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Labor Strives to Organize. CH 6 Section 3. Government and Business. The Government most often favored the industrialist They placed high Tariffs (taxes) on imports This allowed American business to dominate the market
Labor Strives to Organize CH 6 Section 3
Government and Business • The Government most often favored the industrialist • They placed high Tariffs (taxes) on imports • This allowed American business to dominate the market • However the public was putting pressure on Govt. to outlaw trusts like Standard oil
Sherman Antitrust Act • {Passed in 1890 it outlawed all trusts and Monopolies that restrained trade} • The law failed to define what constituted a monopoly or trust and corporations • By 1890 10% of the population controlled 75% of the wealth • 50% of unskilled workers made under $500 a year
New Working Class • Jobs are being filled by the immigrants coming to America • African Americans moved into cities from the country searching for jobs • African Americans could not find jobs in the South • The number of Female workers doubled between 1870 and 1890
Working Conditions • Children were working from 7:30 in the morning till 9:00 at night for pennies a day • White males worked 10 hour days 6 days a week for $10 a week • Immigrants and African Americans made less • Companies had their own towns to control all of their employees money
The workers would be paid in “script” which was only good at the company store • Prices at the company store were much higher than regular stores
The Knights of Labor • {In 1869 nine Philadelphia garment workers, led by Uhiah Stephens founded the Knights of Labor} • This was a early union It was opened to skilled and unskilled workers • {Mary Harris Jones the “most dangerous woman in america” was determined to educate and organize workers.}
The Knights of Labor • They offered membership to women • They did not offer membership to African Americans till 1883 • Chinese were not accepted because they were seen as “stealing jobs from white Americans”
The Great Upheaval • {A year of intense strikes and violent labor confrontations} • An economic depression led to wage cuts and workers demanded relief • 1,500 strikes involving more than 400,000 workers swept the nation • Strikers clashed with police and Employers
The Haymarket riot • Workers wanted an 8 hour workday • It fell under the leadership of political radicals and anarchists • The first day led to confrontations and left two strikers dead • The next day in Haymarket square a peaceful rally was broken by 200 police • A bomb exploded in the midst of the police • The police responded with gunfire • 7 police officers and 1 civilian were dead
Worker Activism Declines • After the Haymarket Riots employers drew up blacklists of union supporters that they shared • Workers on the list found it impossible to get a job • Strike breakers were bought in to work during a strike • Usually people not allowed in the unions
Pullman Strikes • The Pullman sleep cars • Pullman had cut wages and refused to lower rent or prices in his company town • {Eugene V Debbs as the head of the American Railway union, supported the Pullman strikers • Railways halted and the rail companies went to the govt. for help} • They ordered the trains to run
Continued • When the American railway union ignored the order the leaders were jailed • President Cleveland ordered troops in to break the strike • The strike was stopped and the ARU destroyed • What would equate the shutting down of the railways to present time?
Review Questions • What process burned all the impurities in molten iron with hot air? • What is a guarantee to protect an inventors rights to make, use or sell his invention? • Karl Marx came up with what form of Govt? • What did the Sherman Anti Trust Act outlaw? • Mary Harris Jones the “most dangerous woman in america” was determined to educate and organize workers • Eugene V Debbs as the head of the American Railway union, supported who?