1. Operational Amplifiers
2. Important Parameters
3. One-Stage Op Amps
4. ICMR, OCMR In open loop configuration,----Range of voltages for which circuit can operate even if input dc or output dc shifts
6. ICMR in open loop Configuration
7. DC Voltage Range Available For Designing Opamp in Unity Gain Configuration In feed back mode Range of voltages which can be chosen as input/ output dc to configure opamp in feedback mode
8. DC Voltage Range Available For Designing Opamp in Unity Gain Configuration
9. ICMR in Unity Gain Configuration
10. Feed back stabilizes DC bias to a particular value Remember, in feedback, circuit shall always come to designed voltage value even if input dc level shifts
Because change in voltages can cause Vgs of transistors to change hence changing Ibias which triggers a corrective action
if vin dc inc. node x inc. node X will force node Y to inc.
Causing Vgs of M2 to inc. so I2 inc. which makes node Y to fall because Iss will not allow a change
Hence, Feedback circuit can work at a particular voltage at node Y
11. Cascode Op Amps
13. Unity Gain One Stage Cascode-difficult to bias
14. OCMR, ICMR(telescopic) in feedback mode- OCMR, ICMR(telescopic) in feedback mode--- DC Voltage Range available in Unity Gain Configuration of opamp.
In this range, feedback causes dc levels at output / input to stabilize to its designed value even under fluctuations
16. Single-Ended Output Cascode Op Amps
17. Triple Cascode
18. Folded Cascode Op Amps
19. Folded Cascode Stages (cont.)
20. Folded Cascode (cont.)
21. Folded Cascode (cont.)
25. Telescopic vs. Folded Cascode Pole
27. Example Folded-Cascode Op Amp
28. Two-Stage Op Amps
30. Single-Ended Output Two-Stage Op Amp
32. Output Impedance Enhancement With Feedback
33. Gain Boosting in Cascode Stage
34. Differential Gain Boosting
36. Differential Gain Boosting (cont.)
37. OCMR, ICMR Voutmax.= Vdd-Vgs-2Vov. =3-1.3-0.3= 2.4V
Voutmin.= Vgs5+2Vov. =1.6V
Vx min= Vgs5+Vov.=1.3V
Vinmin= Vx min.+Vt=2.3V
Vinmin= Vgs1+Vov= 1.3
Vinmax= Vgs1+Vov+Vt= Vxmax+Vt= 2.8v
39. Differential Gain Boosting (cont.)
41. Fully differential circuitsDrawbackcommon mode level can not be a stable desired value due to process variations
42. Well defined common mode level
43. Common-Mode Feedback
44. Differential Pair with FB, yet no loss of gain
45. Vocm ?Process variation dependence If w/L of M3 reduces, Vx reduces?
Vsg3 increases?making I1=I3
46. Common-Mode Feedback (cont.)
47. Can we use Feed Back As CORRECTION? [o/p to i/p ] Feed back here does not correct this problem---why?
If M3 w/L reduces due to process variation? Vx reduces to equalize I1=I3
if Vx dec. Vgs1 decreases ? Vp dec.?so M5 goes into linear
We need other correction method.
49. High Gain Amp Model
51. How to sense?
53. Common-Mode Feedback (cont.)
56. Resistive Sensing
57. Remedy---Source-Follower Sensing
58. CMFB Example in folded cascode
59. Alternative CMFB for Folded Cascode
62. Returning CMFB with Triode Devices in folded cascode
64. Drawbacks
65. CMFB using Triode circuit
66. Forcing desired Reference voltage
67. CMFB Triode Example with Reference (cont.)
68. Differential Pair with LCMFB
69. Analysis of amplifier with CMFB circuit 3 analysis required
Does Acm increase after including cmfb thus degrading CMRR?
What is the condition for Voc= Vref?
What is the condition for loop to be stable?
71. Complete circuit
72. Acmwithout feedback
73. (Details from grey meyer)-- ---[Acm=voc/vic] without CMFB
74. Acmwith CMFB
75. (Details from grey meyer)--[Acm=voc/vic] with CMFB
76. Details from grey meyer)-- --- [Acmf = voc/vic] with CMFB
77. (Details from grey meyer)--Gain [Voc/Vz= voc/vcmc] without CMFB
78. (Details from grey meyer)-- -Voc/Vz
79. Condition for Voc= Vref
80. Loop gain Loop gain= Voc/ Vref= Af
81. For Vref=Voc
82. (Details from grey meyer)--
83. Condition for feedback loop to be stable
84. For feedback loop to be stable
85. (Details from grey meyer)--
86. (Details from grey meyer)--
87. To stabilize CMFBreduce gm by splitting (Details from grey meyer)
89. Rail-rail ICMR
90. Constant Gm Circuits
91. Slew Rate Slew Rate (SR) limit: Real OpAmp has a maximum rate of change of the output voltage magnitude
SR can cause the output of real OpAmp very different from an ideal one if input signal magnitude is too high
Affects settling time of OPAMP
92. Normal Settling
93. R-C charging
98. Why? Origin of slewing
99. ?V largeOPAMP slew
100. High To Low Transition
101. Slew Rate
102. Slewing Undesirable because Limits the speed of OPAMP
Can not be eliminated
Remedy ----
Estimate max. speed that can be obtained
Then make slew rate large How? provide additional current boosting,
103. Estimation of Full Power Bandwidth Full Power bandwidth: the range of frequencies for which the OpAmp can produce an undistorted sinusoidal output with peak amplitude equal to the maximum allowed voltage output
105. Estimation of slew rate
106. Slewing in Telescopic Op Amp
107. Differential Slew Rate Positive slew rate---large positive step at input
Negative slew rate----large negative step at input
108. Folded-Cascode Slewing
109. Folded-Cascode (cont.)
110. Constraint on Ip Ip > Iss
111. Slewing Recovery if Ip < Iss
112. Slewing Recovery (cont.)
113. Two stage cmos opamp With RC Compensation
117. Normal OTAclass AB Operation
118. Charging output
119. Parameters
120. Adaptive biasing with LCMFB
121. Boosting current when large I/P
122. OPERATION OF LCMFB When input is small, M1, M2 , M6, M7 carry equal current (Icm/2) and x and y are at same potential
When i/p is largeM1 carries all current , M2 cuts off. M7 discharges y causing M7, M8 to cut off .
This makes I1> I2.
A differential current (Id= I1-I2)) flows through R1= R2=R. Vx > Vy. Vz remains constant. But Vx=Vgs5 increases ? so I5 increases from I5 to ( I5 + ?)
So I4 through CL increases
But largest current corresponds to largest Vgs5= Vzcm+IssR only
123. Operation
124. Operation
125. CE for charging output in slew mode
126. Impact of LCMFB on Small signal behaviour
127. Technique to further improve Slew Rate Adaptive bias
128. Adaptive biasing for pmos diff.amp
129. Adaptive biasing ---Nmos diff amplifier
130. Operation of adaptive bias Small sig mode M1, M2 carry same current Iss/2
Large sig. mode--2 source follower
M6, M7 always carry Ib current as their Vgs always remain same
M8, M9 can carry large current (Ib+I) as their Vgs can vary.
For large input, M2 is cut off, M1 has large Vgs. So it carries large current(> Iss), which is sunk by M9
131. VB can be low to obtain low power consumption under low level inputs.
132. Impact on AC behaviour
133. Ac behaviour
134. With RC Compensation
135. ICMR
136. Systematic Offset
137. Random Offset
147. PSRR Calculationssingle stage
148. Cascode amp.
149. PSRR Calculations
154. 2 stage CMOS OP AMP
156. Without Cc
158. With Cc
159. Only second stage
161. Noise
162. Noise 2 sources----
Noise coupled to input signal
Small current and voltage fluctuations that are generated with in the device
Performance parameter----signal to noise ration (SNR)
163. Origin of device noise Existence of noise is due to the fact the charge is not continuous but is carried in discrete amounts equal to electron charge
Thus noise is associated with fundamental processes in integrated circuit devices
so it can not be removed
164. Why should we study noise Because noise represents a lower limit to the size of electrical signal (min. detectable signal) that can be amplified by a circuit without significant deterioration in signal quality
Noise results in upper limit to the useful gain of an amplifier because if gain is increased without limit, then due to noise fluctuations at output node, transistors may go to linear region
165. Noise-Random signal Value of noise signal cannot be predicted at any time even if past values are known
166. If microphone drives a resistive load, More heat will be generated in case b.
?Average value of ac signals
167. How to estimate Noise? Observe noise for a long time
Using measured results, prepare a statistical model
Extract useful properties (here, noise power) from this model that can be predicted
Use noise power for doing noise analysis
168. Average Power Average power delivered by a periodic
169. Noise power
170. How to find Average power Square the signal
Area under the waveform is calculated
Normalize the area to T
Pav expressed in V2
171. Noise content Noise content varies with frequency
Noise power spectral density is obtained i.e to find the magnitude of low and high noise components
172. How to obtain Noise spectrum
173. Noise spectrum
174. Types of noiseThermal noise
175. Representation of thermal noise
176. MOSFET noise---thermal noiseNoise generated in the channel
177. MOS---flicker noise
179. Representation
180. MOS noise
181. Noise corner frequency
182. Computation of Noise in circuits
183. Uncorrelated noise sources Noise produced by resistor is independent of noise produced by transistor
184. Output noise / Hz
185. output noise/ Hz for comparison Drawbacks of using output noise for comparison
Consider two amplifiers of gain A1, A2
Amp1 has Vout= 1V, Vn= v30nV/ vHz.
Amp2 has Vout= 3V, Vn= v60nV/ vHz.
Which is better? Difficult to make comparison
186. A2 generates more noise, but has higher gain
A1 has low gain but generates less noise
187. Comparison Parameter Signal to noise ratio---how large is signal in comparison to noise
Should be large
Input referred noise voltage (indep. Of gain) fictitious quantity as it can not be measured at the input
This indicates how small an input the circuit can detect
Should be small
188. Representation
190. How to reduce input referred noise voltage gm1 should be maximized
191. 2nd circuit
192. How to reduce input referred noise voltage
193. Frequency response
194. Total output noise
195. SNR---signal power to noise power
196. Csacode amplifier
197. Resistive load differential amp
202. Active load diff amp
206. Vx
207. Vy
211. Noise bandwidtheasy way to compare multipole systems
212. Input signal noise 2 steps strategy---
Use fully differential circuits with high CMRR
Use Negative feedback ---signal to noise ration (SNR)
215. Method-1 Vout= 100Vin + Vn
SNR = 100vin/ vn
217. Implementation