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GCSE or Equivalent Options: Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

Help your Year 10 student make the right choices for their future with our guidance on GCSE level study options. Information is key in making these important decisions.

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GCSE or Equivalent Options: Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

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  1. GCSE or Equivalent Options Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! An important time for our Year 10 students

  2. The Process It is our role to help you, to help your son or daughter, to make the right choices for them and their future Information is the most important factor in making choices for GCSE Level study Students have seen a presentation from DEL

  3. Options Process Introduction to options 15th January 2019 (students) Options Fair 16th January 2019 Options focus lessons W/B 14th January 2019 New subject lessons W/B 21st January 2019 Parent Teacher meeting 31st January (10am-12noon) Parent Option talk 31st January (12 noon) One to one option Interviews –7th & 8th Feb 2019 (option forms filled in) Option forms due in - Friday 15th February 2019

  4. GCSE Level Curriculum All students study: Core Subjects - not optional • GCSE English or Essential Skills Communication • GCSE Maths or Essential Skills Numeracy • GCSE RE or OCN RE • LLW (PD) – non exam • Games – non exam • Careers – non exam Optional Subjects – choice of 5 or 4 subjects

  5. GCSE Curriculum As well as previous core subjects - some students will study: Subjects – not optional • GCSE English Literature (Classes 1 to 3) • GCSE Further Maths (exam to determine this) • GCSE Statistics (as an additional GCSE, class 2) • OCN Personal Success and Well being & Prince’s Trust (3 GCSE Equivalent) Optional Subjects Students then choose a further 5 or 4 optional subjects depending on pathway

  6. GCSE Curriculum Recommended Pathways = Successful Outcomes Students strengths, skills & talents assessed Data from Year 8 to Year 10 analysed Optimum pathway subjects selected and recommended to all students Golden Outcome 5 to 10+ GCSEs or Equivalents at Grades A* - C or Distinction* - Pass

  7. GCSE Curriculum Pathways for students: Pathway L – mostly assessed through exams may take some equivalents Pathway C – assessed by both exams/ controlled/ongoing assessment & portfolio of evidence Pathway B – mostly assessed through on- going assessment/portfolio of evidence with very few exams

  8. Equivalent Courses • BTEC qualifications • Practical in nature • Career specific for most • Assessed mainly by a portfolio of work – 1 exam only for most courses • Give a pathway back to Lagan for 6th Form or to FE College i.e. Public Services • Proven qualifications – have been offered for over 30 years. • 1 in 4 UK students enter university having studied a BTEC/CTEC qualification

  9. Equivalent Courses • OCN qualifications • Practical in nature • Running for 3 years in Lagan • All assessment is portfolio based – no exams • Delivered across many schools in NI • Recognised by and give a pathway to Further Education Colleges and Training Organisations • Equivalent to a Grade A to C at Level 2

  10. Occupational Studies • Running at GCSE level for 5 years in Lagan • GCSE equivalent – if passed are equivalent to GCSE Grades A* - C • Very practical in nature • Career specific for most • Assessed by a portfolio of work – No exams • Do not give a pathway back to Lagan for 6th Form but are suitable for those hoping to go to Further Education Colleges or Training Organisations • Categorised in employment areas ie. Business and Services

  11. New Courses Grading for GCSE & Equivalent Courses GCSE GCSE Equivalent CCEA English Exam Boards courses A* 9 D* 8 A 7 D B 6 M C* 5 P C 4 P

  12. New Courses • Students can mix and match GCSE qualifications, BTEC qualifications, OCN qualifications and Occupational Studies • We are recommending the subjects/courses for students based on their potential and chances of success at the end of Year 12 • Our students are in a competitive market

  13. How to Choose! I want to be……

  14. Future Job Opportunities • Employment sectors due to grow in the next 5-10 years with a current shortage of skills: • Agri Food Sector • Business & Financial Services • Hospitality • ICT/Computing • Manufacturing & Engineering • Renewable Energies & Recycling • Health & Life Sciences • Creative & Digital Media

  15. Choosing Options • Subjects which give the best chance of attaining 5 to 10 grades of A* - C or Distinction*- Pass • Subjects that appeal to student’s likes • Subjects that suit skills, abilities and talents • Subjects that keep options open at 6th Form and beyond • Subjects with assessment that suit the student and gives the best opportunity for success • Seek advice and information

  16. Choosing Options: • Read through the option booklet carefully • Talk to the subject teachers and find out as much as possible about the subject at GCSE level • Attend the one to one careers interview

  17. Choosing Subjects: What we advise the students to do: • Talk to your parents and get their advice • Talk to Mrs Bingham or your Careers teacher • Think about what you want to do in the future • Talk to students who currently do the subject and who want to do well

  18. Choosing Subjects: Questions to ask teachers: • How much reading is involved? • How much writing is involved? • Will I have to complete controlled assessment? • What percentage of marks is there for controlled assessment? • Is there an oral test? • Will I have to do independent research? • What practical skills are involved? • How much laboratory or fieldwork is involved? • Could I get a C/Pass or above in this subject?

  19. What you should NOT DO when choosing your options • Choose a subject because you do or don’t like a teacher – you don’t know whose class you will be in at GCSE level • Make a decision based on what your friends are choosing – you may not be in their class – there is usually more than 1 class per subject • Choose a subject because you think it is easy – no subject is easy at GCSE level

  20. Why making the right decision is important • Students will be studying the subject for 2 years • It is important that they do well in all their GCSE Level subjects • Once started in Year 11 it is almost impossible to change option choices

  21. Options Form • On the option form, pick 5 or 4 subjects • Rank them in preference order 1 to 5 or 1 to 4 • 1 – the subject the student most wants to do • 2 – the 2nd most preferred subject wanted and so on • Pick a reserve option (R) – this is a subject your son or daughter will do if it is not possible to get all choices ranked 1 to 5 or 1 to 4

  22. Allocated Subjects Why a student may not get to study a subject they select: • Not viable to run • Timetable clash • Computerised system to place students – purely based on best fit

  23. Contacts: Miss Atkinson – Vice Principal Teaching and Learning Mr Montgomery – Senior Curriculum Team Mr McGuigan – Senior Curriculum Team Mrs Bingham - Head of Careers Mrs Walters – Senior Curriculum Team – Head of Additional Educational Needs Mrs Carlisle – Head of Senior School Mrs Grant – Head of Junior School Dr McConnell & Mr Mathison – Heads of Year

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