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Diversity Project. Erin Lemaster Nick Books Kevin Keen Jeff Greulich. Table Of Contents. General Resources Age Beliefs Class Exceptionalities Disabilities Gender Language Race Sexual Orientation. Diversity. Grade – 9 th The various types of diversity. General Diversity Websites.
Diversity Project Erin Lemaster Nick Books Kevin Keen Jeff Greulich
Table Of Contents • General • Resources • Age • Beliefs • Class • Exceptionalities • Disabilities • Gender • Language • Race • Sexual Orientation
Diversity • Grade – 9th • The various types of diversity
General Diversity Websites • -Programs for Educationl Oppurtunityhttp://www.umich.edu/~eqtynet/ to help school districts make sure that all students have the oppurtunity to succeed. • -Center for Education Reformhttp://edreform.com/ information on the education reform movement, and attempts to help all children learn.
General Websites Cont. • -Cultural Diversity at Rainbow Boulevardhttp://www.kumc.edu/SAH/culture.html resources to help students, and teachers educating for affirmative action diversity project. • -Afffirmative Action and Diversity Pagehttp://aad.english.ucsb.edu/ presents opinions over the topic of affirmative action • -Workplace Diversity Networkhttp://www.ilr.cornell.edu/depts/wdn/AboutWDN.html diversity activities
General Activities • -Internet: take students to the computer lab and have them explore diversity WebPages. • -Group discussion: put students into groups and have them discuss the current situation of discrimination in the U.S. • -Current Events: Have students search magazines and newspapers for current events on diversity in the U.S.
General Activities Cont. • -Collage: have students get into groups and make a collage that shows four different diversity groups. Present the collage to the class explaining each group they picked. • -Group project: put students into group and assign a diversity topic. Have students research the topic and report on what they find
Recourses Websites • -Promoting Recognition of Diversity http://prod.netfirms.com/index.htm website promoting diversity in educational institutions. • -Teaching Tolerancehttp://splcenter.org/teachingtolerance/tt-index.html helps teachers foster respect and understanding in the classroom.
Resources Websites Cont. • -Diversity Training University Internationalhttp://www.diversityuintl.com/ tips on how to make a living on diversity training. • -Learn In Freedomhttp://learninfreedom.org/ this site is about taking responsibility for your own learning. • -Teaching Tolerancehttp://www.splcenter.org/teachingtolerance/tt-index.html website gives teachers tolerance related activities for the classroom.
Resource Activities • -Discussion: either put students into groups or have a class discussion about how student's lives would be different if they were born a different race/ethnicity/gender. • -Field Trip: take students to a homeless shelter, so they can interact with people of different age/race/gender/economic background.
Resource Activities Cont. • -Internet: put students in groups in the computer lab and give have them look for websites about diversity groups. The groups will then report on what they found. • -Group Project: divide class into groups and assign different diversity groups. The students will find as much information on their diversity group, and they will present the information to the class. • -play Bafa Bafa
Age Websites • -types of age discriminationhttp://website.lineone.net/~caade/dtypes.htm gives a list of different types of age discrimination. • -AARPhttp://www.aarp.org/ official site of the American Association of Retired Persons gives information to people over fifty.
Age Websites Cont. • -60 Plus Associationhttp://www.60plus.org/ National association providing information for people over sixty. • -Age Discrimination in the Workplacehttp://clem.mscd.edu/~steinhas/ Website designed to inform people age discrimination in the workplace and how to prevent it. • -Administration on Aginghttp://www.aoa.dhhs.gov/ services and information for older people
Age Activities • -Field Trip: take the students on a field trip to a retirement home, so they can interact with elderly people. • -Case Study: give students two case studies on age discrimination and have them get into groups and discuss the case studies. • -Internet: take students to the computer lab and have them serach the web to find five websites for elderly people.
Age Activities Cont. • -Internet: take students to computer lab and search the web for court cases about age discrimination. • -Essay: have students write an essay about a time when they felt they were discriminated against because of their age
Belief Systems/Religion Websites Amish http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/amish.htmlNative American Spirituality http://www.religioustolerance.org/nataspir.htm
Beliefs/Religions Websites Cont. Religion-Online" http://religion-online.org/ The Baha'i World http://www.bahai.org/ The Hindu Universe" http://www.hindunet.org/
Belief/Religion Activies • 1. One page response - What happened at Waco, Texas (Branch Davidians)? Who/what/when/where/why? • 2.Journal Entry- write a journal entry about your religion, a friend's religion, and/or religion in general. • 3.Find a non-western religion on the internet that fascinates you and write a one page summary of that religion.
Belief/Religion Activities Cont. • 4.Research and write a two page paper on Muslims and the Arab world. • 5. Write a one page report on American society views on religion.
Class Websites • Class http://www.spc.uchicago.edu/SocialClass/ • -'The Cyber Herald' http://www2.ari.net/home/poverty/news.html • -'The U.S. Census Bureau' http://www.census.gov/
Class Websites Cont. • 'National Coalition for the Homeless' http://www.nationalhomeless.org/ • -'Internationalist Socialist Organization' http://www.internationalsocialist.org/
Class Activities • 1. One page response on your view of welfare.2. Read and respond to "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx.3.Report on Federal and State government welfare systems and laws.4. In groups- discuss tyhe positive and negative aspects of the social class system in the U.S..5. Find a newspaper article on a general topic concerning a class issue.
Exceptionalities Websites • 'National Association for Gifted Children' http://www.nagc.org/- 'Helping Your Highly Gifted Child' http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content/help.gift.html- 'The Arc' http://www.thearc.org/- 'Special Ed/Idea' http://www.protectionandadvocacy.com/idea2.htm- 'ADDitude' http://www.additudemag.com
Exceptionalities Activities • 1. In class- watch What's Eating Gilbert Grape and take a quiz over the movie.2 Research and respond with one page about ADHD3. Take notes about the rights of students with disabilities.4. Quiz over the laws that protect and give equal rights to people with disabilities.5. Class Discussion- Topic: Special Education and Inclusive classroom
Disabilities Websites • Learning Disabilities • LD OnLine is the leading Web Site on learning disabilities. • Children with Disabilities • Children with Disabilities provide hundreds of links and resources for families covering a broad array of physical and emotional disabilities.
Disabilities Websites Cont. • ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education • ERIC gives a guide for the rights of people with disabilities and the laws that apply to them. • AAPD - American Association Of People With Disabilities • AAPD is dedicated to ensuring economic self-sufficiency and political empowerment for Americans with disabilities. • Learning Disabilities Association of America • LDAA gives links and other resources pertaining to learning disabilities. • Activities
Disabilities Activities • Have students research a disability and do a presentation on it. • Have students use a wheelchair for a period of time in order for them to see the world from a different perspective. • Have a special education teacher come in and talk about disabilities. • Give students a worksheet that represents what a person with disabilities might see and have them try to fill it out. An example might be dyslexia. • Have students make books on tapes for disabled students.
Gender Websites • National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date RapeResources for victims of marital and date rape • Expect the Best from a Girl. That's what You'll GetExpectations and experiences of girls • Managing Diversity (2)-Sex and GenderThe United Nations concludes that women are facing global glass ceilings and that in no society do women enjoy the same opportunities as men.
Gender Websites Cont. • 4000 Years of Women in ScienceTalks about women in science over the past 4000 years • Women O~s suffrageGives a brief summary of the lives and work of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony. It also tells about their meeting at Seneca Falls.
Gender Activities • Have a speaker come and talk to the students about women’s rights. • Have the students write a paper about the role of women during World War II • Plan a field trip to the Air Force to see the “Rosy the Riveter” section. • Have a speaker come and talk about sexual harassment. • Have students research gender diversity on the internet and write a short paper.
Language Websites • American Sign Language: LinksProvides deaf cultural links, online dictionaries, and a fingerspelling guide • NABENational Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) is the only national organization exclusively concerned with the education of language-minority students in American schools
Language Websites Cont. • Chinese Language Information PageThis site is a comprehensive navigational tool pointing you to Chinese language related resources. • Hyperlexia and Language DisordersLinks and stories related to Hyperlexia and Language Disorders • Black EnglishHistory of Black English including recent legislation debates in Oakland. Related links on other language dialects and organizations that endorse Black English.
Language Activities • Have students learn the alphabet in sign language. • Have students go to a deaf culture event to experience how hard it is to communicate without words. • Have students do a version of BAFA/BAFA • Have students create their own language and try to explain what words mean what to the class without using English. • Have students do research on speech problems and write a paper on it
Race/Ethnicity Websites • Chinese Americans http://www.ocanatl.org/ African Americans http://www.aawc.com/paa.html Latino Americans http://www.freethechildren.org/cultures/html/map/latinos/mexican-american.html
Race/Ethnicity Websites Cont. • Native Americans http://www.freethechildren.org/cultures/html/map/nativi%20american/native-american.html • Asian Americans http://www.freethechildren.org/cultures/html/map/asia/asia-american.html
Race/Ethnicity Activities • Have children watch a movie on famous African Americans • Have the Students clip a newspaper article about a different racial group • Students will write a report on one famous Asian American • Students will write a journal as if they were a Latino American, who is new in an all white school • Students will go to the Ohio Historical Society and tell of all the different races they find.
Sexual Orientation Websites • Gays http://www.gay.com/intro.html • Lesbians http://www.lesbian.com/ • Bi-sexual http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/7303/
Sexual Orientation Websites Cont. • Transsexual http://indorgs.virginia.edu/uvapride/ • Aids http://www.careusa.org/newsroom/specialreports/aids/index.asp?source=gaids
Sexual Orientation Activities • Students will read a book about a child who has aids • Students will watch a video on the hazing of gay students • Students will clip newspaper articles that they can find on different sexual orientations (articles must be positive) • Students will watch a video on AIDS in Africa • Students will keep a journal on how they feel about each idea.
The End • Diversity is a huge issue in our schools today. Each child has the right to understand everything and everyone around them. Diversity must be taught, and taught well.