digital Marketing; Resources of 60 to 85% or more of marketing budget Budget with business case to justify spend; Dedicated marketing roles for Digital Marketing; Resources up to 60% of marketing budget Budget allocated; Defined roles and responsibilities; Resources up to 45% of total marketing budget Budget & Staff Allocated budget for Digital Marketing is less than 15%; Staff is contracted or coordinator role Enterprise-wide dashboard with visual representation of user acquisition and engagement by behavior, experience, brand reach, etc. Dashboard monitors app performance, device usage & location and user engagement by content asset Analytics to monitor and track app performance like QR codes, SMS, web traffic by device and mobile ads Metrics No formal measurements in place Want to begin increasing your organization’s Digital Marketing maturity? Download our Digital Marketing Framework and get started today! V I E W R E S O U R C E

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