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10 Best Foods

10 Best Foods. According to Mayo Clinic 根據 梅約醫學中心之 10 種最佳之食物. By Dr. Dos Santos 山度士醫生 Assistant Professor – Loma Linda University School of Public Health. 10 Best Foods 10 種最佳之食物. 1. Apple 蘋果 2. Almonds 杏仁 3. Blueberries 藍莓 4. Broccoli 西蘭花 5. Red Beans 紅豆

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10 Best Foods

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  1. 10 Best Foods According to Mayo Clinic 根據梅約醫學中心之 10種最佳之食物 By Dr. Dos Santos山度士醫生 Assistant Professor – Loma Linda University School of Public Health

  2. 10 Best Foods10種最佳之食物 • 1. Apple 蘋果 • 2. Almonds 杏仁 • 3. Blueberries 藍莓 • 4. Broccoli 西蘭花 • 5. Red Beans 紅豆 • 6. (Salmon鮭魚) – Flaxseed / walnuts 亞麻籽 / 合桃 • 7. Spinach 菠菜 • 8. Sweet potatoes 蕃薯 • 9. Vegetable juices蔬菜汁 • 10. Wheat germ 小麥胚芽

  3. WHY?為什麼

  4. They meet at least 3 of the following criteria它們符合以下至少3樣的準則 • Good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients 是纖維﹑維他命﹑礦物質﹑及其他營養素之理想來源 • High in antioxidants - vit A, vit E and betacarotene 高抗氧化物 -維他命A,E及 ß-胡蘿蔔素

  5. They meet at least 3 of the following criteria它們符合以下至少3樣的準則 Lower risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases 減低心臟病﹑癌症﹑及其他疾病的風險 Low calorie density - larger portion size - few calories 低卡路里密度 - 大份量 - 低卡路里 Availability有供應

  6. 1. Apples 蘋果 • Pectine – lower cholesterol and glucose 果膠 - 減低膽固醇及血糖 • Vitamin C 維他命C • Antioxidant protects cells against cancer 抗氧化物能保護細胞預防癌症 • Protects against damage to arteries - heart disease 保護動脈免受損害 - 心臟病 • Increase iron and folate absorption 增加鐵質和葉酸的吸收

  7. 2. Almonds 杏仁 • Fiber, vitamin B 纖維﹑維他命B • Minerals 礦物質 • magnesium, iron, calcium (richest in nuts) 鎂﹑鐵﹑鈣 (果仁含量最豐富) • Rich in proteins 豐富蛋白質 • Good for the heart 對心臟有益 • Lower cholesterol 減低膽固醇

  8. 3. Blueberries 藍莓 • Richest source of antioxidants 抗氧化物之最佳來源 • Also might prevent urinary infections - similar to cranberry 預防泌尿系統的感染 -與紅莓的作用相類 • Help memory 幫助記憶 • Anti aging 抗衰老 • Rich in vitamin C 豐富維他命C • Rich in antioxidants for the eyes • 含有對眼睛有益的豐富抗氧化物

  9. Dr James Joseph約瑟醫生 • Tufts University, Boston, USA • Lab rats fed with blueberry extract less memory loss and motor behaviour decline as they aged以藍莓提取物去餵飼實驗老鼠,雖然年紀漸長,仍能減少記憶力的衰退及體力活動能力的下降

  10. Dr James Joseph • Results are promising but these are animal studies...結果令人鼓舞,但始終這些是以動物做的實驗… • But since then, I am eating 1 cup of blueberries every day但自此以後,我每天進食一杯藍莓。

  11. 4. Broccoli 西蘭花 • Rich in calcium 豐富的鈣質 • Antioxidants 抗氧化物 • Rich in vitamin A and C 豐富維他命A及C • Indol - prevent digestive cancers Indol - 預防消化系統的癌症

  12. 亞洲的主要癌症Main Cancers in Asia • 香港 Hong Kong • 肺 癌 Lung • 結腸癌 Colon • 肝癌Liver • 胃癌 Stomach • 乳癌 Breast • 鼻咽癌 Nasopharynx

  13. 5. Red Beans 紅豆 • Rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper 豐富的鐵﹑鎂﹑磷﹑鉀﹑銅 • Vitamin B1 維他命B1 • Rich in fiber 豐富的纖維素 • Antioxidants that prevent heart disease and cancer 預防心臟病及癌症的抗氧化物 • Rich in proteins 豐富的蛋白質

  14. 6. Salmon (omega 3 fatty acids)鮭魚 (奧米加 3 脂肪酸) • High risk of mercury, heavy metal contamination - prefer vegetarian source 受水銀及重金屬污染之高風險 - 素食來源較好 • Flax seed, walnuts, nuts, green leaves 亞麻籽﹑合桃﹑果仁﹑綠葉蔬菜

  15. 6. Omega 3 fatty acids奧米加 3 脂肪酸 • Lower blood coagulation減低血凝結 • Improve arrhythmias 改善心律不整 • Decrease triglycerides 減低三酸甘油酯 • Lower blood pressure 降低血壓

  16. Spinach 菠菜 • High in vit A, B and C 豐富維他命A﹑B及C • Boost the immune system 加強免疫系統 • Keep hair and skin healthy 保持頭髮及皮膚健康 • High in minerals 豐富的礦物質 • Calcium, iron and magnesium 鈣﹑鐵﹑鎂

  17. Sweet Potatoes 蕃薯 • High in antioxidants - betacarotene 高抗氧化物 -ß-胡蘿蔔素 • Anti aging 抗衰老 • Reduces risk of cancer 減少癌症風險 • High fiber 高纖維 • High in vita B, C and E 豐富維他命B﹑C及E • High in potassium豐富鉀質

  18. Vegetable juices蔬菜汁 • More vitamins and minerals than the original food 比原來的食物有更多維他命及礦物質 • Tomato juice and other vegetable juices - rich in lycopene - reduce heart disease, prostate cancer, ovary cancer and other cancers 蕃茄汁及其他蔬菜汁 - 豐富的茄紅素 - 減少心臟病﹑前列腺癌﹑卵巢癌﹑及其他癌症

  19. Spinach Cocktail 菠菜雞尾酒 • 一杯茄汁  • 一杯薄荷茶(凍) • 一杯新鮮的菠菜  • 1 cup tomato juice • 1 cup of peppermint tea (cold) • 1 cup of fresh spinach leaves

  20. 紅菜頭汁 Beet drink • 1 杯紅蘿蔔汁 1 cup of carrot juice • 1 杯青椒 1 cup green bell pepper • 1/2 杯甜菜根 1/2 cup beets

  21. 椰菜花特飲 Cauliflower drink • 1杯半的紅蘿蔔汁 1 1/2 cups carrot juice • 2杯椰菜花(蒸熟)2 cups cauliflower steamed • 2辨西芹 2 celery ribs • 半個甜菜根 1/2 beet

  22. 青瓜 Cucumber • 4吋長的青瓜 4 inches cucumber slice • 4片薄荷葉  4 small peppermint leaves • 1杯水 1 cup of water

  23. 紅蘿蔔的其他變化Variations with Carrots • 紅蘿蔔、菠菜及芥蘭 Carrots, spinach and kale • 紅蘿蔔、青瓜及西芹 Carrot, cucumber and celery • 紅蘿蔔、西芹及歐芹 Carrots, parsley and celery • 紅蘿蔔、蒜及薑 Carrots, small amounts of garlic (w clove), ginger

  24. 蕃茄的其他變化Tomato variations • 蕃茄、西芹、歐芹、西芹及西蘭花Tomato, cucumber, parsley, celery, broccoli. • 蕃茄、青椒、西芹、青瓜及歐芹 Tomato, green pepper, celery, cucumber and parsley.

  25. Wheat Germ小麥胚芽 • Rich in vit B and C 豐富維他命B及C • Richest source of vit E 維他命E的豐富來源 • Rich in protein 豐富的蛋白質 • Rich in minerals 豐富的礦物質 • magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc. 鎂﹑磷﹑鉀﹑鐵及鋅

  26. Wheat Rice Corn 玉米 麥 米 Hull 榖殼層 1.糊粉蛋白質層 2. 內胚層 3. 胚芽 Aleurone layer Endosperm Germ

  27. Quiz Time • Mention 5 of the ten best foods! • Why broccoli is good? • What are the benefits of eating blueberries? • What is the problem with fish?

  28. WHY?為什麼

  29. 193歲 193 yrs

  30. 123歲 123 yrs

  31. 80歲 80 yrs

  32. 70歲 70 yrs

  33. 50歲 50 yrs

  34. 40歲 40 yrs

  35. What do these animals have in common? They are all vegetarians! 它們都是素食者!

  36. Vegetarians and longevity 素食者與壽命 • 12 - 56% decrease in risk of death for all causes 減少百分之12-56導至死亡(所有原因)的風險 • For more than 20 years being vegetarian - plus 30% of decreased risk 超過20年的素食者-多減百分之30的風險 Vegetarian Nutrition, J. Sabate, CRC 2001, page 40

  37. Antioxidants in Fruits and Vegetables 生果和蔬菜中的抗氧化物質 • Less risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, cataracts, aging process, and mental performance • 減低有癌症、 心血管病、中風、 老人癡呆症、白內障、衰老過程和思想表現下降的風險 抗老化物 ANTI-OLDANTS

  38. Antioxidants in Fruits and Vegetables 生果和蔬菜中的抗氧化物質 • Oxidation is literally decay. Oxidation in our environment is seen as rusting of metal, rotting of meat, browning of apples, and the brittle changes in old rubber • 氧化就是腐化.環顧我們周圍環境:鐵的生銹, 肉的腐化 , 蘋果變色, 老化了的膠變脆等都屬於氧化 抗老化物 ANTI-OLDANTS

  39. Antioxidant 抗氧化 Free Radical 游離子 Antioxidants can stop the free radical damage by giving up an electron to the free radical so that the oxygen molecule may return to its stable oxygen configuration. 抗氧化可停止游離子的損害 - 它放棄一粒電子給游離子, 使到氧氣分子可以回復到一個穩定的結構 抗老化物 ANTI-OLDANTS Source: American Family Physician October 1, 1998/Volume 58, Number 5

  40. Prunes 西梅 5770 Raisins提子乾 2830 Blueberries藍草莓 2400 Blackberries黑草莓 2036 Kale芥蘭 1770 Strawberries士多啤梨 1540 Spinach 菠菜 1260 Brussel sprouts迷你椰菜 1260 Raspberries 紅草莓 1220 Plums 布霖 949 Alfalfa sprouts苜蓿 930 Broccoli florets 小西蘭花 890 Red Bell Pepper 紅燈龍椒 840 Oranges 橙 750 Red Grapes 紅提子 739 Beets 紅菜頭 710 Cherries 櫻桃 670 Onions 洋蔥 450 Corn 栗米 400 Eggplant 茄子 390 ORAC - Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (antioxidant measure)氧氣游離子吸取能力 ANTI-OLDANTS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs - USDA Research Service

  41. How much fruits and vegetables should we eat?我們需要吃多少生果及蔬菜? 8 - 10 servings 8至10份

  42. Read meat紅肉 Fish魚 Sea food海鮮 Chicken 雞 Civet cats 果子 Barbecue 燒烤 Sushi 壽司 Butter and eggs牛油及雞蛋 SARS 非典型肺炎 Benzopyrene Cholesterol 膽固醇 Worms 生蟲 Mad cow disease 瘋牛症 Mercury, lead 中鉛及水銀毒 H5N1, Salmonella禽流感、三門士菌 Ocean contamination 海洋的污染 Reasons to abandon animal foods:放棄肉食製品的原因

  43. 10 Best Foods According to Mayo Clinic 根據梅約醫學中心之 10種最佳之食物 By Dr. Dos Santos山度士醫生 Assistant Professor – Loma Linda University School of Public Health

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