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Biofuel. Cyrus & Annie M. Manure. Animal waste can be converted into energy through the process of anaerobic digestion (AD). AD converts organic matter to biogas in the absence of oxygen. Biogas can be used just as natural gas to produce heat and produce electricity. What’s the World Doing?.
Biofuel Cyrus & Annie M.
Manure • Animal waste can be converted into energy through the process of anaerobic digestion (AD). AD converts organic matter to biogas in the absence of oxygen. • Biogas can be used just as natural gas to produce heat and produce electricity.
What’s the World Doing? • The UK has 30 plants that convert animal waste to biogas. • Germany has 4,000. • 30% of educated German women are choosing not to have children.
Corn and Grains • Ethanol is made by the fermentation of foods like corn or grains. • Already, ethanol has become an additive in fuel as it boosts octane and reduces gas prices. Some places provide gasoline that is up to 10% ethanol • Using ethanol solely as an additive however, won’t replace foreign oil dependency unless Americans begin to use E85—fuel that consists of 85% ethanol and 15 percent gas. • Of the 170,000 gas stations in America, on 650 provide E85. • There is also the possibility of conventional cars becoming damaged from E85 use.
What's the World Doing? • United States planned to double its use of grain harvest for ethanol from 16% of the 2006 crop to 30% of the 2008 crop • United States surpassed brazil in 2005 as the world’s leading ethanol producer • Brazil is now converting ½ of its sugar cane to ethanol as the largest sugar producer and exporter.
In 2006… • Europe produced 1.2 billion gallons of biodiesel from vegetable oil • & 417 million gallons of ethanol • China converted 4 million tons of grain to Ethanol
Some worry… • That ethanol turns from one resource’s depletion to the next. • The United States planned to double its grain harvest for ethanol fuel from 16% of the 2006 crop to 30% of the 2008 crop. • China has already had reduced harvests due to water shortages. • China converted 4 million tons of grain anyway.
Bibliography • Plan B 3.0 book • http://www.thebioenergysite.com/news/2417/value -or-manure-both-fertilser-and-biofuel... • http://chevron.com/deliveringenergy/biofuels/?gclid=CJOBvc70... • http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/05/04/60minutes/main1588659.shtml • http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/05/04/60minutes/main1588659.shtml • http://www.thepigsite.com/swinenews/18218/nist-crude-oil-from-pig-manure
&& Pictures • http://www.flickr.com/photos/teppo/2460426311/in/photostream/ • http://tequilo.de/wp-theme-download/screenshot-green-grass.jpg • http://www.cartuningcentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/gas-pump.jpg