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Living Discretely in a Continuous World

Living Discretely in a Continuous World. Trent Kull Winthrop University SCCTM Fall Conference October 23, 2009. The set of real numbers. Countability. All are infinite sets Naturals, whole, integers, and rationals are countable Irrationals are uncountable. Density.

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Living Discretely in a Continuous World

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  1. Living Discretely in a Continuous World Trent Kull Winthrop University SCCTM Fall Conference October 23, 2009

  2. The set of real numbers

  3. Countability • All are infinite sets • Naturals, whole, integers, and rationals are countable • Irrationals are uncountable

  4. Density • Every two rationals have another between them – the set is dense • Irrationals are also dense, but “far greater in number”

  5. Intuitive discreteness • Discrete: “Spaces” between elements • Can be finite or infinite • Non-discrete: “No spaces,” “continuous” • Can be countable or uncountable

  6. Important distinctions • Definitions can vary from text to text. • Texts on “finite mathematics” are often largely concerned with infinite sets. • Texts and courses dealing with discrete mathematics often have detailed (and useful) discussions with continuous sets.

  7. Calculus • Calculus texts and courses need and use discrete mathematics. • In fact the two areas – discrete and continuous – can be used as educational enhancements of each other.

  8. Discretization in calculus • Discrete sets coupled with limits • Notable discretizations: • Using tables to estimate limits • Using discrete points to estimate slopes of tangent lines with secant lines • Area estimations with rectangles & trapezoids

  9. Extending the area problem • Average value • Center of mass • Arc length • Volumes • Work

  10. Understanding discretization • Often seems tedious and unnecessary when shortcuts are revealed: • Limit definition of derivative • Infinite sums • Student complaints of “Why?” • Mathematical reality is the computational world largely relies on discrete approximations

  11. Binary relations • A relation from a set to a set is a subset of the Cartesian product • Simplistic domains, ranges, graphs

  12. Binary relations:Mathematica

  13. Finite functions • Vertical line test: “Every input has a single output” • Example • Mathematica

  14. Composing finite functions

  15. Special types of functions • 1-1: “Every actual output has a single input” • Onto: “Every possible output has an input” • Invertible: “1-1 and onto” • Mathematica

  16. An invertible finite function

  17. Transitioning (back) to continuous functions • Mathematica

  18. With a domain restriction

  19. The sine function

  20. Enhancing discrete mathematics • Early student familiarity with continuous mathematics • Refer to continuous examples when teaching subtleties of discrete math • Student learning may well benefit from dual discussion

  21. Common discretizationsof continuous phenomena • Continuous time & growth • Ages: 1,13,18,21,40, etc. • Heights: 48”, 5’1”,6’ etc. • Irrational ages, heights? • Natural “obsession” with elements of certain discrete sets: a matter of simplicity

  22. Discrete sports • Coarse discretizations sufficient • Baseball: 9 innings, 3 outs, 3 strikes, etc. • Golf: 18 holes, -1, par, +1, etc.

  23. Discrete sports • Other times finer discretizations are necessary

  24. Even finer • Track: World record 100m, 9.58 seconds • Closest finish in Nascar: .002 second separation

  25. Digital media • Computer monitor: 1024 x 768 = 786,432 pixels • Digital television: 1920 x 1080 = 2,073,600 pixels • Camera: 5,240,000 pixels

  26. Discrete color data

  27. Science & engineering • Stephen Dick, the United States Naval Observatory's historian, points out that each nanosecond -- billionth of a second -- of error translates into a GPS error of one foot. A few nanoseconds of error, he points out, "may not seem like much, unless you are landing on an aircraft carrier, or targeting a missile."

  28. Discrete dimensions • Dimensions are typically thought of in a discrete manner • Our physical 3 dimensional world: length, width, height • What if we lived in a zero, one, or two dimensional world?

  29. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions • 1884 novella • Author: Edwin A. Abbott • Pointland, Lineland, Flatland, Spaceland • “I call our world Flatland, not because we call it so, but to make its nature clearer to you, my happy readers, who are privileged to live in Space.”

  30. Flatland: A Journey of Many Dimensions • 2007 movie • Characters • Square, Hex • Other geometric shapes • Pursuit of knowlege

  31. Flatland activity handouts • www.flatlandthemovie.com • Subdividing squares • Edge counts • Pattern recognition • Hypercubes

  32. Handout: subdividing squares

  33. Handout: Hypercubes • Students work together • Sketch, analyze vertices & edges • Look for patterns • 0-cube, 1-cube, 2-cube, 3-cube, hypercubes

  34. The 4th-dimension: DVD extra Professor Thomas Banchoff, Brown University

  35. Finer discretizations of dimension: Note that in this relationship: D = log(N)/log(r)

  36. Koch curve Union of four copies of itself, each scaled by a factor of 1/3. D = log(4)/log(3) ≈ 1.262

  37. Fractal dimensions:Sierpinski Triangle Union of three copies of itself, each scaled by a factor of 1/2. D = log(3)/log(2) ≈ 1.585

  38. Fractal dimensions:Menger Sponge D= (log 20) / (log 3) ≈ 2.726833

  39. Fractal dimensions:Sierpinski Carpet D = log (8)/log(3) ≈ 1.8928

  40. Common use of dimensionsin mathematics • Multivariable calculus • Linear algebra • Mathematica

  41. Summary • Study of discrete and continuous mathematics essential for young mathematicians • Digital approximations of our continuous world are well established and increasing in importance • The study of dimensions is both useful and interesting in mathematics and its applications

  42. References Slides, handouts, Mathematica file and references will be available at http://faculty.winthrop.edu/kullt/ . Thank you!

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