The Hobbit Evan M.
Summary The Hobbit is about a respectable, middle aged creature named Bilbo Baggins. He is completely ordinary, and expects to have an ordinary life. Until a wizard and 12 dwarves show up on his doorstep tempting him with adventure. He accepts, and goes on a hunt to take back the dwarves’ stolen kingdom. Will they succeed? Find out in The Hobbit.
R For my R, I made an alternate cover for the Hobbit. The one I own is a bit plain.
For my E, I will be comparing the first half of the book with the first half of the movie. Movie Book More brief Gollum owns a large underground lake and network of tunnels Said that tunnels go on for what seemed like forever. Fili is healthy • Since the movie is in three parts, unnecessary plots were added to make sure it was not boring. • Gollum owns less land • Less tunnels • Fili gets sick/poisoned