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A project management office (PMO) charter to document scope, decision rights, and executive sponsorship. Get the template @ http://www.demandmetric.com/content/pmo-charter-template
PMO Charter Template PMO Charter TemplatePurposeUse the PMO Charter Template to establish a clear scope, goals, metrics, decision rights,and executive sponsorship of the Project Management Office.Be sure to customize this template accordingly. When required, delete the sample textprovided and fill in the blanks with information that is directly related to the project.This template has been pre-populated. Change, delete, or add to the example as required.
[Company Name] Project Management Office Charter By [Enter Name Here] For [Enter Name Here]Effective Date:Document Owner:Version:Version Date Revision / Description Author:Approval:Approver Title:Approval Date: [Company Name] Project Management Office Charter By [Enter Name Here] For [Enter Name Here]Effective Date:Document Owner:Version:Version Date Revision / Description Author:Approval:Approver Title:Approval Date:
Table of Contents Page1. Overview 42. Description 4 2.1 Purpose 2.2 Background 2.3 Scope 2.4 Vision 2.5 Mission 2.6 Timeline3. Objectives 64. Structure & Governance 75. Process & Responsibilities 86. Key Success Factors 97. Risk Identification 108. Communication Plan 119. Decision Rights 1110. Funding 1211. Approval 12 Table of Contents Page1. Overview 42. Description 4 2.1 Purpose 2.2 Background 2.3 Scope 2.4 Vision 2.5 Mission 2.6 Timeline3. Objectives 64. Structure & Governance 75. Process & Responsibilities 86. Key Success Factors 97. Risk Identification 108. Communication Plan 119. Decision Rights 1110. Funding 1211. Approval 12
1. Project OverviewThe following table includes basic information that is associated with the PMO project.Please contact the program manager or the executive sponsor with any additionalquestions or comments. Project Title Project Management Office (PMO) Executive Sponsor Jane Doe, Vice President Jim Thompson, Director Program Manager (Email) jimthompson@abc-company.com; (Phone) +1 (555) 555-5555 Tim Smith Bob Park Jill Smith Project Team Members Ted Donahue Amanda Hunter Dan Lees Lauren St. Esprit Project Start Date October 1, 20132. Project Description 2.1 Purpose The Project Management Office (PMO) has been created to serve the “ENTER PROGRAM NAME” within the “ENTER BUSINESS UNIT” of “ENTER COMPANY NAME.” The purpose of the PMO is three-fold: 1. Maintain the project management methodology 2. Track the program status and performance 3. Provide coaching and mentoring to Project Mangers 1. Project OverviewThe following table includes basic information that is associated with the PMO project.Please contact the program manager or the executive sponsor with any additionalquestions or comments. Project Title Project Management Office (PMO) Executive Sponsor Jane Doe, Vice President Jim Thompson, Director Program Manager (Email) jimthompson@abc-company.com; (Phone) +1 (555) 555-5555 Tim Smith Bob Park Jill Smith Project Team Members Ted Donahue Amanda Hunter Dan Lees Lauren St. Esprit Project Start Date October 1, 20132. Project Description 2.1 Purpose The Project Management Office (PMO) has been created to serve the “ENTER PROGRAM NAME” within the “ENTER BUSINESS UNIT” of “ENTER COMPANY NAME.” The purpose of the PMO is three-fold: 1. Maintain the project management methodology 2. Track the program status and performance 3. Provide coaching and mentoring to Project Mangers
2.2 Background Identify the need for a PMO here. According to a recent research study led by PM Solutions, PMOs are now commonplace: in 2012, 87% of survey respondents have a PMO compared to 84% in 2010. Furthermore, 40% of survey respondents that don’t currently have a PMO plan to implement one within a year. Although mid-size and large companies are more likely to have a PMO than small companies, the biggest growth in companies, by far, was in small companies — 73% of small firms now have PMOs compared to 48% in 2010. Over 90% of mid-size and large companies have PMOs. What’s driving the PMO? 1. Late and over budget projects 2. Need for consolidated project reporting 3. Increase in PM workload 4. Increasing complexity of projects2.3 Scope There are three basic organizational styles for a project management office: The project repository, the project coach model and the enterprise project management office. Based on your goals & objectives, select the style that’s right for you and document what is in scope and explicitly state what is not in scope. This document describes the “COMPANY XYZ” PMO Framework (the Framework). The Framework is to be used by all “COMPANY XYZ” employees & contractors to introduce consistency in the way “COMPANY XYZ” projects are proposed, approved, managed, measured and maintained. The Framework is subject to modifications and amendments from time to time as required. Please be sure to check back frequently for updates. This document is not the project plan for implementing the PMO, but instead a statement of the PMO’s function. 2.2 Background Identify the need for a PMO here. According to a recent research study led by PM Solutions, PMOs are now commonplace: in 2012, 87% of survey respondents have a PMO compared to 84% in 2010. Furthermore, 40% of survey respondents that don’t currently have a PMO plan to implement one within a year. Although mid-size and large companies are more likely to have a PMO than small companies, the biggest growth in companies, by far, was in small companies — 73% of small firms now have PMOs compared to 48% in 2010. Over 90% of mid-size and large companies have PMOs. What’s driving the PMO? 1. Late and over budget projects 2. Need for consolidated project reporting 3. Increase in PM workload 4. Increasing complexity of projects2.3 Scope There are three basic organizational styles for a project management office: The project repository, the project coach model and the enterprise project management office. Based on your goals & objectives, select the style that’s right for you and document what is in scope and explicitly state what is not in scope. This document describes the “COMPANY XYZ” PMO Framework (the Framework). The Framework is to be used by all “COMPANY XYZ” employees & contractors to introduce consistency in the way “COMPANY XYZ” projects are proposed, approved, managed, measured and maintained. The Framework is subject to modifications and amendments from time to time as required. Please be sure to check back frequently for updates. This document is not the project plan for implementing the PMO, but instead a statement of the PMO’s function.
2.4 Vision Enter the vision of your PMO here. Involve key stakeholders in the process if possible. 2.5 Mission Enter your PMO mission statement here. Describes what the PMO does, how it is done, and for whom. It is a very general statement, usually aligning the PMO to the value it provides to the business. 2.6 Project Timeframe Start Date: October 1, 2013 End Date: This initiative is ongoing and will be evaluated quarterly.3. ObjectivesIn order to ensure the success of your PMO, you will need to set S.M.A.R.T objectives(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely).The five main objectives of the PMO are: 1. Create a more robust project management methodology by the end of Q4 2. Enhance the performance measurement process by the end of Q4 3. Improve resource planning and forecasting by the end of Q4 4. Provide coaching and mentoring to all PMs by the end of Q4How will success be measured? (Insert KPIs Here) % increase in the level of interaction and support of vision and mission Successful implementation and use of monitoring tools % decrease in schedule and budget overruns Increase in the quantity and quality of project planning documents Accuracy of time and cost estimates # of PMs in coaching and mentoring program 2.4 Vision Enter the vision of your PMO here. Involve key stakeholders in the process if possible. 2.5 Mission Enter your PMO mission statement here. Describes what the PMO does, how it is done, and for whom. It is a very general statement, usually aligning the PMO to the value it provides to the business. 2.6 Project Timeframe Start Date: October 1, 2013 End Date: This initiative is ongoing and will be evaluated quarterly.3. ObjectivesIn order to ensure the success of your PMO, you will need to set S.M.A.R.T objectives(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely).The five main objectives of the PMO are: 1. Create a more robust project management methodology by the end of Q4 2. Enhance the performance measurement process by the end of Q4 3. Improve resource planning and forecasting by the end of Q4 4. Provide coaching and mentoring to all PMs by the end of Q4How will success be measured? (Insert KPIs Here) % increase in the level of interaction and support of vision and mission Successful implementation and use of monitoring tools % decrease in schedule and budget overruns Increase in the quantity and quality of project planning documents Accuracy of time and cost estimates # of PMs in coaching and mentoring program
4. Structure & GovernanceThe Executive Sponsor is responsible for overseeing the PMO at the program level and isresponsible for ensuring that the PMO meets its objectives by providing direction, supportand resources. He/she should be considered the PMO champion and is thereforeresponsible for providing an escalation remedy, approving major scope changes, andapproving the PMO Charter.The governance structure of the PMO is depicted in the diagram below: Executive Sponsor Jane Doe Program Manager Jim Thompson Tim Smith Bob Park Risk Manager PMO Manager Jill Smith Jack Lewis Resources & Budget Methodology Support Ted Donahue Dan Lees Training Coordinator Communications Amanda Hunter Lauren St Esprit Contracts Administrator ReportingThe structure identifies the roles and responsibilities of individuals and groups thatparticipate in the day to day and strategic decision making required for the development,management and administration of the PMO. 4. Structure & GovernanceThe Executive Sponsor is responsible for overseeing the PMO at the program level and isresponsible for ensuring that the PMO meets its objectives by providing direction, supportand resources. He/she should be considered the PMO champion and is thereforeresponsible for providing an escalation remedy, approving major scope changes, andapproving the PMO Charter.The governance structure of the PMO is depicted in the diagram below: Executive Sponsor Jane Doe Program Manager Jim Thompson Tim Smith Bob Park Risk Manager PMO Manager Jill Smith Jack Lewis Resources & Budget Methodology Support Ted Donahue Dan Lees Training Coordinator Communications Amanda Hunter Lauren St Esprit Contracts Administrator ReportingThe structure identifies the roles and responsibilities of individuals and groups thatparticipate in the day to day and strategic decision making required for the development,management and administration of the PMO.
Project stakeholders are all of the people who have a vested interest in the project, yet arenot involved in the day-to-day operations of the PMO.Stakeholder Frequency Method PurposeProject Managers Weekly Meeting Discuss project progress, issues, etc. Preliminary metrics and evaluations. Rating relative effectiveness.Program Manager Monthly Meeting Provide complete project update. Get feedback from the team. Control costs. Adjust strategy as necessary.Other Stakeholders Enter Frequency Enter Method Enter PurposeAny employee wishing to make representation in the PMO shall be required to provide thefollowing to the Executive Sponsor: Their name, address and telephone number; Details of why they wish to become a member; and Whether they are speaking on their own behalf or also representing the views of others.5. ProcessThe PMO will implement a process that will allow project issues to be raised to higherauthorities for timely resolutions. Project stakeholders are all of the people who have a vested interest in the project, yet arenot involved in the day-to-day operations of the PMO.Stakeholder Frequency Method PurposeProject Managers Weekly Meeting Discuss project progress, issues, etc. Preliminary metrics and evaluations. Rating relative effectiveness.Program Manager Monthly Meeting Provide complete project update. Get feedback from the team. Control costs. Adjust strategy as necessary.Other Stakeholders Enter Frequency Enter Method Enter PurposeAny employee wishing to make representation in the PMO shall be required to provide thefollowing to the Executive Sponsor: Their name, address and telephone number; Details of why they wish to become a member; and Whether they are speaking on their own behalf or also representing the views of others.5. ProcessThe PMO will implement a process that will allow project issues to be raised to higherauthorities for timely resolutions.
An escalation process ensures that the next level of management is informed (within aspecific amount of time) if an issue cannot be resolved at a lower level. In this function, thePMO will act as a third party by escalating issues based on the following criteria: 1. PMO Standards are not being enforced (Project Management Methodologies) 2. Request for escalation by a Project Manager 3. The PMO identifies an adverse risk to a projectAs a third party, the PMO will attempt to arbitrate issues prior to escalating to the nextlevel in the chain. If a remedy is not possible, the issue will be escalated and documentedby the PMO.6. Key Success FactorsWhat are the key success factors for the PMO (i.e. the factors that are a necessarycondition for success of the PMO)? Committed team members Executive Buy-In Adequate resource allocation Adequate project time allowance Strong project management infrastructure Standardized project management methodology Ability to measure and report An escalation process ensures that the next level of management is informed (within aspecific amount of time) if an issue cannot be resolved at a lower level. In this function, thePMO will act as a third party by escalating issues based on the following criteria: 1. PMO Standards are not being enforced (Project Management Methodologies) 2. Request for escalation by a Project Manager 3. The PMO identifies an adverse risk to a projectAs a third party, the PMO will attempt to arbitrate issues prior to escalating to the nextlevel in the chain. If a remedy is not possible, the issue will be escalated and documentedby the PMO.6. Key Success FactorsWhat are the key success factors for the PMO (i.e. the factors that are a necessarycondition for success of the PMO)? Committed team members Executive Buy-In Adequate resource allocation Adequate project time allowance Strong project management infrastructure Standardized project management methodology Ability to measure and report
. 7 – Risk IdentificationWhat are some of the risks that may be encountered during the project? Indicate highlevel mitigation strategies. (Note: A risk is defined as anything that could potentially affectthe success of the project).The following are a few examples of some of the risks the project may experience. Addand delete rows and examples as they fit to the organization.Risk Category Probability Risk Mitigation StrategyProject Team Medium Project team does not Ensure personnel have clearAdoption want to use the Project directives and are fully Management Office. committed to the project before it gets underwayLack of Executive Low Executive team does not Ensure buy-in by building aBuy-In support the Project solid business case for the Management Office. PMO.Insufficient Medium The human and financial Use the business case andResource resources that are other templates in theAllocation required to successfully Demand Metric toolkit to launch the do not exist. justify your decisions and to obtain the resources that you need.Inadequate Project Low The Project Develop a process forManagement Management feedback and participationMethodology Methodology is missing amongst project managers. key components. Encourage sharing of existing resources and refine existing tools.
. 8. Communication PlanProvide an outline of the high-level communications plan. Specific dates are not required.Process Group Deliverables Frequency Recipients Project Manager,Plan Project Schedule Weekly Program Manager, Executive Sponsor Status Report Program Manager, Change LogExecute Weekly Project Manager Risk Log Issue Log Performance Report Executive Sponsor,Control Project Metrics Weekly Program Manager Dashboard9. Decision RightsTo support the timeline of the PMO and respect executive time, the program manager hasdecided on the following decision rights procedure: 1. Any e-mail or voicemail sent to the executive sponsor that requires a go or no-go decision will specify a decision date or time within reasonable limits. 2. A non-answer from the project sponsor by the specified date or time will imply approval and the project may continue. 3. If the executive sponsor does not agree or requires further clarification, he/she must contact the program manager within the specified timeline.
. 10. FundingFunding will generally depend on the scope of the PMO. A few considerations mightinclude overhead, budget allocation, self-funding, fixed allocation, charge back or fee-forservice charge and direct.Decide on a funding model and add all relevant information to this section.11. Approval___________________________________ _______________________________ Project Approver Signature Date___________________________________ _______________________________ Executive Sponsor Signature Date___________________________________ _______________________________ Program Manager Signature Date