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BASIC COMPUTER CONCEPTS. Definition of Computer. Definition: A computer is a device that takes data in one form, uses it, and produces a different form of information which is related to (but may not be the same as) the original data.

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  2. Definition of Computer Definition: A computer is a device that takes data in one form, uses it, and produces a different form of information which is related to (but may not be the same as) the original data. An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), manipulate the data according to specified rules (process), produce information (output) from the processing, and store the results for future use.

  3. Definition of Modern Computer • Inputs, outputs, processes and stores information • Physical: Keyboard, monitor, etc. – are these necessary components?

  4. Advantages of Computers • Speed • Storage • High Accuracy • Versatility • Diligence • Automatic Operation • Obedience • Decision Making Capability

  5. History of Computers - Long, Long Ago Abacus - 3000 BC • beads on rods to count and calculate • still widely used in Asia!

  6. Charles Babbage - 1792-1871 • Difference Engine .1822 • huge calculator, never finished • Analytical Engine 1833 • could store numbers • calculating “mill” used punched metal cards for instructions • powered by steam! • accurate to six decimal places

  7. Vacuum Tubes - 1941 - 1956 • First Generation Electronic Computers used Vacuum Tubes • Vacuum tubes are glass tubes with circuits inside. • Vacuum tubes have no air inside them, which protects the circuitry.

  8. UNIVAC – 1951 • first fully electronic digital computer built in the U.S. (Universal Automatic Computer) • Created at the University of Pennsylvania • ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) weighed 30 tons • contained 18,000 vacuum tubes • Cost a paltry $487,000

  9. First Transistor • Uses Silicon • developed in 1948 • won a Nobel prize • on-off switch • Second Generation Computers used Transistors, starting in 1956

  10. Second Generation – 1965-1963 • 1956 – Computers began to incorporate Transistors • Replaced vacuum tubes with Transistors

  11. Integrated Circuits • Third Generation Computers used Integrated Circuits (chips) • Integrated Circuits are transistors, resistors, and capacitors integrated together into a single “chip”

  12. Third Generation – 1964-1971 • 1964-1971 • Integrated Circuit • Operating System • Getting smaller, cheaper

  13. The First Microprocessor – 1971 • The 4004 had 2,250 transistors • four-bit chunks (four 1’s or 0’s) • Called “Microchip”

  14. What is a Microchip? • Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit (VLSIC) • Transistors, resistors, and capacitors • 4004 had 2,250 transistors • Pentium IV has 42 MILLION transistors • Each transistor 0.13 microns (10-6 meters)

  15. 4th Generation – 1971-present • MICROCHIPS! • Getting smaller and smaller, but we are still using microchip technology

  16. Generations of Electronic Computers

  17. Over the past 50 years, the Electronic Computer has evolved rapidly. Connections: • Which evolved from the other, which was an entirely new creation • vacuum tube • integrated circuit • transistor • microchip

  18. Evolution of Electronics Microchip (VLSIC) Integrated Circuit Transistor Vacuum Tube

  19. Evolution of Electronics • Vacuum Tube – a dinosaur without a modern lineage • Transistor  Integrated Circuit  Microchip

  20. IBM PC - 1981 • IBM-Intel-Microsoft joint venture • First wide-selling personal computer used in business • 8088 Microchip - 29,000 transistors • 4.77 Mhz processing speed • 256 K RAM (Random Access Memory) standard • One or two floppy disk drives

  21. 1990s: Pentiums and Power Macs • Early 1990s began penetration of computers into every niche: every desk, most homes, etc. • Faster, less expensive computers paved way for this • Windows 95 was first decent GUI for “PCs” • Macs became more PC compatible - easy file transfers • Prices have plummeted • $2000 for entry level to $500 • $6000 for top of line to $1500

  22. 21st Century Computing • Great increases in speed, storage, and memory • Increased networking, speed in Internet • Widespread use of CD-RW • PDAs(Personal Digital Assistant) • Cell Phone/PDA • WIRELESS!!!

  23. What’s next for computers? • Use your imagination to come up with what the next century holds for computers. • What can we expect in two years? • What can we expect in twenty years?

  24. Classification of Computers According to Size • Super Computers: Supercomputer a state-of-the-art, extremely powerful computer capable of manipulating massive amounts of data in a relatively short time. Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized scientific and engineering applications that must handle very large databases or do a great amount of computation, among them meteorology, animated graphics, nuclear energy research and weapon simulation, and petroleum exploration.

  25. Classification of Computers According to Size 2Main Frame Computers: Expensive Quickest Speedy Used in large Companies

  26. Classification of Computers According to Size . 3 Mini Computers A minicomputer is a class of multi-user computers that lies in the middle range of the computing spectrum, in between the largest multi-user systems (mainframe computers) and the smallest single-user systems (microcomputers or personal computers).

  27. Classification of Computers According to Size . 4 Micro Computers A microcomputer is a computer with a microprocessor as its central processing unit. They are also called “computer of a chip” because its entire circuitry is contained in one tiny chip. They are physically small compared to mainframe and minicomputers.

  28. What does a computer do? Processor Control Unit/Arithmetic Logic Unit • Input • Process • Output • Storage Input Devices Output Devices Memory Storage Devices Information Processing Cycle

  29. Input Devices • Any hardware component that allows you to enter data, programs, commands, and user responses into a computer • Input Device Examples • Keyboard • Mouse • Mic • Scanner • Joystick

  30. Output Devices • Output devices make the information resulting from processing available for use • Output Device Examples • Printers • Impact • Nonimpact • Display Devices • CRT • LCD • Speakers

  31. Backing Storage Backing storage devices are where you can store data permanently. This means that data is held when the computer is switched off and can be loaded onto a computer system when required. These devices are also known as secondary storage devices or auxiliary devices.

  32. Secondary Storage Devices • Removable • Floppy disk, or diskette • Compact Disc CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM • DVDs – DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-RAM • Zip disk • Flash disk/USB drive • Tape • Non-Removable • Hard disk

  33. Types of Computer Softwares SOFTWARE: - The software is the planned, step-by-step set of electronic instructions required to turn data into information that makes a computer useful. As stated software, or program, consists of the instructions that tell the computer how to perform a task. It is fall into two categories: - • System software. • Application software.

  34. Types of Computer Softwares 1.System Software: - System software enables the application software to interact with the computer and helps the computer manage its internal and external resources. System software is required to run application software. Buyers of new computers will find the system software has already been installed by the manufacture. There are two basic types of system software such as: - Operating system. (e.g. Windows, DOS, etc) Utility programs: (e.g. Antivirus, file compression,etc)

  35. Types of Computer Softwares 2. Application Software: Application software, also known as an application, is computer software designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple related specific tasks. Examples include accounting software, office suites, graphics software, and media players.

  36. Application Software • Word Processing • Spreadsheet • Presentation Graphics • Database • Contact Management

  37. Computers, file size, units of measurement The basic unit used in computer data storage is called a bit (binary digit). Computers use these little bits, which are composed of ones and zeros, to do things and talk to other computers. All your files, for instance, are kept in the computer as binary files and translated into words and pictures by the software (which is also ones and zeros).

  38. UNITS OF MEMORY • 8Bit = 1Byte • 1024 Byte = 1 KiloByte • 1024 KiloByte = 1 Mega Byte • 1024 MegaByte = 1 GigaByte • 1024 Giga Byte = 1 Tera Byte • 1024 Tera Byte = 1 Pica Byte • 1024 Pica Byte = 1 Nano Byte

  39. 1946-1959 EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS First Generation of Computers • Vacuum tubes Page 24

  40. 1946-1959 1957-1963 EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS Second Generation of Computers • Vacuum tubes • Transistors Page 24

  41. 1946-1959 1957-1963 1964-1979 EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS Third Generation of Computers • Vacuum tubes • Transistors • Integrated circuits Page 25

  42. 1946-1959 1957-1963 1964-1979 1980 - present EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS Fourth Generation of Computers • Vacuum tubes • Transistors • Integrated circuits • VLSI (very-large-scale integrated) circuits

  43. 1946-1959 1957-1963 1964-1979 1980 - present EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS The Development of Microcomputers Apple IBM PC 1981 Page 26

  44. Before the 1500s, in Europe, calculations were made with an abacus • Invented around 500BC, available in many cultures (China, Mesopotamia, Japan, Greece, Rome, etc.) • In 1642, Blaise Pascal (French mathematician, physicist, philosopher) invented a mechanical calculator called the Pascaline • In 1671, Gottfried von Leibniz (German mathematician, philosopher) extended the Pascaline to do multiplications, divisions, square roots: the Stepped Reckoner • None of these machines had memory, and they required human intervention at each step

  45. In 1822 Charles Babbage (English mathematician, philosopher), sometimes called the “father of computing” built the Difference Engine • Machine designed to automate the computation (tabulation) of polynomial functions (which are known to be good approximations of many useful functions) • Based on the “method of finite difference” • Implements some storage • In 1833 Babbage designed the Analytical Engine, but he died before he could build it • It was built after his death, powered by steam

  46. Computer Data Main Memory CPU Bus Control Von Neumann Architecture • Principles • Data and instructions are both stored in the main memory(stored program concept) • The content of the memory is addressable by location (without regard to what is stored in that location) • Instructions are executed sequentially unless the order is explicitly modified • The basic architecture of the computer consists of:

  47. Computer System Output Device Bus Bus Input Device Computer Data Bus Main Memory CPU Secondary Storage Device Control von Neumann Architecture • A more complete view of the computer system architecture that integrates interaction (human or otherwise) consists of: Five Main Components: 1. CPU 2. Main Memory (RAM) 3. I/O Devices 4. Mass Storage 5. Interconnection network (Bus)

  48. Another view of a digital computer

  49. The Instruction Cycle • The Instruction Cycle • Basic • Intermediate • Exceptions

  50. Start Fetch Instruction Execute Instruction The Instruction Cycle - Basic View • Once the computer has been started (bootstrapped) it continually executes instructions (until the computer is stopped) • Different instructions take different amounts of time to execute (typically) • All instructions and data are contained in main memory

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