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Crafting a Strategic Future for Swedesboro-Woolwich Schools

Learn the importance of strategic planning and the step-by-step process involved in creating a vision for the school district's future. Explore the SWOT analysis, community stakeholder sessions, and key considerations in setting goals. Join the board and administrators in shaping a new vision for the district through collaboration and effective planning.

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Crafting a Strategic Future for Swedesboro-Woolwich Schools

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  1. Creating a Strategic Plan for the Swedesboro-Woolwich School District March 15, 2017

  2. Why Strategic Planning? Long range planning does not deal with future decisions,but with the future of present decisions.-Peter Drucker

  3. EIRC

  4. Purpose of Strategic Planning - • A structured opportunity for the board, administration, and community to – • Share knowledge and perspectives about State of Community & State of School District • Create a Vision for the future and Goals to make your vision a reality • Step back from the day to day, and strategically direct your resources toward your Goals through Action Plans

  5. Importance of a Good Plan • Gives purpose and direction • Builds ownership for implementing the plan • Identifies who is accountible for what • Makes success more likely outcome • Strategic Planning is for Big Ideas

  6. The Strategic Planning Process- • Board/Administration SWOT Analysis (March) • Follow-up meeting to plan Community/Stakeholder Sessions (March) • Community/Stakeholder Sessions (4) (April-May) • State of Community/State of School District • What works/points of pride-Vision for the future • Goal Areas • Strategies (action plans) to enable vision & meet goals • Written Report to Board of Education (June-July)

  7. Purpose of Board-Admin Session • To begin the strategic planning process with the knowledge and insights of board and admin • To create an overview of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to inform participants in the Community Sessions that follow • To formulate questions that should be asked of participants in the Community Sessions • To come up with key words that might be part of a new vision for the our schools.

  8. Work Groups Team 1 Craig Frederick Rosella Musumeci Jackie Traini Rob Titus Kristin O'Neil Team 2 Jaclyn Dopke Brenda Caltabiano Michelle Van Diehl Scott Hogan Joel Brown Team 3 Tom Ryan Joe Palma Chris DeStratis Leigh Donato Joyce Laquitara Team 4 Kevin Heffernan Natalie Matthias Carolynne Sandy Jamie FlickHeather Worrell


  10. Your 2nd Task: Create Questions When community/stakeholder sessions are held, we will provide participants with heaps of information, including a summary of your SWOT analysis. We will also inform their thinking by asking them questions to consider in the process. Your task, as a group, is to come up with 2-4 questions that you would like to see answered through strategic planning.

  11. Your 3rd Task: Key Words One task of the Community/Stakeholder sessions is to develop a new vision statement that describes what stakeholders would like to see our Schools become – a statement of your aspirations. Individually, come up with 3-5 key words that you suggest would be included in the district’s new vision statement.

  12. Next Steps • In process outlined earlier, last step is a formal, written report to the Board of Education. • Your work as a Board doesn’t stop while we do strategic planning, and it doesn’t stop when strategic planning finishes. • But if we do our job well, the report will help us all to make better decisions.

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