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Network Simulator - 2

Network Simulator - 2. Source Analysis Made by Min-Soo Kim and Kang-Yong Lee Ajou University, Division of Information & Computer Engineering. Content. Development Environment Structure of Source Directory We Focus On Event Scheduler Layered View of NS-2 Internal Node of NS-2

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Network Simulator - 2

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  1. Network Simulator - 2 Source Analysis Made by Min-Soo Kim and Kang-Yong Lee Ajou University, Division of Information & Computer Engineering

  2. Content • Development Environment • Structure of Source Directory • We Focus On • Event Scheduler • Layered View of NS-2 Internal • Node of NS-2 • Link of NS-2 • Agent • Overview of Packet Flow • TcpAgent

  3. Development Environment • Operating System • Unix-like System (FreeBSD, Linux, SunOS) • Program Code • C++ , OTcl • Version of Our NS-2 • Ns-2 2.6

  4. Structure of Source Directory (1) • ns-allinone-2.26 version of WEB fordocumenting C,C++ (Optional) Georgia Tech Internetwork Topology Modeler (Optional) Network Animator (Optional) NS Main Compoment(Required) Otcl Library Source (Required) Stanford GraphBase package (Optional) Tclcl Library Source (Required) Tcl/C++ Interface[Linkage] (Required) Tk Library Source (Required) X-graph Source(Optional) Data Compression Library (Optional)

  5. Structure of Source Directory (2) • ns-allinone/ns-2.26 AODV Routing Protocol Application Protocol Classes(FTP, PING..) Common Classes (node, agent, scheduler, Timer-handler, bi-connector, packet, encapsulator, decapsulator classes) Link related Classes Mac Layer Protocol(Wired and Wireless) Multicast related Classes Various Queue Model Classes Routing Algorithm TCP Protocol related Classes Trace & Result file related Classes

  6. We Focus on • Inside of “/ns-2.26” Directory • Event Scheduler • Basic Network Components : • Node, Link, Packet • Traffic models and applications : • Web, FTP, telnet, Constant-bit rate, real audio • Transport protocols : • Unicast: TCP, UDP • Multicast • Routing and queueing : • Wired Routing, Wireless Routing • Queuing protocols : RED, drop-tail • Physical media : • Wired (LANs, P-to-P), Wireless Channel, Satellite Channel • Inside of “/tclcl-1.0b13” Directory • Otcl/C++ Linkage Classes

  7. Event Scheduler (1) • NS-2 “event-driven” simulator • Characteristics of Event Scheduler • Single-Threaded  Only one event in execution at any given time • Unit of time  seconds • Execution Policy  First scheduled – First dispatched manner • Related classes & Functions of Event Scheduler • In “/ns-2.26/common/scheduler.h”“/ns-2.26/common/scheduler.cc” • Class Event {}  double time_ : time at which event is ready  int uid_ : unique ID of event  Event* next_ : event list  Handler* handler_ : handler to call when event’s scheduled time arrived • Class Handler {}  virtual void handle (Event* event) : handling the event which received as parameter (dispatch) • Class Scheduler {} Next Page

  8. Event Scheduler (2) • Class Scheduler {}  void schedule(Handler*, Event*, double delay) : Schedule later event  void dispatch(Event*) : execute an event  void dispatch(Event*, double) : execute an event at specific time  void cancel (Event* ) : cancel event  void insert (Event* ) : schedule event  Event* deque(void) : next event (removes from queue)  Event* lookup(scheduler_uid_t) : look for event • Classes derived from Scheduler {} • Class ListScheduler {} : implements the scheduler using a simple linked-list structure • Class HeapScheduler {} : implements the scheduler using a heap structure • Class CalendarScheduler {} :implements the scheduler using a one-year calendar on which events on the same month/day of multiple years can be recorded in one day. • Class RealTimeScheduler {} : implements the scheduler using synchronization of events with real-time

  9. time_, uid_, next_, handler_ Scheduler.dispatch(Event *, Double Time) Scheduler.deque(void) head_ -> Handler.handle(Event *) Network Object rescheduling Scheduler.insert(Event *) Scheduler.schedule(Handler h, Event *, Double delay) time_, uid_, next_, handler_ Event Scheduler (3)

  10. recv() sendDown() Layered View of NS-2 Internal (1) A : Sender Packet Flow • Related Files • Higher Layer : • /ns-2.26/agent.cc • /ns-2.26/tcp.cc • /ns-2.26/userfiles • Link Layer : • /ns-2.26/ll.cc • /ns-2.26/ll.h • Mac Layer : • /ns-2.26/mac-802_3.cc • /ns-2.26/mac-802.3.h • Phy Layer : • /ns-2.26/phy.cc • /ns-2.26/phy.h • /ns-2.26/channel.cc • /ns-2.26/channel.h Application::virtual send() Higher Layer (1) Transport TCPagent or UDPagent (2) Network::schedule() (3) Link Layer (LL) (4) (6) Schedule() Schedule with Delay

  11. Layered View of NS-2 Internal (2) From Upper Layer Mac Layer (802.3) recv() (5) sendDown() (6) To Upper Layer Physical Layer (phy) recv() rrecv() (10) (7) recv() (9) Physical Layer (channel) get_pdelay() sendUp() Schedule() (8)

  12. recv() sendUp() sendUp() recv() recv() mac-recv() Layered View of NS-2 Internal (3) B : Receiver Application::virtual recv() (16) Transport TCPagent or UDPagent (10) (15) From lower Layer Network::schedule() Mac Layer (Classifier/Mac) (14) Schedule() (11) (13) Mac Layer (802.3) Link Layer (LL) (12)

  13. Higher Layers Agent Agent Agent Queue Queue Queue Link Layer LL (Link Layer) LL LL Mac Layer Mac Mac Mac Physical Layer Channel Classifer/Mac Layered View of NS-2 Internal (4) • Connectivity within LAN environment

  14. Network Components - Node (1) • Node basic • NS Node is essentially a collection of classifier • Unicast Node and Multicast Node • Classifier • Classifier doing Packet forwarding related works • When it receives a packet, it examine the packet’s field, usually its destination address. It should then map the value to an outgoing interface object that is the next downstream recipient of this packet. • Each classifier contains a table of simulation objects indexed by slot number • The job of a classfier is to determine the slot number associated with a received packet and forward that packet to the object referenced by that particular slot. • The C++ class Classifer(/ns/classifier/classifier.cc) provieds a base class from which other classifier are derived.

  15. Source of Classifier class Classifier : public NsObject { public: Classifier(); virtual ~Classifier(); void recv(Packet* p, Handler* h); virtual int classify(Packet *); virtual void clear(int slot); virtual void install(int slot, NsObject*); // function to set the rtg table size void set_table_size(int nn); protected: void alloc(int); NsObject** slot_; //table that maps slot number to a NsObject int nslot_; int maxslot_; int offset_;// offset for NsObject *default_target_; int nsize_; //what size of nslot_ should be }; void Classifier::recv(Packet* p, Handler*h) { NsObject* node; int cl = classify(p); if (cl < 0 || cl >= nslot_ || (node = slot_[cl]) == 0) { if (default_target_) return default_target_; Tcl::instance().evalf("%s no-slot %ld", name(), cl); if (cl == TWICE) { cl = classify(p); if (cl < 0 || cl >= nslot_ || (node = slot_[cl])==0) return (NULL); } } node->recv(p,h); } Network Components - Node (2)

  16. Network Components - Node (3) • Unicast Node • Port Classifier : Distribute incomming packet to the correct agent • Addr Classifier : Distribute incomming packet to the correct outgoing link NODE Agent Port Classifier Agent Agent Addr Classifier dmux_ agents_ Node entry entry_ Link Link Link

  17. Network Components - Node (4) • Multicast Node • Switch : determine unicast packet or multicast packet • Multicast Classifier : classfies packets according to both source and destination group address • Replicator : produce n copy of packet that are deliverd to to all n objects referenced in table dmux_ Agent MUTICAST NODE Agent classifier_ agents_ Agent Node entry <S1,G1> entry_ switch_ Muticast Classifier Replicators muticastclassifier_ <S2,G2> Link Link Link

  18. Network Components - Link (1) • Link basic • Link is built up from a sequence of connectors • The Class Link is implemented entirely in Otcl. Link Class is base class of other Link Classes. • The Class SimpleLink implements simple point-to-point link with an associated queue and delay. It is derived from the base Otcl class Link. • SimpleLink • head_ : entry point to the link, it point first object in the link. • queue_ : reference to the main queue element of the link. • link_ : reference to the element that simulate packet delivery delays. • ttl_ : reference to the element that manipulates the ttl in every packet. • drophead_ : reference to an object that is the head of a queue of elements that process link drops. • enqT_, deqT_, drpT_, rcvT_ : reference to the element that traces packets.

  19. Link head_ enqT_ queue_ deqT_ link_ ttl_ rcvT_ drophead_ drpT_ Network Components - Link (2) • Composite Construction of a Undirectional Link (SimpleLink)

  20. Network Components - Link (3) • Connectors • Connectors, unlike classifiers, only generate data for one recipient. • either the packet is delivered to the the neighbor ( target_ ), or it is sent to the drop-target • A connector will receive a packet, perform some function, and deliver the packet to its neighbor, or drop the packet. • There are a number of different types of connectors in ns. Each connector performs a difference function. • Different types of Connectors • networkinterface : it labels packets with incomming interface identifier. • DynaLink : it decides whether or not a packet should forwarded depeding on whether the link is up or down. • DelayLink : it models the link’s delay and bandwidth characteristic • Queues : it models the output buffers attached to a link in a “real” router in a network. • TTLChecker : it will decrement the ttl in each packet that it receives.

  21. Agent – What is the “Agent” ? • Agent • Agents represent endpoints where network-layer packets are constructed or consumed. • Agent are used in the implementation of protocol at various layers. • Supports Packet generation and reception • The Related Source File  “~ns/agent.cc”  “~ns/agent.h”  “~ns/tcl/lib/ns-agent.tcl”

  22. Agent – Protocol Agents • There are several agents supported in the NS-2 • TCP • TCP/Reno • TCP/Fack • TCP/Vegas/RBP • TCP/Sack1 • TCP/FullTcp • TCPSink : “One-way” TCP Connection  TCP source sends data packets and the TCP sink sends ACK packets • UDP : A basic UDP agent • SRM • RTP • RTCP • LossMonitor

  23. Agent – Agent state • Agent state  Information of Simulated packet  To assign various fields before packet is sent 1) here_ : node address of myself ( source address in packets) 2) dst_ : destination address 3) size_ : packet size in bytes 4) type_ : type of packet 5) fid_ : the IP flow identifier (For IPv6) 6) prio_ : the IP priority (For IPv6) 7) flags_ : packet flags 8) defttl_ : default IP ttl value

  24. Agent – Agent Class class Agent : public Connector { public: virtual ~Agent(); virtual void attachApp(Application* app); inline nsaddr_t& addr() { return here_.addr_; } inline nsaddr_t& port() { return here_.port_; } inline nsaddr_t& daddr() { return dst_.addr_; } inline nsaddr_t& dport() { return dst_.port_; } protected: Packet* allocpkt() const; Packet* allocpkt(int) const; void initpkt(Packet*) const; ns_addr_t here_; // address of this agent ns_addr_t dst_; // destination address for pkt flow int size_; // fixed packet size packet_t type_; // type to place in packet header int fid_; // for IPv6 flow id field int prio_; // for IPv6 prio field int flags_; // for experiments (see ip.h) int defttl_; // default ttl for outgoing pkts Application *app_; // ptr to application for callback Access Function Agent State Application Pointer

  25. Agent – Agent Class Methods (1) • Packet* allocpkt (void) • Packet* allocpkt (int n) • Parameter : void or n • Create new packet and assign its fields • Create new packet with a data payload of n bytes and assign its fields Packet* Agent::allocpkt () { Packet* p = Packet::alloc(); initpkt(p); return p; } Packet* Agent::allocpkt (int n) { Packet* p = allocpkt (); if (n > 0) p -> allocdata (n); return p; } Packet Initiate Adding data payload

  26. Agent – Agent Class Methods (2) • void initpkt (Packet* p) • Parameter : Packet struct pointer • Fill in all fields of a packet void Agent::initpkt (Packet *p) { hdr_cmn* ch = hdr_cmn::access(p); ch->ptype() = type_; ch->size() = size_; ch->timestamp() = Scheduler::instance().clock(); hdr_ip* iph = hdr_ip::access(p); iph->saddr() = here_.addr_; iph->sport() = here_.port_; iph->daddr() = dst_.addr_; iph->dport() = dst_.port_; iph->flowid() = fid_; iph->prio() = prio_; iph->ttl() = defttl_; …….. } Packet information • Agent state setting • Address • port number • IPv6 option

  27. Agent – Agent Class Methods (3) • void attachAPP (Application *app) • Parameter : Application pointer • Associate Application with Agent void Agent::attachApp (Application *app) { app_ = app; } Associate Application-Agent

  28. dst_=0.0 dst_=1.0 0 1 1 0 Agent – Examples : TCP, TCP Sink n0 n1 Application/FTP Port Classifier Port Classifier Agent/TCPSink Addr Classifier Addr Classifier Agent/TCP 0 0 Link n0-n1 entry_ entry_ Link n1-n0

  29. Agent – Examples : TCP, TCP Sink Agent • Creating the Agent Otcl code set tcp [new Agent/TCP]# Create sender Agent set sink [new Agent/TCPSink] # Create receiver Agent $ns attach-agent $n0 $tcp # Put sender on node 0 $ns attach-agent $n1 $sink # Put receiver on node 3 $ns connect $tcp $sink # Establish TCP connection set ftp [new Application/FTP] # Create an FTP source “Application” $ftp attach-agent $tcp# Associate FTP with the TCP sender $ns at 1.5 “$ftp start” # Start at time 1.5

  30. Agent – Examples : TCP, TCP Sink Agent 2. Invokes the Constructor of The Agent & TcpAgent Agent Constructor Agent::Agent (int pkttype) { bind (“addr_”, (int *) &addr_); bind (“dst_”, (int *) &dst_); bind (“fid_”, (int *) &fid_); bind (“prio_”, (int *) &prio_); bind (“flags_”, (int *) &flags_); } TcpAgent Constructor TcpAgent::TcpAgent() : Agent() { bind (“windowOption_”, &wnd_option_); bind (“windowConstant_”, &wnd_const_); ……… } Binding Otcl variable with C++ variable (Agent state)

  31. Agent – Examples : TCP, TCP Sink Agent 3. Starting the Agent  Generating Packets TcpAgent void TcpAgent::output (int seqno, int reason) { Packet *p = allocpkt (); hdr_tcp *tcph = (hdr_tcp*) p->access (off_tcp_); ………… Connector :: send (p, 0); } Generating Packets

  32. Agent – Examples : TCP, TCP Sink Agent 4. Processing Input  Receiving Packets TcpSink Agent void TcpSink::recv (Packet* pkt, Handler*) { hdr_tcp *th = (hdr_tcp *) pkt->access (off_tcp_); ack(pkt) packet::free(pkt); } void TcpSink::ack (Packet *opkt) { Packet* npkt = allocpkt(); hdr_tcp *otcp = (hdr_tcp *) opkt -> access (off_tcp_); hdr_tcp *ntcp = (hdr_tcp *) npkt-> access (off_tcp_); ……………… send (npkt, 0); /* Overrides the Agent::recv() methods * invoke Connector::send() */ }

  33. Agent – Summary Sender Agent class allocpkt ( int size ) connector::send () Receiver Agent class recv ( packet ) alloc () To Low level • initpkt ( packet ) • destination Addr • destination port No. • source Addr • source port No. • ttl • pkt Size • pkt type • timestamp classifier::recv ( packet )

  34. TcpAgent - Basic • TcpAgent • One-Way TCP Sender Agent • Implementation of Basic TCP Tahoe version • Base class of other version of TCP Agent • RenoTcpAgent • NewRenoTcpAgent • VegasTcpAgent • Sack1TcpAgent • The related source file • “ns/tcp/tcp.cc” • “ns/tcp/tcp.h”

  35. TcpAgent – Header field of TCP • struct hdr_tcp (in “ns/tcp.h” ) struct hdr_tcp { double ts; //packet generated time double ts_echo_; //echoed timestamp int seqno; //sequence number int reason; //reason for a retransmission int sack_area_[NSA+1][2]; //selective ack blocks int sa_length_; //indicates the number of SACKs in this packet int ackno_; //ack number int hlen_; //header length int tcp_flags_; //TCP flags int last_rtt_; //more recent RTT measurement in ms static int offset_; //offset for this header }

  36. TcpAgent - Characteristic • Characteristic of TCP in TcpAgent (Tahoe version of TCP) • Sliding Window • Several Timer • Retransmission Timer • Measurement of RTT (Round Trip Time) • Calculation of RTO (Retransmission TimeOut) • Backoff Strategy (Karn’s Algorithm) • Delay Send Timer • Burst Send Timer • Congestion Control Mechanism • Slow Start • Congestion Avoidance • Fast Retransmit • Fast Recovery (added to TCP Reno version)

  37. … Window Advertisement Receiver Transmitter TcpAgent – Sliding Window (1) • Sliding Window • Send all packets within window without waiting for an acknowledgement. • Increases efficiency • As acknowledgments for segments come in, the window is moved.

  38. TcpAgent – Sliding Window (2) • Related Methods void TcpAgent::send_much(int force, int reason, int maxburst) { int win = window(); //window size int npackets = 0; /* Save time when first packet was sent, for newreno --Allman */ if (t_seqno_ == 0) firstsent_ = Scheduler::instance().clock(); //window size 만큼 패킷을 보냄 (output함수 호출) while (t_seqno_ <= highest_ack_ + win && t_seqno_ <maxseq_) { if (overhead_ == 0 || force) { output(t_seqno_, reason); npackets++; t_seqno_ ++ ; } else if (!(delsnd_timer_.status() == TIMER_PENDING)) { delsnd_timer_.resched(Random::uniform(overhead_)); return; } win = window(); //window size ….. } }

  39. TcpAgent – Retransmission Timer (1) • Retransmission Timer • TCP use retransmission timer to ensure data delivery in the absence of any feedback from the remote data receiver. • The duration of this timer is referred to as RTO (Retransmission Timeout). • To compute the current RTO, a TCP sender maintain two state variable, SRTT (smoothed round-trip time) and RTTVAR (round-trip time variation). • Measurement of RTT • RTT = (α * Old_RTT) + ((1 – α) * new_RTT_sample ) • 0 < α < 1 • α close to 1 => no change in a short time • α close to 0 => RTT changes too quickly • Calculation of RTO (Timeout) • DIFF = sample – old_RTT • Smoothed_RTT = old_RTT + d * DIFF • DEV = old_DEV + p (|DIFF| - old_DEV) • Timeout = Smoothed_RTT + g * DEV • Continued next page =>

  40. TcpAgent – Retransmission Timer (2) • Calculation of RTO (Timeout) • DEV estimated mean deviation • d, a fraction between 0 and 1 to control how quickly the new sample affects the weighted average • p, a fraction between 0 and 1 to control how quickly the new sample affects mean deviation • g, a factor controls how much deviation affects round trip timeout • Research suggests: d=1/8, p=1/4 and g=4 • Karn’s Algorithm (Back-off Strategy) • Definition : when computing the round trip estimate, ignore samples that correspond to retransmitted segments, but use a back-off strategy, and retain the timeout value from a retransmitted packet for subsequent packets until a valid sample is obtained. • Timer Back-off Strategy • New_timeout = γ* timeout (typically, γ= 2) • Each time timer expires (retransmit happens), TCP increases timeout value.

  41. TcpAgent – Retransmission Timer (3) • Related Class & Methods //Retransmission Timer class RtxTimer : public TimerHandler { public: RtxTimer(TcpAgent *a) : TimerHandler() { a_ = a; } protected: virtual void expire(Event *e); TcpAgent *a_; }; //Called when timeout void RtxTimer::expire(Event*) { a_->timeout(TCP_TIMER_RTX); } //Reset retransmission timer void TcpAgent::reset_rtx_timer(int mild, int backoff) { if (backoff) rtt_backoff();//using karn’s algorithm set_rtx_timer(); …… rtt_active_ = 0; } //Set retransmission timer void TcpAgent::set_rtx_timer() { rtx_timer_.resched(rtt_timeout()); } //Karn’s algorithm void TcpAgent::rtt_backoff() { if (t_backoff_ < 64) t_backoff_ <<= 1; if (t_backoff_ > 8) { t_rttvar_ += (t_srtt_ >> T_SRTT_BITS); t_srtt_ = 0; } } double TcpAgent::rtt_timeout() //Calculate timeout value { double timeout; if (rfc2988_) { //use updated RFC2988 timers if (t_rtxcur_ < minrto_) timeout = minrto_ * t_backoff_; else timeout = t_rtxcur_ * t_backoff_; } else { timeout = t_rtxcur_ * t_backoff_; if (timeout < minrto_) timeout = minrto_; } if (timeout > maxrto_) timeout = maxrto_; ……. return (timeout); }

  42. TcpAgent – Retransmission Timer (4) • Related Methods // This fuction measures RTT and calculates SRTT, // RTTVAR and RTO, when every ACK is received void TcpAgent::rtt_update(double tao) { double now = Scheduler::instance().clock(); if (ts_option_) t_rtt_ = int(tao /tcp_tick_ + 0.5); else { double sendtime = now - tao; sendtime += boot_time_; double tickoff = fmod(sendtime, tcp_tick_); t_rtt_ = int((tao + tickoff) / tcp_tick_); } if (t_rtt_ < 1) t_rtt_ = 1 // Until here measurement of RTT // Calculation of RTO using SRTT and RTTVAR t_rtxcur_ = (((t_rttvar_ << (rttvar_exp_ + (T_SRTT_BITS - T_RTTVAR_BITS))) + t_srtt_) >> T_SRTT_BITS ) * tcp_tick_; return; } if (t_srtt_ != 0) { register short delta; // d = (m - a0) delta = t_rtt_ - (t_srtt_ >> T_SRTT_BITS); // a1 = 7/8 a0 + 1/8 m if ((t_srtt_ += delta) <= 0) t_srtt_ = 1; if (delta < 0) delta = -delta; delta -= (t_rttvar_ >> T_RTTVAR_BITS); // var1 = 3/4 var0 + 1/4 |d| if ((t_rttvar_ += delta) <= 0) t_rttvar_ = 1; } else { // srtt = rtt t_srtt_ = t_rtt_ << T_SRTT_BITS; // rttvar = rtt / 2 t_rttvar_ = t_rtt_ << (T_RTTVAR_BITS-1); } // Unitil here Calculation of Smoothed RTT and // RTT variance omitted

  43. TcpAgent – Retransmission Timer (5) • Related Methods void TcpAgent::timeout(int tno) { // retransmit timer if (tno == TCP_TIMER_RTX) { if (cwnd_ < 1) cwnd_ = 1; recover_ = curseq_; ……. if (highest_ack_ == maxseq_ && restart_bugfix_) //if there is no outstanding data, don't cut //down ssthresh_. slowdown(CLOSE_CWND_ONE); //when connection is idle else { // timeout occur by congestion ++nrexmit_; last_cwnd_action_ = CWND_ACTION_TIMEOUT; slowdown(CLOSE_SSTHRESH_HALF|CLOSE_CWND_RESTART); } reset_rtx_timer(0,1); last_cwnd_action_ = CWND_ACTION_TIMEOUT; send_much(0, TCP_REASON_TIMEOUT, maxburst_); } }

  44. TcpAgent – Retransmission Timer (6) • Overview RtxTimer::expire() newack() (1) timeout(TCP_TIMER_RTX) slowdown() rtt_update() (2) reset_rtx_timer() (2) (1) (2) rtt_backoff() set_rtx_timer() RtxTimer::resched(timeout) (1) timeout = rtt_timeout()

  45. TcpAgent – Slow Start (1) • Slow Start • It operates by observing that the rate at which new packets should be injected into the network is the rate at which the acknowledgments are returned by the other end. • Slow Start adds another window to the sender’s TCP : the congestion window (cwnd). • The congestion window is initialized the one segment. • Each time an ACK is received, the congestion window is increased by one segment. • If congestion window value over the ssthresh(slow start thresh) value, then switch to Congestion Avoidance mode.

  46. TcpAgent – Slow Start (2) • Related Methods // Return current window size int TcpAgent::window() { return (cwnd_ < wnd_ ? (int)cwnd_ : (int)wnd_); } // set initial window size “1” void TcpAgent::set_initial_window() { if (syn_ && delay_growth_) cwnd_ = 1.0; else cwnd_ = initial_window(); } // This fuction called every ACK is received and increase congestion window size void TcpAgent::opencwnd() { double increment; if (cwnd_ < ssthresh_) { // slow-start (exponential) cwnd_ += 1; } …… }

  47. TcpAgent – Congestion Avoidance (1) • Congestion Avoidance • Congestion avoidance is a way to deal with lost packets. • There are two indications of packet loss : a timeout occurring and the receipt of duplicate ACKs. • When congestion occurs TCP must slow down its transmission rate of packets into network, and then invoke slow start to get things going again. • Algorithm operates as follows • 1. Initialization for a given connection sets cwnd to one segment and ssthresh to 65535 bytes. • 2. The TCP output routine never sends more than the minimum of cwnd and the receiver’s advertised window. • 3. When congestion occurs (indicated by a timeout or the reception of duplicate ACKs), one-half of the current window size (the minimum of cwnd and the receiver’s advertised window) is saved in ssthresh. Additionally, if the congestion is indicated by a timeout, cwnd is set to one segment • 4. When new data is acknowledged by the other end, increase cwnd, but the way it increases depends on whether TCP is performing slow start or congestion avoidance. If TCP is in slow start, then cwnd is increased by one segment every time an ACK is received. Otherwise if TCP is in congestion avoidance, then cwnd be increased by segsize * segsize/cwnd each time an ACK is received.

  48. TcpAgent – Congestion Avoidance (2) • Congestion Avoidance

  49. TcpAgent – Congestion Avoidance (3) • Related Methods void TcpAgent::opencwnd() { double increment; if (cwnd_ < ssthresh_) { // slow-start (exponential) cwnd_ += 1; } else { // linear double f; switch (wnd_option_) { …… case 1: // This is the standard algorithm. increment = increase_num_ / cwnd_; …… cwnd_ += increment; break; } } return; } // This fuction is called when timeout occur void TcpAgent::slowdown(int how) { double decrease; double win, halfwin, decreasewin; int slowstart = 0; ++ncwndcuts_; // we are in slowstart for sure if cwnd < ssthresh if (cwnd_ < ssthresh_) slowstart = 1; …… if (how & CLOSE_SSTHRESH_HALF) // For the first decrease, decrease by half if (first_decrease_ == 1 || slowstart || last_cwnd_action_ == CWND_ACTION_TIMEOUT) { ssthresh_ = (int) halfwin; } else ssthresh_ = (int) decreasewin; …… if (how & CLOSE_CWND_ONE) cwnd_ = 1; if (ssthresh_ < 2) ssthresh_ = 2; …… }

  50. TcpAgent – Fast Retransmit (1) • Fast Retransmit • When TCP received duplicate ACKs, TCP does not know whether a duplicate ACK is caused by a lost segment or just reordering of the segments. • It waits for a small number of duplicate ACKs to be received. • It is assumed that if there is just a reordering of the segments, there will be only one or two duplicate ACKs before the reordered segment is processed, which will then generate a new ACK. • If three or more duplicate ACKs are received in row, it is strong indication that a segment has been lost. TCP then performs a retransmission timer to expire.

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