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Building Bridges, Connecting Communities

Using Backbone.js with Drupal 7 and 8. VADIM MIRGOROD Front-end, 05/22/2013. Building Bridges, Connecting Communities. Vadim Mirgorod. Lead developer in Trellon Writing Backbone.js CookBook for PACKT Email: dealancer@gmail.com Web: http://vmirgorod.name Twitter: @dealancer. # 2.

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Building Bridges, Connecting Communities

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  1. Using Backbone.js with Drupal 7 and 8 VADIM MIRGOROD Front-end, 05/22/2013 Building Bridges, Connecting Communities

  2. Vadim Mirgorod Lead developer in Trellon Writing Backbone.js CookBook for PACKT Email: dealancer@gmail.com Web: http://vmirgorod.name Twitter: @dealancer #2

  3. Remember the web development in 90s? #3

  4. 1995: JavaScript #4

  5. 2000: XMLHttpRequest #5

  6. 2006: jQuery #6

  7. 2013: ? #7

  8. What's new in JS? HTML5: Local Storage pushState JS templating engines: Mustache.js Twig.js Representative State Transfer (REST) #8

  9. JavaScript client evolution #9

  10. Complexity #10

  11. Thin to thick transition #11

  12. Performance #12

  13. Problems!

  14. Right now typical AJAX code looks like this $(document).ready(function() { $("#getData").click( function() { $.getJSON("artistsRemote.cfc?method=getArtists&returnformat=json", function(data) { $("#artistsContent").empty(); $("#artistsTemplate").tmpl( data ).appendTo("#artistsContent"); varnowIs=new Date().toLocaleString(); $('#lastLoad').html( nowIs ); }); }); }); #14

  15. AJAX in Drupal Have you seen any JS? #15

  16. #16

  17. Let's do things properly! #17

  18. Meet... #18

  19. #19

  20. Backbone.js URL: http://backbonejs.org/ Created by Jeremy Ashkenas in 2010, an author of CoffeeScript Based on Underscore.js: http://backbonejs.org/ Requires jQuery or Zepto #20

  21. Backbone.js features Minimalistic Modular Perfect OOP design Over 100 available extensions: https://github.com/documentcloud/backbone/wiki/Extensions,-Plugins,-Resources Community #21

  22. Backbone vs... Knockout AngularJS CanJS Spine Ember.js many others #22

  23. Backbone vs... #23

  24. Who uses Backbone.js? Groupon Now! Foursquare LinkedIn Mobile Airbnb #24

  25. Let's learn how to backbone! #25

  26. Main concepts Model Collection View Template Router History Events #26

  27. MVC: Backbone: #27 http://www.jboss.org/jdf/examples/ticket-monster/tutorial/UserFrontEnd/

  28. DEMO! TODO APP #28

  29. Easy example

  30. Define the model and the collection // Define new model. varInvoiceItemModel=Backbone.Model.extend({ calculateAmount:function() { returnthis.get('price') *this.get('quantity'); } }); // Define new collection object. varInvoiceItemCollection=Backbone.Collection.extend({ model:InvoiceItemModel }); #30

  31. Define the view to render the model varInvoiceItemView=Backbone.View.extend({ // Define element tag name. tagName:'tr', // Define template. template:_.template($('#item-row-template').html()), // Render the view. render:function() { vardata=this.model.toJSON(); data.amount=this.model.calculateAmount(); $(this.el).html(this.template(data)); returnthis; }, }); #31

  32. Define the view to render the collection varInvoiceItemListView=Backbone.View.extend({ tagName:'table', template:_.template($('#item-table-template').html()), // Render the view. render:function() { $(this.el).html(this.template()); _.each(this.collection.models, function(model, key) { this.append(model); }, this); returnthis; }, // Add an invoice item row to the table. append:function(model) { $(this.el).append(newInvoiceItemView({ model:model }).render().el); } }); #32

  33. Add templates into index.html <script type="text/html"class="template"id="item-table-template"> <tr> <th>Quantity</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Amount</th> </tr> </script> <script type="text/html"class="template"id="item-row-template"> <td><%=quantity%></td> <td><%=description%></td> <td><%=price%></td> <td><%=amount%></td> </script> #33

  34. Create collection and show the view varinvoiceItemCollection=newInvoiceItemCollection([ { description:'Wooden Toy House', price:22, quantity:3 }, { description:'Farm Animal Set', price:17, quantity:1 }, ]); $('body').html(newInvoiceItemListView({ collection:invoiceItemCollection }).render().el ); #34

  35. Some cool things Two way binding Forms Model to view binding Layouts Templates Router

  36. Model to view binding varInvoiceItemView=Backbone.View.extend({ // ... initialize:function() { this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.destroy, this); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render, this); }, destroy:function() { this.remove(); } }); varInvoiceItemListView=Backbone.View.extend({ // ... initialize:function() { this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.append, this); } }); #36

  37. Forms // Backbone-forms extension. varUserModel=Backbone.Model.extend({ schema: { title: { type:'Select', options: ['Mr', 'Mrs', 'Ms'] }, name:'Text', email: { validators: ['required', 'email'] }, password:'Password', birthday:'Date', } }); userModel=newBuyerModel(); $('body').append(newBackbone.Form({ model:this.user }).form.render().el); #37

  38. Two-way binding // Backbone.stickit extension. varInvoiceItemFormView=Backbone.View.extend({ className:'invoice-item-form-view', bindings: { '#description':'description', '#price':'price', '#quantity':'quantity' }, render:function() { varhtml='<label>Description:</label><input type="text" id="description"></input><br>'+ '<label>Price:</label><input type="text" id="price"></input><br>'+ '<label>Quantity:</label><input type="text" id="quantity"></input><br>'; $(this.el).html(html); // Here binding occurs. this.stickit(); returnthis; } #38

  39. Forms // Backbone-forms extension. varUserModel=Backbone.Model.extend({ schema: { title: { type:'Select', options: ['Mr', 'Mrs', 'Ms'] }, name:'Text', email: { validators: ['required', 'email'] }, password:'Password', birthday:'Date', } }); userModel=newBuyerModel(); $('body').append(newBackbone.Form({ model:this.user }).form.render().el); #39

  40. Router varWorkspace=Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { // Default path. '':'invoiceList', // Usage of static path. 'invoice':'invoiceList', // Usage of fragment parameter. 'invoice/:id':'invoicePage', // Usage of fragment parameters. 'help/:topic/page:page':'helpPage', // Usage of splat parameter. 'download/*path':'downloadPage' }, }); #40

  41. Other cool things... in Backbone.js Cookbook

  42. Bootstrapping: Technique we saw above Do it yourself Representational State Transfer: Services module RESTful webservices module Backbone.js module Backbone and Drupal 7 #43

  43. REST #44

  44. REST in Backbone varPostModel=Backbone.Model.extend({ // Override id attribute. idAttribute:'_id', // Define URL root to access model resource. Otherwise use // url() method to provide full path to the model resource. urlRoot:function() { return'http://example.com/posts/'; } }); varPostCollection=Backbone.Collection.extend({ model:PostModel, // Define path to the collection resource. url:function() { return'http://example.com/posts/'; } }); #45

  45. REST in Backbone.js // Fetches data into a model. model.fetch(); // Saves a model. model.save(); // Destroys a model. model.destroy(); // Fetches data into a collection. collection.fetch(); // Adds models to a collection. collection.add(models); // Removes specific models from collection. collection.remove(models); #46

  46. Backbone module URL: http://drupal.org/project/backbone Provides models and collections for Drupal entities via REST: Node: Node model All node: NodeIndex collection Arbitrary view: NodeView collection Works with both Services and RESTful Web Services modules. #47

  47. Backbone module // Create new NodeView collection. varviewCollection=newDrupal.Backbone.Collections.NodeView(); // Set Drupal View name. viewCollection.viewName='backbone_example'; // Fetch data from the collection. viewCollection.fetch({success:function() { console.log(viewCollection.toJSON()); }); #48

  48. Backbone mdl roadmap Support for bootstrapping Better views support In-place content editing Drag and Drop D8 version? #49

  49. http://www.flickr.com/photos/gabblebee/3977912731/

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