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SST Quality Monitor (SQUAM) Updates: Progress since GHRSST-13 and Future Work http://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/sod/sst/squam/ Prasanjit Dash 1,2 , Alexander Ignatov 1 , Yury Kihai 1,3 1 NOAA/NESDIS/STAR; 2 Colorado State University-CIRA 3 GST Inc. IDPS Cloud & Ice Mask Analyses.
SST Quality Monitor (SQUAM) Updates:Progress since GHRSST-13 and Future Work http://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/sod/sst/squam/ Prasanjit Dash1,2, Alexander Ignatov1, Yury Kihai1,3 1NOAA/NESDIS/STAR; 2Colorado State University-CIRA 3GST Inc. IDPS Cloud & Ice Mask Analyses Background • Quality Flags: Two separate sets of QFs are provided in IDPS Product: (1) SST QFs; and (2) VIIRS Cloud Mask. Analyses were aimed at identifying a suitable combination. www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/sod/sst/squam/HR/index_v2.html • Ice Mask: Standard deviation of IDPS VIIRS SST increased in early 2012, when compared against several reference SST fields, which was due to a sub-optimal ice mask. This was identified in SQUAM. Fixes are underway. • The SQUAM is a web-based near real-time (NRT) tool to monitor level-2/3 (L2/3) satellite and level-4 (L4) analysis SST products for stability and cross consistency. • SQUAM analyzes statistics of departure of target SST (TS) relative to “reference” SST fields (TR), including several L4 fields and in situ data. • Data stream included in SQUAM since GHRSST-13 are shown in green: “IDPS VIIRS minus OSTIA”, Mar-20-2012 Condition #1 'High Quality'Condition #8 'Confidently clear‘ (recommended) L2- and L3- SQUAM: (L2 – L4) • L4-SQUAM: (L4 – L4)** • Reynolds (AVHRR; AVHRR+AMSR-E*) • RTG (high, low) • NAVO K10 • POES GOES Blended • NASA JPL: 1km G1SST, 1km MUR • OSTIA (real-time, reanalyzed) • CMC0.2° (real-time; RAN ongoing) • GAMSSA, ODYSSEA • GMPE • *AMSR-E discontinued in 2011 • +pending inclusion of RSS, NCODA Bulk L2 (LEO) L3 (LEO) High Res (HR) (AVHHR/MODIS/VIIRS) PathFinder v5.0 (Ref: L4, in situ): (A)ATSR [ESA CCI ARC] (ongoing) NESDIS ACSPO (Ref: L4, insitu): Metop-A, NPP VIIRS, Metop-B, Terra/Aqua MODIS EUMETSAT O&SI SAF (Ref: L4, insitu): JPSS IDPS VIIRS (Ref: L4, insitu): Foundation GAC (Global Area Coverage) Fig. 2: Analyses of IDPS quality flags for performance and coverage Ensemble NAVO SEATEMP (Ref:L4, insitu) • NESDIS • ACSPO (Ref: L4, insitu) • - NOAA16-19,Metop-A,Metop-B • Insitu val for all platforms • Analyses of reprocessed GAC NESDIS heritage Main Unit Task(MUT) (Ref: L4, insitu) Increasing std dev in IDPS SST Table 1: Sea surface temperature (SST) products monitored in SQUAM **SQUAM was affected due to the STAR move from Camp Springs, MD to College Park, MD in August 2012. SQUAM functionality has now been fully restored along with newer additions;. The only exceptions is L4-SQUAM which is expected to be restored in August 2013. 1. Progress since GHRSST-13 Fig. 2: Ice-mask issue in IDPS VIIRS detected from std. dev of SSTs wrt. OSTIA AVHRR GAC & PF Daily in situ VAL • Inclusion of newer satellite SST products (cf., Table 1) • Quality flags available in IDPS SST data were analyzed and a recommendation was made • Ice-mask issues with IDPS SST was uncovered, reported and fixed • Daily in situ validation of ACSPO AVHRR GAC SSTs were implemented (in line with high-resolution products) • Daily in situ validation of PathFinder (PF) v5 included • Monthly in situ validation of High Resolution SSTs were implemented (in line with standard practice) • This module was affected by STAR move in August 2012; expected to be restored in August 2013. L2- and L3-SQUAM GAC: www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/sod/sst/squam/ACSPOGAC PathFinder: www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/sod/sst/squam/PF/ Monthly VAL wrt. iQuam in situ SST OSI SAF Metop-A SST minus Drifters, Night Daily (31-May-2013)Monthly (May-2013) L4-SQUAM New L2 SSTs: VIIRS, Metop-B b) PDF of a); outliers handled by robust statistics a) NPP VIIRS (ACSPO) night SST minusOSTIA, 06-Jun-2013 Fig. 3: Daily vs. Monthly in situ validation of high resolution SSTs Summary • A number of new L2 SST products were included in SQUAM: VIIRS (ACSPO, IDPS), and Metop-B (ACSPO GAC and FRAC). Analyses and fixes are underway. • For IDPS SST product, analyses of quality flags were performed and a suitable combination selected. Also, an issue with ice-mask was uncovered using SQUAM. • Daily in situ validations for ACSPO AVHRR GAC and PathFinder v5 were included. • Monthly in situ validation for high resolution SSTs was implemented c) “High Res L2 night SST – OSTIA” SST, mean d) “High Res L2 night SST – OSTIA” SST, std dev Future Work e) Geographical dependence w.r.t. latitude f) Geophysical dependence w.r.t. total column water • Monthly in situ VAL for AVHRR GAC SSTs and PathFinder • Resume L4-SQUAM; add remaining L4-products • Include L3 ARC SSTs • Include standard MODIS SST products (MOD28/MYD28) • Analyses of geostationary satellite SSTs • Analyze correlated error in L2s via “L2-L4” vs. “L2-L4” diagrams for various L2 SSTs Acknowledgments & Disclaimer This work was supported by NESDIS (PSDI, JDE, ORS), JPSS, GOES-R. We thank SST colleagues at NCEP (Bob Grumbine), O&SI SAF (P. LeBorgne), UK Met Office (Matt Martin, Jonah Roberts-Jones, Emma Fiedler), NAVO (Doug May, J-F. Cayula, Bruce McKenzie), NODC (Ken Casey, Deirdre Byrne), U. Miami (Bob Evans, Peter Minnett), ABoM (Helen Beggs), JPL NASA (J. Vazquez, Yi Chao, Mike Chin, & Ed Armstrong) and NESDIS STAR & OSPO) (J. Sapper, F. Xu, XM. Liang, B. Petrenko, J. Stroup, D. Frey, E. Maturi, A. Harris, J. Mittaz) for help and collaboration. The views and findings are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official NOAA or US Government position, policy, or decision. Fig. 1: L2-SQUAM diagnostics for high resolution SST w.r.t. OSTIA. (more analyses at: http://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/sod/sst/squam/HR) GHRSST XIV Annual meeting 2013, 17-21 June 2013, Woods Hole, MA, USA Prasanjit.Dash@noaa.gov /Tel.: 301-683-3363 or Alex.Ignatov@noaa.gov / Tel.: 301-683-3379