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Top 5 Barriers to World-Class Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is changing faster and faster and cataclysmic changes loom on the near horizon. If your marketing department can’t adapt quickly to the changes from cross-channel marketing, personalization, marketing automation, and new analytics then your customers will find you obsolete and irrelevant. It really puts marketing in the position of adapt or die. Interviews with almost 100 top-level digital marketers reveal five common barriers to building world-class digital marketing. But, for every one of these barriers there are proven ways to get over, under, around or through them. To obtain this document, visit us at http://www.demandmetric.com/register

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Top 5 Barriers to World-Class Digital Marketing

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  1. Top 5 Barriers to World-Class Digital Marketing www.sitecore.net BREAKING THROUGH THE TOP 5 BARRIERS TO WORLD-CLASS DIGITAL MARKETING

  2. www.sitecore.net Slides on Industry Acceleration and Users Owning Marketing !  TBD Marketing Overload www.sitecore.net Slides on Industry Acceleration and Users Owning Marketing !  TBD Marketing Overload

  3. www.sitecore.net WCM to Cross-Channel Digital Marketing www.sitecore.net WCM to Cross-Channel Digital Marketing

  4. www.sitecore.net What is Customer Experience? ! Integrated Platform ! Content Management ! Cross-Channel: Email, Web, Social Media, and Print ! Capture Individual User Data ! Rule-Based and Predictive Personalization ! Engagement Automation – Online and Offline ! Engagement Analytics with Business Intelligence www.sitecore.net What is Customer Experience? ! Integrated Platform ! Content Management ! Cross-Channel: Email, Web, Social Media, and Print ! Capture Individual User Data ! Rule-Based and Predictive Personalization ! Engagement Automation – Online and Offline ! Engagement Analytics with Business Intelligence

  5. www.sitecore.net Change Now or Be Trampled Lose Competitive Advantage www.sitecore.net Change Now or Be Trampled Lose Competitive Advantage

  6. www.sitecore.net Who Is Sitecore? 6

  7. www.sitecore.net Who is Sitecore 500+employees 50countries 21awards 11years in business 6moustaches 3000customers 500 8000developers 1000partners 1solution social butterflies geekscoffee lovers 5 450 www.sitecore.net Who is Sitecore 500+employees 50countries 21awards 11years in business 6moustaches 3000customers 500 8000developers 1000partners 1solution social butterflies geekscoffee lovers 5 450

  8. www.sitecore.net Over 30,000 Sites Rely on Sitecore www.sitecore.net Over 30,000 Sites Rely on Sitecore

  9. www.sitecore.net Where Are You Now in the Revolution? 9 www.sitecore.net Where Are You Now in the Revolution? 9

  10. . www.sitecore.net

  11. . www.sitecore.net Online Digital Maturity Assessment

  12. . www.sitecore.net In Depth Assessment !  xxx

  13. . www.sitecore.net Customer Experience Maturity Assessment Purpose of the Assessment !  Where is your organization today? •  Technical •  Digital Marketing !  Where do you want to be? !  When? !  How can you get there?

  14. . www.sitecore.net !"# $!"# %!"# &!"# '!"# (!"# )!"# *!"# +!"# ,!"# $!!"# -../0123/4# 5/4.6789#://;.# 85/778908# <;6023/4# <4=89=214784=# >1424012?# :/@894784=# A82?=B0298# C246D20=/914E# F/4GH9/I=# J89@108# K80B4/?/EL# K92@8?# M4132=8# N2;12=8# -?1E4# OH371P8# F69=698# <4E2E8# Q1D8378#56.=/789.# Most Organizations at Initiate or Radiate Results from Over 500 Organizations

  15. . www.sitecore.net Stages Needed for Digital Marketing Maturity

  16. . www.sitecore.net Online Digital Maturity Assessment

  17. . www.sitecore.net 5 Barriers to Digital Marketing Maturity 17

  18. . www.sitecore.net Top 5 Barriers to Digital Marketing !  Lacking a Model of Understanding •  What to do? How to improve? •  New strategy and tactics? !  Restricted Budget •  Not enough money •  Not enough people !  Pressure for Short Term Gains •  Tie to Bus Strategy •  Low Hanging Fruit •  Inspiration, Vision, and Low Hanging Fruit !  Lacking Resources •  Get old and new done •  Shortage of staff •  Exponential increase of content with personalization and automation !  Managing Change •  Silo marketing to Cross-channel •  People change •  Organization Change

  19. . www.sitecore.net Barrier – Lack a Process or Model of Understanding 19

  20. . www.sitecore.net Fear of the Unknown !  What do we do? !  In what order? !  What is our strategy? !  What are our tactics?

  21. . www.sitecore.net Fear of the Unknown !  People •  How Do We Change our Organization? •  Where Do We Get New Skills? !  Processes - Marketing •  How to Improve Marketing? •  How to Tie Digital Marketing to Business Objectives? •  How to Analyze Cross-Channel Marketing? •  What Order of Implementation? •  How to Build an Effective Cross-Channel Portfolio? !  Technology •  Can we Migrate Legacy Systems? •  What Technology to Use for Cross-Channel Integration? •  What is Our Implementation Plan?

  22. . www.sitecore.net Process Solutions !  Use a Proven Process; Don’t Be a Pioneer (arrows in back) !  Use a Vendor or Agency with Experience in Digital Marketing Strategy •  It’s not technology – It’s People, Process, and Technology •  Start from Business Objectives, not from Marketing or Technology

  23. . www.sitecore.net Scoping Workshop Engagement Values Workshop Simple Engagement Workshop Creating User Journeys Insights & Recommendatio n follow-up Optimization Workshop Configuring Profiling & Predictive Personalization Profiling & Predictive Personalization Workshop Engagement Automation Workshop Email Campaigning Workshop Use a Vendor or Agency with Knowledge Sitecore Business Optimization Services (SBOS) Workshops

  24. . www.sitecore.net Process Preparation and Implementation 1.  Prepare the Vision 2.  Identify Business and Marketing Objectives 3.  Define 3 – 5 Persona 4.  Identify Visitor Journey 5.  Define Digital Marketing Goals 6.  Create Architecture and UX 7.  Map Digital Goals to Marketing Objectives 8.  Create Digital Relevancy (Content) Map 9.  Train on System 10.  Implement System 11.  Create and Enter Engagement Value Scale 12.  Define Cross-Channel Portfolio 13.  Optimize with A/B and MV Testing 14.  Define Key Fingerprints 15.  Capture Low-Hanging Fruit (Rules-based Personalization) 16.  Predictive Personalization 17.  Incorporate Marketing Automation Sponsorship 1.  Create a Captivating Vision 2.  Find a Sponsor 3.  Identify Business and Marketing Objectives 4.  Prepare the Business Case 5.  Sell the Now and the Future 6.  Gain Executive Team Buy-In 7.  Grab Intermediate Wins 8.  Celebrate Intermediate Wins 9.  Gain More Buy-In and Sponsors 10.  Stay Transparent

  25. . www.sitecore.net Barrier – Restricted Budget 25

  26. . www.sitecore.net Problem - Restricted Budget ! Not Enough Money ! Not Enough People

  27. . www.sitecore.net Solutions – Restricted Budget !  Visualize the Negative Impact •  Becoming Irrelevant to Prospects •  Losing Competitive Marketing Advantage !  Build the Business Cases !  Map Digital Marketing to Business Objectives !  Map the Implementation and Org Dev Plans

  28. . www.sitecore.net Business Cases 28

  29. . www.sitecore.net

  30. . www.sitecore.net “During the easyJet January Sale, easyJet’s biggest to date, our personalised homepage was helping fill two planes every minute” easyJet, Head of CRM

  31. . www.sitecore.net

  32. . www.sitecore.net 60% Increase New Member Acquisition 48% Transactions Completed Online

  33. . www.sitecore.net Map Drivers to Business Objectives 33

  34. . www.sitecore.net Drive Organizational Success with Digital Marketing Goals Digital Goal Marketing Objective Strategic Objective Strategic Theme Raving Fans Increase Reach Grow New Organic ??? Increase Sharing ??? Increase Loyalty Increase Engagement ??? Identify Segments ???

  35. . www.sitecore.net Brainstorm Digital Goals and Engagement Values that Drive Objectives

  36. . www.sitecore.net Map Changes Required 36

  37. . www.sitecore.net Create a Roadmap

  38. . www.sitecore.net Barrier – Pressure for Short Term Gain 38

  39. . www.sitecore.net Solutions – Pressure for Short Term Gain !  Visualize the Future !  Make the Implementation and Metrics Maps Visible !  Measure the Effect of Digital Goals on Marketing Objectives !  Optimize with A/B, MV, Value/Visit, MoM !  Capture Quick Wins with Low-Hanging Fruit

  40. . www.sitecore.net Heroes High Value High Visits Change to: •  Leverage Content •  Replicate Content/Titles •  Segment Target Attractors Low Value High Visits Change to: •  Improve Call to Action •  Better Button •  Segment Target Converters High Value Low Visits Change to: •  Increase Attraction •  Greater Visibility •  Different Channels Inerts Low Value Low Visits Change to: •  Run Longer •  Completely Change •  Delete •  Change Target Audience New Metrics – Campaign Effectiveness

  41. . www.sitecore.net Capture Quick Wins with Low-Hanging Fruit 41

  42. . www.sitecore.net Rules-Based Personalization The Digital Fingerprint Keywords Country Region City Device OS Referral Campaign IP adress IP Owner Visitor identification Language Day Time

  43. . www.sitecore.net Rules-Based Personalization The Digital Fingerprint Keywords Country Region City Device OS Referral Campaign IP adress IP Owner Visitor identification Language Day Time

  44. . www.sitecore.net Example – Rules Based Personalization !  Sitecore customer – New World Safaris !  Uses several niche sites to drive traffic to main site !  Employs personalization across niche sites to main site

  45. . www.sitecore.net Default image on home page

  46. . www.sitecore.net Key word search Nice! Number one organic result!

  47. . www.sitecore.net Home page for World Primate Safaris When visitor goes here…

  48. . www.sitecore.net Hero image personalized for primate

  49. . www.sitecore.net Barrier – Limited Resources 49

  50. . www.sitecore.net Barrier - Limited Resources !  Not Enough People; Not Enough Time •  Do old job and transition to new !  Increased Content with Personalization and Automation

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