In Poland everyonelovesChristmas. It isfavourite and most eagerlyawaitedholiday in the year. Thisis a uniquetimewhenpeopletry to be kind, friendly and generous to one another. Theyseem to forgetalltheirproblems and justenjoybeingtogether. Christmasarepreceded by manydays of preparations. Streets are lit by colouredlamps and shopsarefull of peoplebuyingpresents. The atmosphereisexcitement and expectationcan be feltalmosteverywhere.
BeforeChristmas we sendChristmaspostcards to our family and friends.
Before the ChristmasEve we decorate a ChristmasTree by lights and paperstars.
ChristmasEve The momentseveryonewaits for isChristmasEve. When the first star appears in the sky, peoplesit at the Christmastable.They do not forgetleavinganempty place for unexpectedguest. The tableisconvered with whitetablecloth and hayisspread on it.
DuringChristmasEve we eatmanytraditionalmealslikebetroot soup ordumplings. Theyare one of the most famouspolishchristmasmeals in the world.
Anothertraditionalmealiscarp. Therearemanydiffrentways of preparingthisfish. It can be: fried, with vegetablesor in jelly.
AfterChristmaEvecarollersvisithouses and singtraditional, polishcarolslike: W żłobie leży or Chwała na wysokości.
Christmas is a unique time. People are kind, friendly. Families are gathered and houses are full of peace and love. Christmas greetings are also very popular during Christmas
Boxing Day During Boxing Day we spendtime with our family. It isalsotime of parties. Therearemanypartieswhere we spendtime with ourbrothersorsisters.
31st December We spendtime with ourfriends. We celebrate New Year. It istime of meeting with ouroldfriends.