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GRADUATION TESTING REQUIREMENTS: FRESHMAN COHORT 2011-2012 FRESHMAN COHORT 2012-2013. RECOMMENDED & DISTINGUISHED Academic PROGRAMs MCALLEN ISD. In what courses do I have to take an EOC exam?. English I Reading English I Writing English II Reading English II Writing English III Reading
In what courses do I have to take an EOC exam? English I Reading English I Writing English II Reading English II Writing English III Reading English III Writing Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Biology Chemistry Physics World Geography World History US History
Performance Labels and Policy Definitions There will be two cut scores, which will identify three performance categories. For the general STAAR assessments, and STAAR L, the labels for the performance categories are Level III: Advanced Academic Performance Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance Level I: Unsatisfactory Academic Performance
Level III: Advanced Academic Performance* Level III Students: Are well prepared for the next grade or course Demonstrate the ability to think critically and apply the assessed knowledge and skills in varied contexts Have a high likelihood of little or no academic intervention in the next grade or course * For Algebra II and English III, this level of performance also indicates students are well prepared for postsecondary success.
What is Level III Advanced Academic Performance? English I Reading (2304) English I Writing (2476) English II Reading (2328) English II Writing (2408) English III Reading (Phase-in Level III 2135/ Final 2356) English III Writing (Phase-in Level III 2155/ Final 2300) *Distinguished Academic Program Plan Algebra I (4333) Geometry (4397) Algebra II (Phase-in Level III 4080/ Final 4411) Biology (4576) Chemistry (4607) Physics (4499) World Geography (4404) World History (4634) U.S. History (4440)
Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance** Level II Students: Are sufficiently prepared for the next grade or course Demonstrate the ability to think critically and apply the assessed knowledge and skills in familiar contexts. Have a reasonable likelihood of success in the next grade or course but may need short-term, targeted academic intervention. ** For Algebra II and English III, this level of performance also indicates students are sufficiently prepared for postsecondary success.
What is Level II Satisfactory (Passing)? Reading (1875 is Satisfactory) English I English II English III Writing (1875 is Satisfactory) English I English II English III *Recommended High School Plan Mathematics (3500 is Satisfactory ) Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Science (3500 is Satisfactory ) Biology Chemistry Physics Social Studies (3500 is Satisfactory) World Geography World History U.S. History
Level I: Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Level I Students: Are inadequately prepared for the next grade or course Demonstrate an insufficient understanding of the assessed knowledge and skills Are unlikely to succeed in the next grade or course without significant, ongoing academic intervention
What is Level I Unsatisfactory Academic Performance (Not Passing)? English I Reading(1813) English I Writing (1798) English II Reading (1806) English II Writing (1807) English III Reading (1808) English III Writing (1808) Algebra I (3371) Geometry (3362) Algebra II (3350) Biology (3367) Chemistry (3348) Physics (3346) World Geography (3383) World History (3326) U.S. History (3372)
Level I Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Meeting Minimum Points Earned Count Toward Cumulative Score Must attend Accelerated Instruction prior to the next testing cycle Retesting required by District Not Meeting Minimum Points will not count toward cumulative score Must attend Accelerated Instruction prior to the next testing cycle Retesting required by State
What is a Cumulative Score? English 11250* Math 10500** Science 10500** Social Studies 10500** * This cumulative score requirement is based on 6 × 1875 = 11250 for the English (reading and writing) content area. ** This cumulative score requirement is based on 3 × 3500 = 10500 for the mathematics, science, and social studies content areas.
How are STAAR EOC assessments related to course grades? Starting in 2012-2013, the score you receive on a STAAR EOC assessment is required to count for 15% of your final grade in the course. The district will establish local policies to implement this statutory requirement. For the STAAR English I, II, and III assessments, which have a separate reading and writing component, the district will determine how the scores from each component are used to calculate the 15% grading requirement.
What if I take a Credit-by-Exam test? You are still required to take STAAR EOC assessment to fulfill your testing requirements. The 15% grading requirement does not apply.
What if I am absent during the test? If a student does not receive a score on a STAAR EOC assessment (absence, testing irregularity, failure to complete due to illness, etc.), then the district has the option of assigning the student an incomplete in the course until the next testing opportunity or factoring a zero into the calculation of the final course grade.
When do I take these tests? • You should take a STAAR EOC assessment during the spring, summer, or fall administration as you are completing the course. • December 2012, • April & May 2013 • July 2013 • Most students will have received instruction in an entire course by the end of the school year so you would participate in the spring administration.
Lamar Academy If by the end of the school year you have received instruction in only part of the course (the first half or the second half), then you would not take the STAAR EOC assessment in the spring since you have not received instruction in the entire course. When you complete the course (possibly in the summer or the next fall), you should take the test.