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The Company:

The Company: 1993: Research & Development began on creating our various software called Power*Suite. 1996: Power*Log released. 1997: Power*Curve released. 2000: TVD*Module released. 2003: Power*Core released.

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  1. The Company: • 1993: Research & Development began on creating our various software called Power*Suite. • 1996: Power*Log released. • 1997: Power*Curve released. • 2000: TVD*Module released. • 2003: Power*Core released. • November 2009, latest release: Version 10. This upgrade is the best of the Power*Suite family. • 2011: Free Viewer released. • ***Developing Version 11 to be released soon. Trivision was one of the first computerized logging software programs.

  2. Version 10 Software Features: • Consists of 4 major products, Power*Log, Power*Curve, Power*Core and TVD*Module • Striplog and reporting creation software • Built around a relational database management system (RDBMS) where pertinent data is captured and stored to facilitate data manipulation • Fully ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) compliant • Some of the features found in the Power*Suite program are: • Undo/Redo correct most of your mistakes with ease • Revised Open Log/Data Entry/Survey Import Windows • New ASCII/LAS/Survey/Core Plug Import Windows • Double Click Entry for lithology intervals Did you know that Power*Log is the preferred Logging software for East Coast rigs?

  3. Office Features: • Complete Well End and Morning reports • Geological data can be used in optional Correlational Module to compare multiple wells on a single log format • QueriableGeological (Rock) data through any third party SQL tools • Core Log and Composite Log Capabilities • Free Office Viewer • Network versions available • Unlimited support of log scale on both screen and printer output Power*Suite will do everything for you, from drawing the log to formatting the reports!

  4. Advantages Advantages: • Reliable • Database reliability gives you peace of mind knowing your data is virtually in-destructive. • Export data can be encrypted to enhance data protection when transferred to remote locations. • Versatile • All programs allow you to adapt settings specifically to your own needs, thus making the software almost completely customizable • Multi-platform • Affordable • Features you will not find in other geological software systems combined with a great price, adds up to an unbeatable value • Buy 1 module @ a great price, or buy a package at an even better price • Rental Licenses are also available Power*Suite stores all your info into a simple database to maximize the use of the information.

  5. Benefits: Single entry data system which greatly reduces work load and saves time Ensures a higher level of standardization to save time, ability to set log and report templates and re-utilize those templates easily Produces timely, consistent and correlatable data from well to well and user to user, cutting time to make decisions New ASCII/LAS/Survey/Core Plug Import: Map multiple curves and data with single click Power*Suite will save you the most time and money of any software available!

  6. Features: • Multiple Log Presentation Capability, lets you show the data for one well in numerous log formats • Once the log formats are designed, the user can simply select these templates to show a new well’s data • One time data entry creates both the striplog and the end of well geological report to save you time. With the Corporate Logo Module you can put a logo on any of your reports • Simple, consistent and easy to use data entry forms to access the relational database • The ability to shift some or all of the striplog data up or down for any kind of depth correction Simple right click, and click & drag entry. Also featuring Snap To Entry on all your layers

  7. More Features: • Over 500 symbols including 35 rock types to choose from • Customizable expansion abbreviation Geological Dictionary • 90 pre-designed geological tracks & layers to choose from, which allows you the ability to create your own individualized tracks • Now featuring right click menus when working with your layers • View the vertical log in any measured depth scale from 1:5 – 1:5000 • The ability to shift some or all of your striplog data up or down for any kind of depth correction • Simple Report Generation that can be printed to MS Word • .. Hundreds of pre-designed symbols and the ability to create an infinite amount more + we’ve added more to the dictionary.

  8. Composite Log Capabilities

  9. Geological Striplog

  10. Two Well Correlational

  11. Short, Long Description, % and interval can be transferred to Log here Long Description from report window is automatically generated to your report Sample Description

  12. Diagenesis Directional Surveys Drilling Progress Drill Stem Test Energy Change Fining/Coarsening Formations ~ Long ~ Short ~ Expanded Form Framework Generic Category Generic Percent Track Grain Density Grain Size Grain Size Matrix Graphics Group Formation Member Interpretive Lithology Lithology Description Geological Layers: • Ages • Annotations • Bedding Contacts • Bioturbation • Bit Records • Bulk Density • Casing Data • Core Plug Data • Cores • Correlational Lithology • Curve ~ Fill Dates • ~ Lineal Grid • ~ Logaritmic Grid • Curves ~ Grain Size Matrix • ~ Multiples • Date • Depth • Detailed Lithology • Dip Meter With the new Generic track, you can create tracks as needed.

  13. More Geological Layers: • Sedimentary Structures • Sidewall Cores • Short Formations Names • Slide/Rotates • Sneider’s Rock Type ~ Core • ~ Geo • Sorting • Tests • Tops • Trace Fossils • Upward Sequences • - • % Lithology • Long Formation Names • MDT Data • MDT Test Intervals • Mud Gas • Multi Array Curve Data • Oil Shows • Oil Staining • Percent • Percent Lithology • Sea Level Changes

  14. Based on the principles of POWER*LOG, but designed for horizontal applications Survey data updates well path curve with necessary information automatically Well path can be drawn with automated interpreted lithology color fill or hand drawn on detailed lithology layer that could represent drilled lithology and/or theoretical lithology surrounding the well bore Revised inter-bedding option for the Rock Type Builder -- About Start your well in Power*Log and finish in Power*Curve with one click.

  15. Features: • All The Same Features Of POWER*LOG Plus: • Seamless transition from vertical to horizontal sections on a given well • Can be combined with POWER*LOG to print multiple log outputs for a single well with one combined report • Different log format is all that is required, the well data remains the same • Combines both interpretive lithology as well as a hypothetical two dimensional view of the vertical section • Includes entire bed technology that will increase productivity significantly • .. Surround the well path automatically with the lithology.

  16. Faulted Represented HZ Log Faults

  17. Water Saturation HZ Log

  18. Gamma Ray Cut Off HZ Log

  19. Vertical Section Log

  20. Open Hole Log

  21. About • Based on the principles of POWER*LOG, but designed for core logs • Added tracks/layers that are solely used for core log applications • New Mouse Pointer accuracy, down to the Centimeter • Oil Staining • Open Hole Options • Printing to JPEGS • Specialized Core Headers • Vertical Section • Weathering Profile on Grain Size Present your core in a way never imagined! + An Editable Symbol Directory

  22. Specific Power*Core Layers: • Ages • Bedding Contacts • Bioturbation • Carbonate Texture • Carbonate Texture Matrix • Core Box Data • Core Sample Code • Diagnesis Data Category • Formations • Fractures Data Category • Generic Symbol • Oil Saturation • Permeability (k) ~ 90 • ~ Air • ~ Maximum • ~ Vertical • Porosity~ Calculated • ~ Grade • ~ Helium • ~ Measured • ~ Types • Rock Accessories • Rounding • Sat. Bulk Mass ~ Fluids • ~ Water • ~ Oil • ~ Solids • ~ Totals • Saturated Grain Mass ~ Oil • ~ Water • Saturated Pore Volume~ Oil • ~ Water • Sat. Pore Volume Fraction~ Oil • ~ Water • Sedimentary Structures • Trace Fossils Look at the variety of Core Layers.

  23. Carbonate Log

  24. Clastics Core Log

  25. Dip Meter Core Log

  26. TVD*MODULE: Stands for True Vertical Depth Converts all striplog and core log data including digital curve data, lithology and any annotations to the new presentation format selected from an easy access menu TVD / SSL presentation is terminated by two subsequent 90°surveys or when the survey data is greater than 90° POWER*SUITE’s multiple log format capability allows the user to create different presentation formats for TVD / SSL versus MD Logs TVD Presentations on deviated wells gives the viewing geologist the ability to correlate with other vertical or corrected deviated holes in the project area .. About View any well in Measured Depth, SSL or TVD with a single click!

  27. Features • Features: • With the TVD Module, you have the ability to view any vertical log in 3 different depth presentation views: 1. (MD) Measured Depth 2. (TVD) True Vertical Depth 3. (SSL) Sub-sea Level Depth • The ability to update your well path in both the vertical and horizontal presentations with either TVD or SSL values from the survey points used in your calculations • TVD Presentations on deviated wells gives the viewing geologist the ability to correlate with other vertical or corrected deviated holes in project area • Converts all striplog and corelog data including digital curve data, lithology and any annotations to the new presentation format selected from an easy access menu • Automatic database backup to help prevent loss of your work With the TVD*Module you will always know how deep you are.

  28. TVD*Module Presentations SSL Log TVD Log MD Log

  29. Support • Support: • Support programs including personal support as well as interactive web site support system allowing users • to keep in contact with us day or night to get the answers you need • Full online help menu and comprehensive user and training manuals available to download for your convenience • Initial training program supplied with purchase of any package and additional training can be purchased at a fair price • Critical updates are posted on the website as they are needed Unparalleled proactive support.

  30. Final • Thank you for your interest in Trivision's line of geological software. • We hope you have enjoyed your tour of: • Power*Log • Power*Curve • Power*Core • and the • TVD Module • Trivision Geosystems • 314, 602-11 Ave SW • Calgary, AB T2R 1J8 • In Calgary: (403) 777-9454 • Toll Free: 1-800-777-0562 • Fax : (403) 777-9455 • Email: info@powerlogger.com • Web: www.powerlogger.com

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