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Immunizations. Bazil and Nikki. Immunizations. In the United States children receive 19 inoculations for 10 different diseases within the first few years of the child’s life. Common Diseases. Polio Diphtheria Measles Chicken Pox Whooping Cough Small Pox (eradicated).
Immunizations Bazil and Nikki
Immunizations • In the United States children receive 19 inoculations for 10 different diseases within the first few years of the child’s life.
Common Diseases • Polio • Diphtheria • Measles • Chicken Pox • Whooping Cough • Small Pox (eradicated)
Ages For Vaccinations • Between 0-6 months of age for most of the vaccinations. • Hepatitis given between 2 and 6 months.
Concerns With Vaccinations • Thimerosal • DTP Vaccination • MMR • Side Effects • Infected By Vaccination
Possible Side Effects • Fevers • Withdrawn • Seizures
Preventing Side Effects • Doctors are now waiting for children to become older before giving certain vaccinations to reduce stress of the side effects and to prevent too much Thimerosal from entering the body. • Be sure to consult your doctor on possible side effects that can occur.
Advantages Of Inoculations • “Immunizations are the single intervention, that has most dramatically reduced childhood morbidity and mortality”. • Diseases such as small pox have been eradicated. • Prevention of Diseases • Prevent Epidemics
Failure To Inoculate • Japan, Sweden, and Great Britain experienced an outbreak of whooping cough in the 1970’s. • Result were many with the illness and many more that died.
Conclusion • Though not a 100 percent safe or effective, it is required that vaccinations be used to prevent diseases. • Their advantages far outweigh their disadvantages.
References • Altiman, Lawrence K. “U.S. in a push to Bar Vaccine Given to Infants.” New York Times July 1999 ProQuest • Andrews, Nick; Lingam, Ranghu; Miller, Elizabeth; Taylor, Brent “Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccination and bowel problems or developmental regression in children with autism: Population study.” British Medical Journal London Feb 16 ProQuest • Bandler James “Children’s Vaccines Raise Seizure Risks, Don’t Cause Autism.” Wall Street Journal New York, NY Aug 30, 2001 ProQuest • Barasch, Douglas S. “How safe are kids’ vaccines? Good Housekeeping. New York Sep 2000 ProQuest • Christensen, Damaris “Vaccine verity: New studies weigh benefits and risks” Science News Washington Aug 18, 2001 ProQuest • Foote, Donna and Kalb, Claudia “Necessary Shots?” Newsweek New York Sep 1999 ProQuest • Howd, Aimee “A most dangerous medical mandate?” Insight on the News Washington Jun 21, 1999 ProQuest