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SIM National Social Media Survey Results

SIM National Social Media Survey Results. September 10, 2010. Table of Contents. Table of Contents Overview Responses and Takeaways Takeaway and Suggestion Summary Recommendations and Sample Implementation (straw-man). OVerview. Survey sent to 3,253 members on July 6, 2010

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SIM National Social Media Survey Results

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  1. SIM National Social Media Survey Results September 10, 2010

  2. Table of Contents • Table of Contents • Overview • Responses and Takeaways • Takeaway and Suggestion Summary • Recommendations and Sample Implementation (straw-man)

  3. OVerview

  4. Survey sent to 3,253 members on July 6, 2010 • 475 responses from chapters including:

  5. Responses and Takeaways

  6. How often do you use social networks for professional purposes? • OBSERVATIONS • Almost all SIM members are currently using Social Networking sites. • Half of the users are regular users (Daily or Weekly use). • TAKEAWAYS • A meaningful number of SIM members could benefit from SIM leveraging social networks. • There are also a meaningful number of SIM members who are still better served using traditional communication methods (unless they are willing to change their behavior)

  7. What Social Media platform do you prefer for Professional Networking? • OBSERVATIONS • SIM members overwhelmingly prefer LinkedIn for professional networking • Some members also use Facebook and Twitter. • TAKEAWAYS • LinkedIn should be our initial focus for leveraging social networks for SIM. • Facebook and Twitter should also be explored as increased adoption is likely.

  8. What Social Media platform do you prefer for Professional Networking? (Open Response) • VERBATIMS • I am set up on LinkedIn, but only use it to accept invitations...I am way behind the times when it comes to this and Facebook • I have also found Ning very useful for creating high signal-to-noise, full featured, professionally oriented, social networks. • I would never use Facebook or Twitter for Professional Networking. I would consider LinkedIn or a restricted service.

  9. What is your primary reason or motivation for using social media? • OBSERVATIONS • The majority of SIM members use social media for networking • A non-trivial additional percentage use it for a variety of other reasons. • TAKEAWAYS • Facilitating networking among SIM members is the highest-impact current opportunity. • Other benefits should also be considered as approx 30% of SIM members are also using social media for other reasons.

  10. What is your primary reason or motivation for using social media? (Open Response) • VERBATIMS • All of the above in addition to driving business leads, hires, and company revenue. • Trying to figure out why everyone is doing it. • An even balance of Job Search (personal) and Networking to enhance opportunities for my employer (corporate use)

  11. What do you find is the most significant barrier to using social media technologies? • OBSERVATIONS • Privacy, Time Consumed, and overall Limited Value are the primary reasons SIM members are not more aggressive in adopting social media. • TAKEAWAYS • SIM social media strategy should be clear on specific value provided. • SIM social media strategy should be conservative in securing information identifiable to a particular SIM member. • “Push” technology should be investigated to minimize time spent by members to realize value provided.

  12. What do you find is the most significant barrier to using social media technologies? (Open Response) • VERBATIMS • Too many soc. media sites and not enough time or payback to use more than a handful of them. • The value of social media technologies is still a question. Many are using it as a bully pulpit or for job searches • I watch what I say and do because of abuse (e.g. vendors, recruiters, etc) by others and access restrictions at work - leading to time deficit • Beyond privacy concerns, some social media venues can get a little spammy, particularly some discussion groups. • Poor understanding by the "over the 40 crowd" on the value and concept of social networking

  13. Most SIM Chapters operate their own LinkedIn Group exclusively for their Chapter members. Would you like to see these groups expanded or integrated in any way? • OBSERVATIONS • The majority of SIM members think that SIM could be doing a better job at leveraging LinkedIn. • Some SIM members are satisfied with what is in place today. • TAKEAWAYS • SIM social media strategy should provide a better LinkedIn capability for SIM members. Status quo is not acceptable.

  14. Most SIM Chapters operate their own LinkedIn Group exclusively for their Chapter members. Would you like to see these groups expanded or integrated in any way? • VERBATIMS • An opt in for a "no vendor zone" might promote more usage. I'd also like to be connected via more sub groups to those in my specific areas of interest/expertise. • Perhaps we can use this tool to cut down on the direct email messages related to the chapter. • I'd rather see the CIO roundtable use Linkdin rather than a Yahoo group. • The exclusive Chapter group should remain, however, there should be one for integrating the various chapters.

  15. SIM international currently has a presence on Facebook and LinkedIn. Which of these platforms would you prefer? • OBSERVATIONS • SIM members overwhelmingly prefer LinkedIn for professional networking • Some members would also prefer Facebook. • TAKEAWAYS • Primary focus for SIM social media should be the LinkedIn platform. • Facebook should also be considered as it is already in use and adoption is likely to increase.

  16. SIM international currently has a presence on Facebook and LinkedIn. Which of these platforms would you prefer? (Open Response) • VERBATIMS • Would give us more visibility to be on both. • I won't do Facebook...don't trust the "lack of security" • I'd prefer to go to one place for all interactions - business and social. "one stop shopping“ • I use Facebook for personal interactions.

  17. Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how SIM International can best leverage Social Media technology to add value to your membership? (Open Response) • VERBATIMS • A group with strong governance would give me incentive to read some of the postings. • Also use youtube to document events • See the following takeaway and suggestion summary section for detailed listing of ideas and suggestions.

  18. Ideas & Suggestions • Use social media in conjunction with live events to promote connections • Stronger content curation to help members quickly skim content • Video from events covered on YouTube • Featured technology discussions or special interest sub-groups • Let SIM members network for business opportunities • Set up fan pages on Facebook to attract next generation members • “Ask the Expert” feature • A real person behind communication, not an automated newsfeed • Publish blogs of notable members or industry members as eBook format • Greater integration with international chapters • Have a presence set up along all RLF sessions on LinkedIn or Facebook • Host a directory of members based on location, searchable based on company or other demographic information • Include a history of RLF graduates and sessions for reconnect purposes • Look at how IIBA (International Institute for Business Analysts) uses video, collaboration to engage members • Provide an area to post leadership opportunities • Virtual meeting / presentation events • June Drewry's Blog idea • Integrate with LinkedIn travel tools

  19. Does your employer encourage certain employees to use Social Media for marketing, lobbying, or other purposes? • OBSERVATIONS • Only half of SIM member companies encourage employees to use social media for business purposes • TAKEAWAYS • A significant number of SIM members ARE and ARE NOT on social media platforms as part of their daily jobs.

  20. Does your employer encourage certain employees to use Social Media for marketing, lobbying, or other purposes? (Open Response) • VERBATIMS • We are just figuring out how to make the most of it • We use for marketing purposes • Finding and recruiting talent • Must have business case and governance approval • Customer acquisition

  21. Does your employer have a Social Media policy that blocks Internet access to certain Social Media sites? • OBSERVATIONS • Approx 37% of SIM member companies block social media platforms. • Approx 45% do not block social media platforms. • Approx 12% do not have a policy but are likely to in the future. This will increase the number of SIM member companies that block social media. • TAKEAWAYS • If we are to communicate with SIM members during working hours, both traditional and social media strategies will need be implemented.

  22. Does your employer have a Social Media policy that blocks Internet access to certain Social Media sites? • VERBATIMS • All social media sites, with rare exceptions for marketing and HR. • All but LinkedIn • Only 15mins per day allowed on FB, Twitter and Linked in. • We are in the process of developing one and looking for ideas from others • Note - I think my company WILL have a social media policy within the next year • All social media sites are blocked for most of the day other than lunch time. Only few are authorized for full day access for business reasons.


  24. Takeaway Summary • A meaningful number of SIM members could benefit from SIM leveraging social networks. • There are also a meaningful number of SIM members who are still better served using traditional communication methods (unless they are willing to change their behavior) • LinkedIn should be our initial focus for leveraging social networks for SIM. • Facebook and Twitter should also be explored as increased adoption is likely. • Facilitating networking among SIM members is the highest-impact current opportunity. • Other benefits should also be considered as approx 30% of SIM members are also using social media for other reasons. • SIM social media strategy should be clear on specific value provided. • SIM social media strategy should be conservative in securing information identifiable to a particular SIM member.

  25. Takeaway Summary (continued) • “Push” technology should be investigated to minimize time spent by members to realize value provided. • SIM social media strategy should provide a better LinkedIn capability for SIM members. Status quo is not acceptable. • Primary focus for SIM social media should be the LinkedIn platform. • Facebook should also be considered as it is already in use and adoption is likely to increase. • A significant number of SIM members ARE and ARE NOT on social media platforms as part of their daily jobs. • If we are to communicate with SIM members during working hours, both traditional and social media strategies will need be implemented.

  26. Verbatim Summary • I am set up on LinkedIn, but only use it to accept invitations...I am way behind the times when it comes to this and Facebook • I have also found Ning very useful for creating high signal-to-noise, full featured, professionally oriented, social networks. • I would never use Facebook or Twitter for Professional Networking. I would consider LinkedIn or a restricted service. • All of the above in addition to driving business leads, hires, and company revenue. • Trying to figure out why everyone is doing it. • An even balance of Job Search (personal) and Networking to enhance opportunities for my employer (corporate use) • Too many soc. media sites and not enough time or payback to use more than a handful of them. • The value of social media technologies is still a question. Many are using it as a bully pulpit or for job searches • I watch what I say and do because of abuse (e.g. vendors, recruiters, etc) by others and access restrictions at work - leading to time deficit • Beyond privacy concerns, some social media venues can get a little spammy, particularly some discussion groups.

  27. Verbatim Summary (continued) • Poor understanding by the "over the 40 crowd" on the value and concept of social networking • An opt in for a "no vendor zone" might promote more usage. I'd also like to be connected via more sub groups to those in my specific areas of interest/expertise. • Perhaps we can use this tool to cut down on the direct email messages related to the chapter. • I'd rather see the CIO roundtable use Linkdin rather than a Yahoo group. • The exclusive Chapter group should remain, however, there should be one for integrating the various chapters. • Would give us more visibility to be on both. • I won't do Facebook...don't trust the "lack of security" • I'd prefer to go to one place for all interactions - business and social. "one stop shopping“ • I use Facebook for personal interactions. • A group with strong governance would give me incentive to read some of the postings. • Also use youtube to document events

  28. Verbatim Summary (continued) • We are just figuring out how to make the most of it • We use for marketing purposes • Finding and recruiting talent • Must have business case and governance approval • Customer acquisition • All social media sites (are blocked), with rare exceptions for marketing and HR. • All but LinkedIn (are blocked) • Only 15mins per day allowed on FB, Twitter and Linked in. • We are in the process of developing one and looking for ideas from others • Note - I think my company WILL have a social media policy within the next year • All social media sites are blocked for most of the day other than lunch time. Only few are authorized for full day access for business reasons.

  29. Ideas & Suggestions • Use social media in conjunction with live events to promote connections • Stronger content curation to help members quickly skim content • Video from events covered on YouTube • Featured technology discussions or special interest sub-groups • Let SIM members network for business opportunities • Set up fan pages on Facebook to attract next generation members • “Ask the Expert” feature • A real person behind communication, not an automated newsfeed • Publish blogs of notable members or industry members as eBook format • Greater integration with international chapters • Have a presence set up along all RLF sessions on LinkedIn or Facebook • Host a directory of members based on location, searchable based on company or other demographic information • Include a history of RLF graduates and sessions for reconnect purposes • Look at how IIBA (International Institute for Business Analysts) uses video, collaboration to engage members • Provide an area to post leadership opportunities • Virtual meeting / presentation events • June Drewry's Blog idea • Integrate with LinkedIn travel tools


  31. Recommendations • Document a value-proposition statement to clarify Social Media goals. • Should be integrated with existing Marketing goals. • Should supplement existing Marketing goals. • Does not replace existing non-Social Media activity such as newsletters, e-mail blasts, etc… • Create multi-tier implementation approach starting with LinkedIn and Facebook to support the value proposition • Let’s go where the users already are, and let’s not re-invent the wheel. • Most users are already on one of these two platforms. • Both platforms offer some types of security. • Both platforms offer push of information to users. • Both platforms offer strong networking capability. • Begin exploring Twitter and BLOGs for early adopters from SIM membership. • Create “playbook” for use by Local SIM Chapters in implementing Social Media Strategies that align and benefit from SIM National activities. • Be clear at all times about how security of information/membership will be maintained.

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