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BYTiamiyu Mubarak Damilare (OCPJP, OCPDBA)Mobile Software Solutions Limited AT 3RD Annual ISPON National Software Conference and Competition Tinapa Knowledge City, Tinapa, CalabaronWednesday 23rd October, 2013. mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
OUTLINE • Introduction • Definitions • How Sharp is your MIND • The Role of Software Human Capital • Youths: The Fuel We Need • Our Concerns • The Panacea • Conclusion • Dedication mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
DEFINITIONS What is Broadband? The term broadband refers to the wide bandwidth characteristics of a transmission medium and its ability to transport multiple signals and traffic types simultaneously(Wikipedia). Over the years, it has been known as an ACCESS to “always on” and “fast Internet service”. What is Software Human Capital? Software Human capital is the stock of competencies, knowledge, social and personality attributes, including creativity, embodied in the ability to perform labour so as to produce economic value from the software industry. mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
The benefits of broadband are profound – in opening up young minds to new horizons through educational technologies, in empowering women to expand their opportunities through genuine choices, in improving awareness of hygiene and healthcare and in helping family breadwinners find work, a better salary or return on their goods Through broadband, the provision of public services is transformed to make them global public goods for the global good. Greater access to the Internet and broadband applications and services help accelerate achievement of internationally-agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). -- The Broadband Commission (a joint initiative of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
How sharp is your MIND? mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
SHUFFLING THE CARDS The world's yearly usage of data-transfer has more than doubled between the year 2010 and 2012 Africa has an Internet penetration of 13.5% which is far below the world average of 32.7%. Nigeria, being the largest black nation in the whole world and one of the largest economies in Africa, is obviously the next target of 21st century leading ICT companies in order to push up Africa’s overall index. There are over 6,630,200 Facebook users from Nigeria, which makes us the 32nd on the Facebook user ranking at the end of 2012. …..…..That’s big business!! mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
What I mean is this!!! mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
The Role of Software Human Capital • Human capacity building remains the core of sustainable national development of any country. • A resounding point to note is that all softwares are the products of research and collaboration of the Peopleware. • The Peopleware drives the performance of Hardware, Software, Firmware and Everyware. • The development, maintenance and upgrade of any SMART SOCIETY cannot be achieved without a dedicated effort towards building the Software Human Capital. • Countries like South Korea, India, Switzerland and Singapore have displayed great mastery of this strategy and therefore they have been able to make immense technological progress with little or no natural resources. mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
Youth: The Fuel We Need Youth normally refers to a time of life when someone is neither childhood nor adulthood, but in-between. A youth is any member of society who is between the ages of 15 and 34 years Having understood the major role of Software Human Capital, it is important to involve the Youth as they constitute about 70% of the active workforce. I am proud to be ONE of them. No substantial results can be achieved without a monitored positive engagement of the youth. No doubt, the YOUTHFUL SOFTWARE HUMAN CAPITAL is the future of our SOFTWARE INDUSTRY and the FUEL for the emergence of a SMART SOCIETY. mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A YOUTH? THIS FOLLOWING PICTURE CAN TELL YOU THAT!! mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
“Youths” playing a game. mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
Our Concerns Poor Educational Curriculum Too Late Exposure to ICT Lack of enough Broadband infrastructure Inadequate Knowledge Hubs Poor funding and follow-up of indigenous software start-ups Lack of proper implementation of ICT policy Corrupt Leadership & Misplaced Priorities Attitudinal Infection mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
The Panacea • Restructuring the national university Curriculum • Early Exposure to ICT • Deregulation / Public Outsourcing • Ownership • Rural Connectivity • Regulations • Digitizing the Workforce(public sector) • Attitudinal Rebirth: • Knowledge and Resource Sharing is key mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
CONCLUSION • I am challenging myself and all of the participants of this noble conference to move a step ahead. • Let’s do more than just discussions • Let’s develop the Software Human Capital at least by starting the revolution from our various homes. • Failure to develop our software human capital is tantamount to “exporting jobs” to foreign developers when the projections meet us in the face. REMEMBER! • A “Smart Society” is a piece of land mass driven by “smart-minded”people. mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482
DEDICATED TO THE LOST SOULS OF THE University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT) Students (ALUU 4) mubaraktiamiyu071564@gmail.com +2348126362482