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Hitler's private army, mostly young men. Brown uniform = brownshirts = stormtroopers.

Hitler's private army, mostly young men. Brown uniform = brownshirts = stormtroopers. Most unemployed soldiers. Protect speakers at Nazi meetings. Too socialists. They chose the industrialists. They were plotting a coup. D isrupt the meetings of rival political groups .

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Hitler's private army, mostly young men. Brown uniform = brownshirts = stormtroopers.

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  1. Hitler's private army, mostly young men. • Brown uniform = brownshirts = stormtroopers. • Most unemployed soldiers. • Protect speakers at Nazi meetings. • Too socialists.

  2. They chose the industrialists. • They were plotting a coup. • Disrupt the meetings of rival political groups. • Delivered propaganda leaflets. • Support the party's campaigns. Rafaella Cruz M

  3. & Rafaella Cruz M

  4. Take his propaganda too seriously. • Germany starts paying war reparations. • Nazis launched the “Beer Hall Putsch” • Hitler was arrested. • Landsberg jail.

  5. “Mein Kampf” • Hitler reorganized his Nazi party. • Hitler becomes a chancellor. • Nazis won the elections • Hitler's objective was to have all the power and control.

  6. -Not allowed to speak against Hitler or his government -They would be sent to concentration camps and sentenced to death -People found guilty of espionage were killed Camila Fernàndez- Dàvila

  7. Camila Fernàndez- Dàvila

  8. Camila Fernàndez- Dàvila

  9. All entertainment that went against the war was banded • -Books • Films • Articles in newspapers Joseph Goebbles: Minister of propaganda. Veryhatedman Camila Ferndez- Dàvila

  10. Created inAprilduringtheyear1925 • Called Schutzstaffel(Assembly Hall Protection) • Hitler personal protection squad • Heinrich Himmler was the leader, until 1945 • 1932 Himmler introduced all-black uniform of the SS • They became the principal element to expand the terror in Germany as well as to take care of the state and to deal with Nazi enemies. Micaela Vindrola

  11. The SS was ¨exclusive¨ • The membership was for 100% Aryan Race. • Himmler: strong character • Determined • Ambitious • The main purpose of it, was to remove the ones who were against Nazi Goverment. • They were divided in 3 groups: • The Waffen SS • The SD • The deathhead units Micaela Vindrola

  12. Also called the GeheimeStaatpolizei • Secret Police • Administrate by : RSHA (security office) • Created : Prussia, 1933 • By Hermann Goering • Leader: ReinhardHeydrich Micaela Vindrola

  13. Found the opponents of the Nazi Government • They used undercover informers • Most of the officers came from the Weimar Republic Forces Micaela Vindrola

  14. Manuela Rodríguez Manuela Rodríguez

  15. How were they run? • The authorities established a variety of detention centers. • Authorities enclose anyone that was an opponent. • There were many types of camps. • People were treated with no respect. • They were forced to do hard labor. Manuela Rodríguez

  16. Who was sent there? • At the begining only political prisoners. • By the World War II non-political prisoners • Then jews, criminals, communists, homosexuals and gypsies • Also jehovah’s witnesses, elderly, disabled, mentally, war prisioners. Manuela Rodríguez

  17. How was each group identified? • By the color of its triangle. • Red triangle—political prisoners. • Green triangle— "professional criminals" (convicts). • Blue triangle—foreign forced laborers, emigrants. • Purple triangle—Bible Students. • Pink triangle—sexual offenders • Black—people who were deemed. • Brown —Roma (Gypsies) • Red — Uninverted Manuela Rodríguez

  18. LINKS: • www.Wikipedia.com • http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005263 • http://es.knowledger.de/0000371/PropagandaNazi • http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/k/king_tee/wheresa_hoe_sat.html • http://ccs.infospace.com/ClickHandler.ashx?du=www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org%2fjsource%2fHolocaust%2fGestapo.html&ru=http%3a%2f%2fwww.jewishvirtuallibrary.org%2fjsource%2fHolocaust%2fGestapo.html&ld=20130826&ap=3&app=1&c=snapdov13a&s=snapdov13a&coi=771&cop=main-title&euip=

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