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2. Principles of Transformation. Promote a more recovery-oriented service delivery systemFocus on outcomes and improved quality of lifeMaximize resources and assure accountabilityImprove access to basic healthcare for persons with SMI, SED, and/or CAAlign funding strategies with service expe
1. 1 Mental Health Transformation Cathy Boggs, Director
Division of Mental Health & Addiction
Gina Eckart, Assistant Director
Division of Mental Health & Addiction
Caroline Carney Doebbeling, Director of Quality & Outcomes
Office of Medicaid Policy & Planning
May 13, 2008
Transformation Stakeholder Presentation OUR WORK FOCUSED ON WHAT YOU TOLD US AND WHAT WE LEARNED.
2. 2 Principles of Transformation Promote a more recovery-oriented service delivery system
Focus on outcomes and improved quality of life
Maximize resources and assure accountability
Improve access to basic healthcare for persons with SMI, SED, and/or CA
Align funding strategies with service expectations
Transition from institutional entitlement to individual enfranchisement Discuss the process for the TWG:
Reviewed transformation grant states. Talked with 7 state program directors. Worked with providers and consultants.Discuss the process for the TWG:
Reviewed transformation grant states. Talked with 7 state program directors. Worked with providers and consultants.
3. 3 Drivers of Current System Breadth of population served limits depth of services to SMI
Inconsistent use of evidence-based practices
Service delivery driven by funding
Under-utilized Medicaid coverage & Over-leveraged Medicaid utilization
Lack of delivery system accountability
Fragmentation of mental health and other healthcare delivery systems
High uninsured rate among adults with behavioral health needs
Based on feedback and data analysis we believe these are the drivers that lead to the suboptimal state of system today and as move look to move
Forward must focus on addressing these drivers. We plan to go through some background and data today that highlights the results of these drivers
And then look toward identifying solutions with your help & feedback.Based on feedback and data analysis we believe these are the drivers that lead to the suboptimal state of system today and as move look to move
Forward must focus on addressing these drivers. We plan to go through some background and data today that highlights the results of these drivers
And then look toward identifying solutions with your help & feedback.
4. 4 Low-income Population with MH Needs Receiving FSSA-funded MH Treatment Unduplicated member count
Chronically Addicted represent another 29,979 in both Medicaid (4,412) and HAP (25,567).Unduplicated member count
Chronically Addicted represent another 29,979 in both Medicaid (4,412) and HAP (25,567).
5. 5 Claims Expenditures for 6,500 Medicaid Patients With and Without MH/SUD Service Use Normalized on members without behavioral health claims at 100Normalized on members without behavioral health claims at 100
6. 6 Transition from outcomes/variability of service, quality to funding – goal to just describe current state.
According to the Blue, Inc. report, 16-20% amount of CMHC’s budget which goes towards those requirements under their certifications which they are not reimbursed for. (Uncompensadted care)
Discuss institutional entitlement leads to funding w/o strings and regardless of outcomes of service (patient can’t walk away and take revenue stream)
Lack of historical performance measures, or expectations for quality, efficiency, etc.
Transition from outcomes/variability of service, quality to funding – goal to just describe current state.
According to the Blue, Inc. report, 16-20% amount of CMHC’s budget which goes towards those requirements under their certifications which they are not reimbursed for. (Uncompensadted care)
Discuss institutional entitlement leads to funding w/o strings and regardless of outcomes of service (patient can’t walk away and take revenue stream)
Lack of historical performance measures, or expectations for quality, efficiency, etc.
7. 7 CMHC per Capita SpendMedicaid Rehabilitation Option All these slides show variability –see note on next page!All these slides show variability –see note on next page!
8. 8 CMHC per Capita SpendMRO - Partial Hospitalization
9. 9 Percentage of State HAP Funds Used for MRO Match
10. 10 Federal Rule Changes Need better data here – what impact anticipated to be? Discuss details of each off this slide.
Federal Savings $3.87 - 21 Billion over 5 years depending on source (HHS, CBO, Congress)
State Impact Shortfall in CMHC funding
Federal Savings $1.4 - 5.2Billion over 5 years depending on source (HHS, CBO, Congress)
State Impact
Federal Savings $1.28- 3.1 Billion over 5 years depending on source (CMS, CBO, Congress)
State Impact Need better data here – what impact anticipated to be? Discuss details of each off this slide.
Federal Savings $3.87 - 21 Billion over 5 years depending on source (HHS, CBO, Congress)
State Impact Shortfall in CMHC funding
Federal Savings $1.4 - 5.2Billion over 5 years depending on source (HHS, CBO, Congress)
State Impact
Federal Savings $1.28- 3.1 Billion over 5 years depending on source (CMS, CBO, Congress)
State Impact
11. 11 Conclusions The current delivery system demonstrates unacceptable variability in terms of access, cost per person served, and quality.
The current funding methodology is not sustainable.
Need to pause a moment on this slide to assess if audience concursNeed to pause a moment on this slide to assess if audience concurs
12. 12 Drivers of Unsustainable Model Breadth of population served limits depth of services to SMI
Inconsistent use of evidence-based practices
Service delivery driven by funding
Under-utilized Medicaid coverage & Over-leveraged Medicaid utilization
Lack of delivery system accountability
Fragmentation of mental health and other healthcare delivery systems
High uninsured rate among adults with behavioral health needs We believe these primary drivers lead to the aforementioned conclusions of unacceptable variability and unsustainable funding. To move forward the solutions must address each of these primary drivers.We believe these primary drivers lead to the aforementioned conclusions of unacceptable variability and unsustainable funding. To move forward the solutions must address each of these primary drivers.
13. 13 Impact of Prioritization Breadth of Population Served Limits Depth of Services to SMI
Note that 1997-2006 the number of those in HAP has doubled
Total (MRO & HAP) funding per client has decreased by 18% since 97
Breadth of Population Served Limits Depth of Services to SMI
Note that 1997-2006 the number of those in HAP has doubled
Total (MRO & HAP) funding per client has decreased by 18% since 97
14. 14 CANS and ANSA Uniform functional assessment tools
Identification of unique needs for each individual served
Maps to Level of Care (LOC)
Decision support tool to assist in delivering appropriate services to match patient’s needs
Tool Administration
Note: talk about research and evaluation by independent consultants and ask for input from providers
Our recommendations:
Administered by behavioral health providers
Regular audits to be conducted to ensure fidelity
Note: talk about research and evaluation by independent consultants and ask for input from providers
Our recommendations:
Administered by behavioral health providers
Regular audits to be conducted to ensure fidelity
15. 15 Assessment Tool: Levels of Care (LOC) ANSA is currently in pilot-phase and will go live July 1, 2008. Data is not yet available.
CANS has been in place since July 1, 2007.
Next step would be to focus on which services to include, prioritize to address clinical & social need
ANSA is currently in pilot-phase and will go live July 1, 2008. Data is not yet available.
CANS has been in place since July 1, 2007.
Next step would be to focus on which services to include, prioritize to address clinical & social need
16. 16 CMHC per Capita SpendAssertive Community Treatment Inconsistent Use of EBPs
ACT show less variability than other services. This is likely attributable to the fact that ACT is a well defined service which is only provided to a well defined portion of the SMI population.Inconsistent Use of EBPs
ACT show less variability than other services. This is likely attributable to the fact that ACT is a well defined service which is only provided to a well defined portion of the SMI population.
17. 17 Current FSSA Coverage Vehicles for MH Services Under-utilized Medicaid coverage & Over-leveraged Medicaid utilization
Discuss options of Medicaid disability, 1634 vs 209b, modernization process
1915(i) option, waiver consideration, otherUnder-utilized Medicaid coverage & Over-leveraged Medicaid utilization
Discuss options of Medicaid disability, 1634 vs 209b, modernization process
1915(i) option, waiver consideration, other
18. 18 Medicaid Mental Health Spendby Category of Service and Age NEED NEW CLINIC DATA—NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME.
19. 19 Utilization Management Potential Models
Prior Auth. (PA) all services for all members
PA select services for select diagnoses
Service packages
A priori
Based on need
Based on standardized assessment Considerations
Cost of PA
Delay in services
Administrative burden
Lack of quality/outcomes data
Lack of Delivery System AccountabilityLack of Delivery System Accountability
20. 20 Proposed Service Packages EBPs like Supported Employment, IDDT, IMR, etc. EBPs like Supported Employment, IDDT, IMR, etc.
21. 21 Fragmentation of Delivery System
Needs for successful HIE
Link across networks and between mental health and physical health
Protection of patient information
Standardized data collection methods
Standard methods accessing and reporting data
BHMI survey—current use of EMR at CMHCsFragmentation of Delivery System
Needs for successful HIE
Link across networks and between mental health and physical health
Protection of patient information
Standardized data collection methods
Standard methods accessing and reporting data
BHMI survey—current use of EMR at CMHCs
22. 22 Principles of Transformation Promote a more recovery-oriented service delivery system
Focus on outcomes and improved quality of life
Maximize resources and assure accountability
Improve access to basic healthcare for persons with SMI, SED, and/or CA
Align funding strategies with service expectations
Transition from institutional entitlement to individual enfranchisement
23. 23 Critical Assumptions The new service/funding system will be shaped by both DMHA and OMPP with input from stakeholders.
The Transformation Model will drive the timeline, key initiatives, and feedback.
24. 24 Timeline Phase I
Target Population
Coverage Vehicles
Uniform Assessment Tool
Covered Services
Utilization Management
Integration Pilot/s
Phase II
Provider Community Expansion/Consolidation
System-wide Integration