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Kinetics Jeopardy

Kinetics Jeopardy. KINETICS. Equilibrium. Rate Laws. Reaction Mechanisms. Activation Energy. Integrated Rate Law. Rate Constant. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500.

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Kinetics Jeopardy

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  1. KineticsJeopardy

  2. KINETICS Equilibrium Rate Laws Reaction Mechanisms Activation Energy Integrated Rate Law Rate Constant 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  3. Rate Law 100 • A reaction has the rate law, Rate = k[A][B]2. What is the overall order for the reaction? • Third Order Overall Return

  4. Rate Law -200 • A reaction has the rate law, rate = k[A][B]2. If the concentration of both A and B are doubled, what happens to the rate? • Increases by a factor of 8. • Return

  5. Rate law -300 • The equation, 2A + 2B  C + D, describes an elementary reaction which takes place in a single step. What is the rate law? • Rate = k[A]2[B]2 Return

  6. Rate Law -400 • Based on the following equation, which of the following compounds would you expect to undergo the most change in concentration in a given amount of time? 2NH3 N2 + 3H2 • H2 Return

  7. Rate Law -500 • For the reaction, 2XO + O2  2XO2, the following data was obtained. What is the rate law for the reaction? Trial [XO] [O2] rate 1 0.010 0.010 2.5 2 0.010 0.020 5.0 3 0.030 0.020 45.0 • Rate = k [XO]2[O2] Return

  8. Reaction Mechanism -100 • The reaction: A + 3B  D + F was studied and the following mechanism was determined A + B ↔ C (fast) C + B  D + E (slow) E + B  F (very fast) Which step is the rate determining step? • The second step (slow step) • Return

  9. DAILY DOUBLE 200 * 2 • Suppose the reaction: A + B  D followed the mechanism A + B ↔ C (fast) C  D (slow) What is the rate law for the reaction? • Rate = k[A][B] Return

  10. Reaction Mechanism -300 • The reaction A + 3B D + F was followed and the following mechanism was determined: A + B ↔ C (fast) C + B  D + E (slow) E + B F (very fast) Identify the intermediates. • C and E Return

  11. DAILY DOUBLE -400 * 2 • The reaction A +3B  D + F was studied and the mechanism was determined to be: A + B ↔ C (fast) C + B  D + E (slow) E + B  F (very fast) What is the rate law? • Rate = k[A][B]2 • Return

  12. Reaction Mechanism 500 • The decomposition of H2O2 is determined to occur by the following mechanism: H2O2 + I- H2O + IO- (slow) H2O2 + IO-  H2O + O2 + I- (fast) What is the overall reaction? • 2H2O2 H2O + O2 • Return

  13. Activation Energy-100 • How does a catalyst alter the rate of a chemical reaction? • Lowers the activation energy (provides an alternative pathway) Return

  14. Activation Energy-200 • For a one step reaction, the activation energy for the forward reaction is 40 kJ/mol and the enthalpy of reaction is -20 kJ/mole. Which reaction is slower; the forward or the reverse? • The reverse reaction is slower • Return

  15. Activation Energy-300 • According to the collision theory, what two conditions must be met in order for a reaction to occur? • Reactants must possess a minimum amount of energy and the collisions must occur with the correct orientation Return

  16. Activation Energy -400 • How can the slope of a plot of ln(k) vs 1/T for a reaction be used to determine the activation energy? • By multiplying by –R (-8.314) • Return

  17. Activation Energy -500 • For a one step reaction the activation energy is 40 kJ/mol and the enthalpy of reaction is 20 kJ/mol. What is the activation energy of the reverse reaction? • 20 kJ/mol Return

  18. Integrated Rate Law-100 • The following reaction was studied: A  B + C. The graph of 1/[A] vs time gave a straight line. What is the order of the reaction with respect to A? • 2nd order • Return

  19. Integrated Rate Law -200 • Given a reaction, 2A + B  P, for which the observed rate law is rate = k [A], what is the integrated rate law? • ln[A] = -kt + ln[A]o • Return

  20. Integrated Rate Law -300 • In a first order reaction, what fraction of the material will remain after 4 half lives? • 1/16 Return

  21. Integrated Rate Law -400 • A first order reaction has a rate constant of 0.00318 min-1. What is the half life of the reaction? • 21.8 minutes • Return

  22. Integrated Rate Law -500 • A graph of [A] vs time gave a straight line. How does doubling the concentration of A affect the rate of the reaction? • It has no affect Return

  23. Rate Constant-100 • How does changing the concentration affect the rate constant? • It has no affect • Return

  24. Rate Constant -200 • How does increasing the temperature affect the rate and the rate constant? • It increases both the rate constant and the rate Return

  25. Return Rate Constant - 300 • What is the unit for the rate constant in a reaction that is 2nd order overall? • L/mol s

  26. Rate Constant -400 • In a zero order rate law, what units must the rate concept possess? • Mol/L time • Return

  27. Rate Constant - 500 • A rate constant has the units s-1. Doubling the concentration would have what affect on the overall rate of reaction? It would double the rate Return

  28. Equilibrium -100 • What factors affect the value of Keq? • Temperature and nature of reactants • Return

  29. Equilibrium -200 • How does a catalyst affect the value of Keq? • It has no effect Return

  30. Equilibrium -300 • If K>1, what does that indicate about the equilibrium position? • The concentration of products is greater than the concentration of reactants at equilibrium • Return

  31. Equilibrium-500 • Increasing the temperature increases the value of Keq. Is the reaction endothermic or endothermic? • endothermic Return

  32. Equilibrium-400 • According to the equation: 3H2(g) + N2(g)  2NH3(g), if the volume of the reaction chamber increases, will the forward or reverse reaction be favored? • Reverse reaction Return

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