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Ronald Reagan & the Modern Conservative Movement

Ronald Reagan & the Modern Conservative Movement. Background. Born in Illinois in 1911 Former actor Former Liberal Switched to the Conservative party after HUAC in the late 50’s Gained notoriety in his support of Barry Goldwater in 1964

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Ronald Reagan & the Modern Conservative Movement

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  1. Ronald Reagan & the Modern Conservative Movement

  2. Background • Born in Illinois in 1911 • Former actor • Former Liberal • Switched to the Conservative party after HUAC in the late 50’s • Gained notoriety in his support of Barry Goldwater in 1964 • “The Speech” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpH5L8zCtSk

  3. Election of 1980 • Reagan vs. Carter • Reagan wins in a landslide • People were unhappy with Carter’s term • Inability to handle major challenges • Reagan’s ability to convey ideas • “Great Communicator” vs.

  4. New Right & the Conservative Revolution • Moral Majority and the Evangelical Christian Movement • Religious groups that wanted to restore Christian values to America • Heritage Foundation • Conservative think-tank that was created in the late 70’s but gained popularity during the Reagan years. • NRA • National Rifle Association • Greatly expanded membership and political lobby for 2nd Amendment rights in the 1980’s • All these conservative groups were concerned about government spending, welfare costs, and expansion of welfare benefits – All legacies of the Great Society and New Deal policies put in place in the 20th century

  5. Assassination Attempt • Reagan is shot in the lung by John Hinckley Jr • He wanted to impress actress Jodie Foster • Joked with doctors before surgery • “I hope you’re all Republicans” • Greatly boosted Reagan’s approval ratings because of the way he handled the situation and his speedy recovery

  6. Reaganomics • Supply-Side Economics • “Trickle-Down” Economics • Involves wide ranging tax cuts • Especially to the rich and businesses • Lower taxes means more money in people/businesses pockets • That money will be re-invested into companies to expand them • Promotes: • 1. New Jobs • 2. Capital investment • 3. Industrial Growth • Despite tax cuts, the theory is that government revenue will increase due to an expanded tax base • Laffer curve

  7. Economic Theories • Supply Side Economics (generally favored by conservatives): • Tax breaks to the wealthy capital accumulation higher productivity lower prices job creation higher tax revenues collected by the government money to reduce federal budget deficits. • Demand Side or Keynesian Economics (generally favored by liberals): • tax breaks to working/middle classes higher productivity job creation higher tax revenues collected by the government money to reduce federal budget deficits.

  8. Reaganomics • Deregulation of Industries • Contributed to lower government spending and more money for businesses • Limited the supply of the dollar • Raises the value due to limited supply • Combats inflation • Reaganomics overview • 1.Tax Cuts • 2. Deregulation of industry • 3. Limited supply of the dollar

  9. “Peace Through Strength” • Greatly increased military budgets every year • Intended to make the Soviets afraid of war with America • Helped lead to the downfall of the Soviet Union by out spending them • SDI – Space Defense Initiative • “Star Wars” • Space-based missile defense system designed to destroy Soviet missiles in orbit • Was never built but greatly concerned the Soviets • New technology and weapon systems

  10. Regan’s Domestic Policies • Reaganomics coupled with increased military budgets lead to budget deficits and greatly increase the national debt. • Deficit spending – spending more money than you take in • National Debt • $909 Billion in 1980 $3.2 Trillion in 1990 • Other domestic issues • Sandra Day O’Connor named to Supreme Court bench • 1st woman to serve • Challenger disaster • Space shuttle exploded after take-off in 1986 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa7icmqgsow

  11. Foreign Policy • Hostages in Iran freed the day Reagan took office • Hardline stance against Communism and the “Evil Empire” of the Soviet Union • Reagan as a “Cold Warrior” • Lebanon • Sent marines as a peace-keeping force • Barracks was bombed in a suicide terror attack killing over 200 Americans • Libya • Bombed military targets in response to the bombing of a West German nightclub • Grenada • Invaded after military coup to keep Communism at bay • El Salvador • Opposed Communist forces in Civil War

  12. Foreign Policy • Nicaragua • Supported the Contras fighting the Sandinistas (Communists) • Iran-Contra Affair • Scandal in which the US was selling weapons to Iran illegally and then using those profits to illegally fund the Contras in Nicaragua • Oliver North took responsibility • Soviet Union • Their economy was struggling to keep up with our military spending • Gorbachev starts to reform the country politically and economically • Perestroika and Glasnost • Beginning of the end of the Soviet Union • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjWDrTXMgF8 • Signs the INF treaty with the Soviets • Eliminated intermediate ranged nuclear weapons • Attempt by Soviets to curb the costly arms race

  13. George h.w. bush

  14. Election of 1988 • George H.W. Bush (Rep) vs. Michael Dukakis (Dem) • Very negative campaign lead to a low voter turnout • Bush wins 54%-46% but the Democrats win the majority in Congress

  15. Domestic Policies • Large budget deficit and growing national debt • Bush won the election by promising, “Read my lips: No new taxes.” • But, the growing debt caused him to cut spending and raise taxes • This caused many of his supporters to turn against him

  16. Foreign Policy • End of the Cold War • Soviet Union collapses in 1991 and forms the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) • Berlin Wall comes down in 1989

  17. Foreign Policy • Tiananmen Square • Protests in China favoring more Democratic principles were brutally put down by the government with the help of the military • International community condemns the government’s actions

  18. Foreign Policy • Crisis in Somalia • Warlords in Somalia were preventing the distribution of humanitarian aid to the starving civilians • Bush sent in 28,000 troops to “Do God’s Work” • Ended up being a 15 month operation until it was abruptly called off by Bill Clinton • “Blackhawk Down”

  19. Foreign Policy • The Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm) • Iraqi forces led by Sadaam Hussein invade Kuwait in August of 1990 • International community condemned the invasion • George H.W. Bush begins to create an international coalition of forces to force Iraq to leave Kuwait and ensure the flow of Mid-East oil to the US • In the end, 34 nations join the US led coalition • War starts in Jan of 1991 with an aerial bombardment of Iraqi forces and installations • Iraq tried to break up the coalition by attacking Israel with Scud missiles • Wanted to get Israel to join the war which would cause many Mid-East countries to withdrawal their support of the coalition • Feb 24 ground operations begin, forcing Iraq to withdrawal from Kuwait • Decisive coalition victory • Cease-fire officially signed in April of 1991

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