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Explore the diverse co-curricular courses offered at Dent Middle School, including band, orchestra, chorus, media technology, art, and dance.
Dent Middle School“Home of the Blue Diamonds”Dr. Randall Gary, Principal Co-Curricular Course Offerings 2012-2013
Co-Curricular Courses • Rising 6th-8th grade students will submit exploratory course requests for the 2012-2013 school year. • Enrollment in exploratory courses is based on availability, but every effort will be made to honor your request. • Please review each course description before selecting an exploratory for next school year.
Duration of Courses Semester/Quarter Courses Year Courses 1st Semester- August-January Year: August-June 2nd Semester- January-June Quarter 1- August-October Quarter 2- October-January Quarter 3-January-March Quarter 4-March-June -ART -Graphic Art -P.E. -Orchestra Strings -Orchestra Strings -Honors Chorus -Google Docs -Latin (1.0 HS Credit) -Chorus -French (1.0 HS Credit) -Musical Keyboarding -Spanish (1.0 HS Credit) -Intro to Mythology -Band -Intro to Spanish -Media Technology -Dance -Honors Dance -Advanced Art -AVID
Co-Curricular change requests are based on availability Co-Curricular Request Forms • Co-Curricular forms are available in the Guidance Office (See Grade Level Counselor) • Co-Curricular changes must be made within 10 days at the start of the semester (All others will be considered as they arise)
Band • Grades: 6th, 7th, & 8th • Duration: Year • Students are taught basics of music reading, including notation and rhythm reading, as well as the set of skills required to play specific band instruments. Instruction begins in the 6th grade and continues through the 8th grade. Instruments are not provided by the school. After school rehearsals and concerts are a required part of the class. Teacher: Mr. C. Patterson
Orchestra • Grades: 6th, 7th, & 8th • Duration : Year • Students in orchestra will learn a wide variety of music, sight reading, terms, symbols, performance etiquette and proper playing position. The orchestra performs a wide variety of literature at concerts and competitions. After school rehearsals and concerts are a required part of the class. Teacher: Mr. B. Wilson
Chorus • Grades: 6th, 7th, & 8th • Duration: Quarter for 6th grade, Semester and Year for 7th and 8th grades • Students will learn musical basics including sight reading, terms, symbols, dictation and vocal technique. The chorus performs a wide variety of literature at concerts and competitions. The purchase of a uniform and after school rehearsals and performances are a required part of the class. Teacher: Mrs. Wilke
Media Technology Electives • Grade: 6th, 7th, & 8th • Duration: Year • The Media Technology program includes Webpage Design for sixth graders, Video Animation for seventh graders, and Video Production for eighth graders. Each course is designed to create curriculum-based projects, design special projects for the school, and expose students to media literacy. Teacher: Mrs. S. McCoy-Hill
Google Basics • Grade: 6th, 7th , 8th • Duration: Semester • This course is designed to introduce the student to basic Google tools and applications through the completion of real-world student-centered activities. Teacher: Ms. Valentine
Art • Grades: 6th, 7th, & 8th • Duration: Quarter for 6th grade, Semester for 7th and 8th • Students will learn how to draw what they see, including objects, people and animals. In addition, painting with acrylics and watercolor will be explored. Students are required to bring a pencil to class each day. Teachers: Ms. C. Campbell Mrs. S. Carl
Advanced Art & Graphic Design • Grades: 7th & 8th • Duration: Year • The Visual Arts program allows students to explore a variety of media through the study of artists, movements, and cultures. Students will have the opportunity to create works in forms that include drawings, paintings, murals, and three-dimensional products (clay, sculpture, and paper-mâché). Graphic design classes will work with digital photography, drawing and painting programs, and various clip art programs. As well, students will have access to podcasting and visual layouts via an Apple Computer Lab. Students will produce computer-generated artwork and graphic layouts and products. Teachers: Ms. C. Campbell Mrs. S. Carl
Dance • Grade: 6th, 7th, 8th • Duration: Quarter for 6th Grade, Semester for 7th and 8th • Students will create, perform, observe and respond to dance.Students will explore methods of improvisation leading to creating their own dances. Students will work alone, with a partner and in a group to demonstrate movement relationships between individuals, shapes, rhythm, pantomime, tempo and mood. Students will use dance as a way to communicate meaning. Students will compare and contrast dance studies in terms of space, time and movement qualities. Students will be encouraged to make connections between dance and healthful living, anatomy of the body, and the real word. Teacher: Ms. Q. Brown
Advanced Dance • Grade: 7th and 8th • Duration: Yearlong • This course is designed to provide students with opportunities to create, perform, observe and respond to dance. Students will continue to explore movement elements and skills representative of a variety of dance styles, study the social cultural and historical dimensions of dance, and experiment with choreographic principals, processes and structures with the supervision of the dance specialist. Students will work alone, with a partner and in groups to perform, view and analyze dance works. Students will be engaged in projects that develop connections between dance and healthful living and dance relationships with other disciplines. Students will participate in a group dance performance piece. Teacher: Ms. Q. Brown
Physical Education • Grades: 6th, 7th, & 8th • Duration: Semester Curriculum blends physical activity and sports including cooperative games, dance and fitness activities. Individual, dual and team sports will be utilized to improve basic skills and fitness level. Teachers: Coach Barker Coach Caraway Coach Toole
A.V.I.D. • Grades: 7th & 8th • Duration: Year • This program is designed to increase school-wide learning and performance. The AVID students will take and succeed in the most rigorous curriculum, will enter and participate in school and community activities, and will be a positive student model with a desire to enroll in a four-year college. • Application must be completed to enroll in course Teacher: Mrs. J. Reed
Yearbook • Grade: 7th Grade • Duration: Yearlong • Students in this Yearbook are responsible for the design and publication of the DMS Yearbook. Students should have a background or interest in one of the following areas: photography, desktop publishing, art/design or written language. Students must produce quality work, work together in groups, must be able to handle deadline pressure and should expect to spend additional time outside of the class working on the publication. Teacher: Ms. K. Sawyer
Intro to Mythology • Grade: 6th Grade • Duration: Semester • Students will learn to read edited Latin; increase their knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology and The Iliad or the Odyssey; build their Latin and English vocabulary, and increase their knowledge of Roman history and culture. Students will prepare for the National Mythology Exam to be given in March. Students will read The Iliad or the Odyssey by Homer and D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths. Teachers: Mrs. C. Cheatham Mrs. R. Davis Mr. W. Tate
Spanish • Grades: 7th and 8th • Duration: Year • Students must meet District criteria for placement. Formal notification of placement will be sent to parents by the teacher. • The course is offered for high school credit. • Student must have Language Arts or Math teacher recommendation as a final consideration. Teacher: Mrs. S. Bowerman
French • Grades: 7th and 8th • Duration: Year • Students must meet District criteria for placement. Formal notification of placement will be sent to parents by the teacher. • The course is offered for high school credit. • Student must have Language Arts or Math teacher recommendation as a final consideration. Teacher: Mrs. R. Davis
Latin • Grades: 7th and 8th • Duration: Year • Students must meet District criteria for placement. Formal notification of placement will be sent to parents by the teacher. • The course is offered for high school credit. • Student must have Language Arts or Math teacher recommendation as a final consideration. Teachers: Mr. W. Tate Mrs. C. Cheatham
Contact the Guidance Department at 803-699-2750 Mrs. Lawanda Jenkins Director/7th Grade Ext. 72006 Mrs. Lisa Nine 6th Grade Ext. 72009 Mr. Terence McClain 8th Grade Ext. 72008 Mrs. Anna Landry Registrar/Guidance Ext. 72010 Secretary