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Developing Student Researchers Part 1. Dr. Gene and Ms. Tarfa Al-Naimi Research Skills Development Unit Education Institute. Goals of this Workshop. To gain a broader understanding of student research
Developing Student ResearchersPart 1 Dr. Gene and Ms. Tarfa Al-Naimi Research Skills Development Unit Education Institute
Research Skills Development Unit Goals of this Workshop • To gain a broader understanding of student research • To learn specific strategies for initiating student research, for shaping and refining research ideas, for collecting and analyzing data, and for reporting and sharing research • To become acquainted with digital tools and resources that can enhance the teaching of research
Research Skills Development Unit What is research?
Research Skills Development Unit What is Research? “Research isdiligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications. . .” www.dictionary.com Creating new knowledge!
Research Skills Development Unit What is research? Paper Research/Library Research Definition: Given a topic, search for information on that topic and summarize what you find. Example: Write a report on global warming. Advantages: Teaches student how to search for information, how to evaluate information (ICT Literacy), and how to summarize and synthesize information Disadvantages: Students copy information or knowledge rather than creating it.
Research Skills Development Unit What is research? Scientific Research Definition: Given a topic or question, systematically investigate that topic to discover new information, facts, or principles. Example: What do secondary students think about having to do community service? Advantages: Teaches students how to create new knowledge; empowers them to study issues that are important to them Disadvantages: Takes a lot of one-on-one or small group instruction; and not all students are interested
Research Skills Development Unit Who is responsible for teaching research? What research skills should be taught at each grade? (7-12) Should all students be expected to do research? A school-wide research model may help answer these questions.
Research Skills Development Unit Enquiry Cycle 1. Getting Ideas and Motivating Students 2. Defining and Shaping Ideas 4. Reporting and Sharing Ideas 3. Collecting and Analyzing
Research Skills Development Unit Workshop Schedule Nov 2 Getting Ideas and Motivating Students Nov 16 Defining and Shaping Ideas Nov 30 Collecting Data Dec 21 Analyzing Data; Reporting and Sharing Ideas All sessions will be from 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Research Skills Development Unit Moving from Teacher-Centered to Student-Centered Research Structured Enquiry • Teacher directed • Leading Supported Enquiry • Teacher and students • Supporting Open Enquiry • Student directed • Encouraging
Research Skills Development Unit What do we expect from you? That you will go back to your schools and try out some of the strategies and activities that we present in the workshop, and let us know what happened.
Research Skills Development Unit Where do research ideas come from? Should we give students the research topics? Should we get the topics from the students?
The Curriculum The Local Culture The Student Research Skills Development Unit Where do research ideas come from?
Research Skills Development Unit The Curriculum
Green issues to top agenda at finance meetingWeb posted at: 10/26/2008 4:40:23Source ::: The Peninsula DOHA • 'Green Economy' will take centre stage at the upcoming Doha Global Conference on Financing for Development 2008. Research Skills Development Unit The Local and Regional Culture Climate Change Could Affect Dubai Coastline Radically
Research Skills Development Unit The Students • What issues or topics are students interested in? • How can we find out?
Research Skills Development Unit Strategies for Getting Ideas from Students You are getting sent to this desert island! You can only take six items with you. They can be practical items to help you survive. They can be items that remind you of what you are leaving behind. Desert Island Objects Work in small groups discussing your reasons. Work with whole class to list all of the items and discuss similarities and differences. End goal: What’s important to students. How can this information be used to start a research project?
Research Skills Development Unit Strategies for Getting Ideas from Students Provide photos of seniors in the community – a family member or famous person. Write a group autobiography about this person. What was their live like? What experiences did they have? Future Autobiography Pretend the year is 2050. You are 60 years old! Write your life story. What did you do? What did you accomplish? This activity can give you insights into what students value and what they want to achieve.
Research Skills Development Unit Strategies for Getting Ideas from Students Come up with a group question. Examples: How many bottles of water are consumed in Doha each day? How many new cars are added to the highways in Qatar each year? How quickly can we find out? Data Race Teacher decides how much help to give (e.g., suggesting sources of information, where to look) Turn students loose. Give an award to the student who can find the information first, and explain how he/she got the information. Use this activity to raise questions about the accuracy and sources of information. How can this be redirected into a research activity?
Research Skills Development Unit For more ideas . . . Go to Enquiring Minds Website http://www.enquiringminds.org.uk
Research Skills Development Unit What traits must students have to be successful in research? • Curiosity • Ability to ask good questions • Skepticism. . . don’t believe everything you read, see, or hear • Ethical . . . play by the rules? • Critical thinking skills
Research Skills Development Unit Thank you for listening!If you have questions about researchor need additional information,feel free to contact me. Dr. Gene e.jongsma@sec.gov.qa Office Phone: 456-0153 Mobile: 681-3987 Tarfa t.alnuimi@sec.gov.qa Office Pone: 456-0l69