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Allicin - Nature’s Antibiotic

SALISBURY 20 th February 2008. Allicin - Nature’s Antibiotic. From the heart of garlic. What’s in garlic that makes it so powerful?. Garlic contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals a sulphur compound called “alliin” and an enzyme called “alliinase”

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Allicin - Nature’s Antibiotic

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  1. SALISBURY 20th February 2008 Allicin - Nature’s Antibiotic From the heart of garlic

  2. What’s in garlic that makes it so powerful? • Garlic contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals a sulphur compound called “alliin” and an enzyme called “alliinase” • When harvested garlic has no smell but it contains a very potent defence mechanism that starts when garlic is cut, cooked, boiled, chopped, fried or mechanically processed in any way

  3. Now for the smelly bit! Let’s make some Allicin Crush some fresh garlic

  4. Allicin produced from fresh garlic


  6. Historical properties of garlic that can be attributed to allicin • Anti-bacterial - wide spectrum of sensitive bacteria both gram positive and negative • Anti-viral (including common cold virus) • Anti-fungal (more effective than many drugs) • Anti-cancer (IOWA women’s study) • Anti-cholesterol (substantial data) • Anti-blood pressure (substantial data) • May reduce blood sugar levels • May help to reduce fat build up and lead to loss of weight

  7. Types of Garlic supplement • Garlic oil capsules – no allicin potential • Aged garlic extract – no allicin potential • Garlic macerates – some allicin potential? • Garlic powder – potential depends on processing • Garlic powder easily inactivated by stomach acid • Allicin powder supplements like AllicinMax have now been available for 7 years

  8. Active supplement manufactured by Allicin International Limited

  9. Preventing the Common Cold A double blind placebo controlled survey with 146 volunteers

  10. Antiviral: How “common” is a cold? • In the Western World we see 2-5 coldson average per person per year • Over 200 different cold virus types • Viral disease is an excellent traveller • The common cold costs National economies enormous sums of money in lost working days • Prevention is always better than cure

  11. Results

  12. Active supplement with the optimum dose of allicin is found ONLY in AllicinMax

  13. Results - Number of colds P<0.05

  14. Results - Average symptom duration (days) p<0.001

  15. Repeat infections p<0.001

  16. Conclusions • AllicinMax can prevent the Common Cold • Reduction of severity of symptoms • Re-infection less likely with AllicinMax • Could represent huge savings for the UK economy • Product is well tolerated and may offer other advantages according to volunteer reports • Manufacturer’s recommended dose was used • Addition of various vitamins or minerals or herbs is a logical combination

  17. Allicin as a modern anti-bacterial • Known as “Nature’s antibiotic” • Broad spectrum of activity • No resistance has ever been recorded • Allicin prevents bacterial enzyme production • Problem infections can be resolved with allicin • Allicin is natural, safe and effective

  18. MIC (ppm allicin) for some problem bacteria • Streptococcus pyogenes 16 ppm • Staphylococcus aureus 16 ppm • Listeria monocytogenes 16 ppm • Escherichia coli 0157 32 ppm • Salmonella typhimurium 32 ppm • Clostridium perfringens 64 ppm • Helicobacter pylori 16 ppm

  19. Staphylococcus aureus • Involved in 95% of simple cases of eczema • Leads to worsening of clinical symptoms • Causes secondary infection • Prevents topical steroids from working • Present in most cases of acne • Prevalant bacterium in psoriasis

  20. Staphylococcus aureus - The “Golden” Bacterium

  21. Where it all began with real patients Debra’s wounds - open on the right but after treatment on the left both long standing wounds had closed and no further procedures were required

  22. Human Volunteer Studies

  23. Allicin kills Staph. aureus • Work completed at The University of East London • 30 bacterial strains were tested 12 were resistant to pharmaceutical antibiotics • ALL strains were sensitive to Allicin • Published in June 2004 in The Journal of Biomedical Science

  24. AllicinMax vs MUPIROCIN (a pharmaceutical antibiotic)

  25. Case history – before treatment • Female, 14 yrs old 2 pins inserted wounds failed to heal for 18 months. Patient had several courses of antibiotics with no effect. Surgeons were keen to readmit her and replace the pins and deal with the infection. We tested her as ++MRSA sensitive to allicin

  26. Case history after treatment • Treatment was 1800 mg of allicin powder daily in divided doses (AllicinMAX only) for a period of 4 weeks. No creams or spray were needed in this case. Swabs post treatment showed no MRSA infection present in the healed area, groin or nasal cavity

  27. What does this mean to patients?

  28. You get your life back!

  29. Is allicin really stable? Shelf-life

  30. Purity of Allicin using HPLC

  31. CH CH 2 2 CH CH 2 2 Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Allicin Allicin 1 mg/ml (Lawson) O 163 (M+H+) 100 CH S S CH Allicin (162) 75 Mass Intensity 73 40,128 121 54,038 163 162,051 Relative Intensity (%) 50 121 73 25 180 (M+NH4+) 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 m/z

  32. Summary • A unique opportunity to capitalise on the long established properties of garlic’s active mother substance ALLICIN. Only now is this 21st century molecule available in a form that the human race can really feel the benefit. Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antihistamine Antiparasite, Anticholesterol, Antihypertensive

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