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Blood component therapy

Blood component therapy. This is the seperation of whole blood into its individual components to optimize individual therapeutic potency based on sound physiologic principles and understanding of the relative risks and benefits of each. Available blood components. Whole blood Packed rbc

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Blood component therapy

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  1. Blood component therapy This is the seperation of whole blood into its individual components to optimize individual therapeutic potency based on sound physiologic principles and understanding of the relative risks and benefits of each

  2. Available blood components • Whole blood • Packed rbc • Leukocyte-reduced rbc • Platelets • Leucocyte concentrate • Fresh frosen plasma • cryoprecipitate

  3. Indications and use of blood components • Whole blood • This precludes the production of components

  4. Red blood cells • Stored in as-1 soln – shelf life 42days • No funtioning platelets • Low levels of factors V and VIII

  5. Leukocyte reduced RBCs • Indications include • Decrease HLA alloimmunisation • Reduce CMV transfusion • Prevent febrile non-heamolytic reaction

  6. platelets • Indication • Thrombocytopaenia with assoc bleeding • Platelet dysfunction

  7. Types of platelet concentrate • Single random donor unit • Multiple unit-6 to 10 units by apharesis • Hla matched platelets

  8. Leucocyte concentrate • Indications • Profound granulocytopaenia <500/cub mm • With evidence of infection unresponsive to antibiotics

  9. Fresh frozen plasma • Used to replace labile factors • Abnormal PT and aPTT with clinical bleeding • NOT for volume expansion

  10. croprecipitate • Indications • Haemophilia A • Von Willebrand,s disease • hypofibrinogenemia

  11. Risk of blood transfusion • Transfusion reaction • Infection transmission-Hiv hepatits HTLV • Transfusion related acute lung injury • Graft-versus-host reaction • Immunomodulation

  12. Massive transfusion • Defined as more than 10units of packed Rbc • Or replacement of the patient blood volume in 24hrs

  13. Complications MT • ACID-BASE changes • Hyperkalemia • Hypocalcimea • Decrease 2,3-DPG • Dilutional thrombocytopaenia

  14. Blod substitutes& alternatives • Autologous blood • Acute normovolumic hemodilution • Autologous cell salvage • iron supplements • Erythropoetin • Red blood cell substitutes

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