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Business Studies Presentation. Current affairs - SK-II. Helen Chan 6A(3). Legend of SK-II. Do you know that there’s a secret about the Japanese women?? And have you ever found that Japanese women had extraordinary soft and youthful hands?.
Business StudiesPresentation Current affairs - SK-II Helen Chan 6A(3)
Legend of SK-II • Do you know that there’s a secret about the Japanese women?? • And have you ever found that Japanese women had extraordinary soft and youthful hands?
This secret was discovered by a Japanese monk(僧侶) who visited a sake brewery in Kobe. • Discover that workers in brewery had extraordinary soft and youthful hands • The monk then conducted a series of experiments • He thus shared his findings with a group of skincare scientists
Discovery of SK-II • The team of scientists were able to pinpoint the exact fermentation process • After that, they named a liquid 'Pitera'. Pitera, which contains a collection of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and organic acids, as 'the secret key' to beautiful skin • Pitera helps restore the skin's natural by stimulating its renewal process • Through this nature's miracle, Pitera, women have discovered a totally new skin experience • Pitera therefore become the magical ingredient found in all SK-II products.
內地指SK-Ⅱ化妝品違規(明報) 09月 14日 星期四 07:35PM • 國家質檢總局指,日本的SK-Ⅱ品牌多項化妝品中被查出含有禁用成分,他們要求各地加強日本化妝品檢驗。 • 國家質檢總局有關負責人表示,近日廣東出入境檢驗檢疫機構從來自日本寶潔株式會社蜜絲佛陀公司製造的SK-Ⅱ品牌系列化妝品中檢出禁用物質鉻和釹。檢驗檢疫部門在對一批SK-Ⅱ重點淨白素肌粉餅進行檢驗後發現,其釹成分含量高達4.5 mg/kg。此外,SK-Ⅱ清透防曬乳液、SK-Ⅱ多元修護精華霜、SK-Ⅱ護膚潔面油、SK-Ⅱ護膚精華露、SK-Ⅱ重點淨白肌粉底液OB-2、SK-Ⅱ護膚面膜、SK-Ⅱ重點淨白素肌粉底液OD-3、SK-Ⅱ潤採活膚粉凝霜OB-2系列進口產品中均被檢出禁用物質鉻,其含量為0.77 mg/kg至2.0 mg/kg。 • 按照中國《化妝品衛生標準》(GB7916)的有關規定,化妝品中不能含有鉻、釹等禁用物質。 • 鉻為皮膚變態反應原,可引起過敏性皮炎或濕疹,病程長,久而不癒。釹對眼睛和粘膜有很強的刺激性,對皮膚有中度刺激性,吸入還可導致肺栓塞和肝損害。 • 中國和歐等有關國家的相關規定中均把這兩種元素列為化妝品禁用物質。 • 目前,國家質檢總局已就此事致函日本政府主管部門及駐華使館,要求日方有關部門加強對輸華化妝品的管理,保証輸華化妝品符合中國國家標準的要求。同時,國家質檢總局還發出通知,要求各地檢驗檢疫機構加強對來自日本進口化妝品的檢驗檢疫工作,確保進口化妝品安全。
SK-II的公開聲明就9月15日對SK-II有關產品報導致公開聲明如下:1、SK-II把安全和質量一直放在首位,所有產品在研發和生產過程中都經過了嚴謹的安全評估。2、SK-II重申在產品在生過程中並未添加“鉻”和“釹”或其他重金屬的成分,因此對相關報告表示十分關注。3、“鉻”和“釹”廣泛存在於大自然,如空氣和水,所以並不排除在原材料中或生產過程中有微量殘留,我們現正作出深入調查。4、歐盟化妝品標準 (EU Directive) 及美國化妝品協會 (CTFA) 均允許化妝品於生產過程中殘留微量的“鉻”和“釹”。中國國家標準亦指出糧食、奶粉中允許殘留量為1-2亳克/公斤(mg/kg)。而該測試中SK-II產品的含量均低於此及符合有關標準,證明SK-II對產品的安全及質量有充分的保障。5、消費者如果對於SK-II的產品有任何問題或者需要任何幫助,請致電SK-II香港消費者熱線852 2582 9849。SK-II品牌2006年9月17日
Angry consumers storm P and G offices as cosmetics line pulled from China
Procter & Gamble halts SK-II skincare sales in China • SK-II had closed counters selling the beauty line • SK-II is taking this action until its compliance with the regulations pertaining to trace levels of chromium and neodymium • P&G began to offer refunds to buyers
S.Korean department stores halt SK-II products • SOUTH Korea's top department stores halted sales of SK-II product. • The stores suspended sales of eight products • P&G denied the products were harmful • Skin-whitening cosmetics are popular through Korea, and department store cosmetic counters
SK-II ethics Ethics: • 1. Give response quickly after the news release • 2. Stop selling their products at last in mainland China • 3. they are willing to wait the result investigated by Hong Kong government
Unethical: 1. There are illegal ingredients found in their products 2. The metals may affect human’s health 3. Not willing to refund to all customer who hold their products 4. The employees became so stressful and afraid of being unemployed
Consumer council • 消委關注SKII產品含重金屬(星島) 09月 15日 • 國家質檢總局檢查後發現,SK-II多項在本港有售的化妝品及護膚品,被查出含有禁用成分「鉻」及「釹」,使用者會患上濕疹、皮膚敏感,甚至損害肝。消委會說,與SK-II本港代理商聯絡過,正索取更多數據,以便與海關等部門處理。消委會指出,無法例要求化粧品標示成份,但產品也不可以含有違禁的重金屬。消委會認為業界應主動自行在產品,標示成份及生產日期等資料。消委會同時與政府部份探討是否要立例規管。
國產護膚品「上癮」搽爛面(星島) 09月 18日 • (星島日報報道)星級護膚品牌SK-II產品被揭發含重金屬,令女士們人人自危,內地近日又再發現一種會令皮膚「上癮」的抗過敏和保濕護膚品「葡萄籽抗敏平撫液晶」,含內地禁用激素「地塞米松」。用家一旦停用,皮膚便會發燙和出紅疹,再次使用又會迅速康復。 • 內地近日又發現一種會令皮膚「上癮」的抗過敏和保濕護膚品「葡萄籽抗敏平撫液晶」,含內地禁用激素「地塞米松」。受害人之一、連續使用此產品兩年的唐女士,日前向內地傳媒現身說法,「當時用的時候確實感覺到挺不錯的,面色很光啊,顏色也出來就是很光滑啊,皮膚也很細膩。」 • 後來,向她售賣此產品的美容院停業了幾天,而她家中的產品也剛好用完,她的皮膚就頓時「癮起」,「最讓人痛苦的就是發燙,裏頭就像裂開了一樣,皮膚就像裂開了一樣,用句最形象的話說就像是燙傷,就像是一盆開水潑到臉上了,燙傷了的那種感覺,讓人非常痛苦。
SK-II TVC scores top recall • Singapore - SK-II Facial Treatment Essence has won top honours for its ‘Sandy Lam’ commercial as the most-remembered TVC between January and February as part of the third in a series of AdTrack surveys collated by MediaCorp TV and held as part of research company Synovate’s monthly omnibus survey. “I would attribute this result really to the strength of Sandy's testimonial for SK-II’s Signs Uplifter product -- which captured her true personality and experience -- driving its memorability,” said Rameet Kaur, SK-II Brand Manager, Procter & Gamble. “The creative team at Leo Burnett captured this beautifully in the advertising.”The research project involved MediaCorp TV providing a list of TVCs to Synovate, which polled 1,000 adults between the ages of 15 and 64 on their best-remembered ads