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4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions. Reducing the Risk. Consult a dietitian, nutritionist, or a physician to prescribe one of the following: a special eating plan. medical nutrition therapy. Chronic Conditions affected by Nutrition.

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4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

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  1. 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

  2. Reducing the Risk • Consult a dietitian, nutritionist, or a physician to prescribe one of the following: • a special eating plan. • medical nutrition therapy. 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

  3. Chronic Conditions affected by Nutrition • The following chronic conditions may be affected by managing ones eating patterns include: • High blood cholesterol • Hypertension/high blood pressure • Obesity • Diabetes • Osteoporosis • Anorexia nervosa • Bulimianervosa • Binge eating 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

  4. High Blood Cholesterol • Causes • Eating fatty (saturated fats) foods • Eating high cholesterol foods • Lack of fiber in the diet • Symptoms • Elevated blood pressure • Elevated HDL/LDL levels • Foods to include • Low-fat or fat-free • Whole grains • Lean meats • Fish • Fresh fruits and vegetables • Foods to avoid • Partially hydrogenated oils • Processed snack foods • Highly marbled meats 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

  5. Hypertension/High blood pressure • Causes • Eating foods with a high sodium content • Eating foods with a high fat content • Low consumption of foods containing calcium, potassium and magnesium. • Symptoms • Elevated heart rate • Shortness of breath with exertion • Foods to include • Low-sodium foods • Fresh fruits and vegetables • Whole grains • Foods to avoid • Highly processed snack foods • Low fiber content • High fat foods 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

  6. Obesity • Causes • Eating high fat content and low-nutrient dense foods. • Eating oversized portions • Limited physical activity • Inherited genetic traits • Symptoms • Increased health problems • Elevated BMI rating • Foods to include • Smaller portions • Reduced-fat or fat free • Whole grains • Fish • Fresh fruits and vegetables • Foods that Impact • Highly processed snack foods • Low-fiber content • High-fat foods 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

  7. Diabetes- Type II • Causes • Eating foods high in sugar • Excessive body weight • Low consumption of fiber • Symptoms • Excessive thirst • Fatigue • Foods to include • Low-sugar and sugar-free • Protein foods • Whole grains • Reduced-fat and fat-free • Foods to avoid • Foods that are high in sugar • Foods that are high in carbohydrates 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

  8. Osteoporosis • Causes • Lack of calcium and exercise • Symptoms • Brittle bones or bones that break easily • Hormonal changes • Deficiency of vitamin D • Foods to include • Calcium and vitamin-rich foods • Foods high in phosphorous • Dark green leafy vegetables • Foods to avoid • Caffeine • Soft drinks • Alcohol • Tobacco products 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions 8

  9. Anorexia Nervosa • Causes • An unrealistic body image • Peer pressure to be thin • Symptoms • Eating rituals • Extensive exercise • Obsession with dieting 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

  10. BulimiaNervosa • Causes • Guilt associated by over eating • The need to control weight by any means. • Symptoms • Tooth decay • Blistered hands • Ruptured esophagus 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

  11. Binge Eating • Causes • Feeling depressed • Guilt • Symptoms • Consuming 3000 to 5000 calories and day • Excessive weight gain 4.02F Nutrition and Chronic Conditions

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