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“I have let my family down”. What is true about Tiger Woods ? He was born in New York He has been married for five years 3) He has two children 4) He had only one extra marital affair. He was born in California. He had several extra marital affairs.
What is trueabout Tiger Woods? • He was born in New York • He hasbeenmarried for fiveyears • 3) He hastwochildren • 4) He hadonlyone extra marital affair He wasborn in California He hadseveral extra marital affairs
5) Hiswife is American 6) He was the highest-paid professional athlete in 2008 7) Woods has won 8 professional major golf championships Hiswife is Swedish He haswon14pofessional major golfchampionships
(Inset, left to right) are the first three reported mistresses: cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs, Las Vegas exec KalikaMoquin and New York party promoter Rachel Uchitel. Above, the Woods family seen during happier times: (left to right) Daughter Sam, 2, wife Elin, Woods, son Charlie, 10 months, and their dogs Yogi and Taz. Published: 12/18/2009 14:31:24 Credits: Furore/AP
FOR BETWEEN INTO IN BETWEEN • Tiger Woods tuckedhistail _________ hislegsFridayandfinallyapologized ______ person _______ thesordidsexscandalthatturnedtheworld'sgreatestgolfer ______ a patheticpunchline. IN FOR INTO
LIKE – BY – ON (2x) -WITH – OF Lookingintothecameras _______ a condemnedman, anunflinching Woods delivered a carefully-scriptedapologymarked _______ apparentremorse - and a few flashes _______ anger. Woods admittedhecheated _______ hiswife, Elin, _______ a bevyof babes andplacedtheblamesquarely _______ himself. "I wasunfaithful. I hadaffairs. I cheated," hesaid. "What I didwasunacceptable. I haveonlymyself to blame." LIKE BY OF ON WITH ON
6 Match the definitions: punchline unflinching bevy squarely romps entitlement delve into sth be in the doghouse to cite sb for sth ( ) The right to receive sth or do sth ( ) To officially order someone to appear in a court of law ( ) Not changing or stopping despite difficulties ( ) To be in a situation in which someone is annoyed with you because you’ve done sth wrong ( ) A large group of people of the same kind especially women ( ) Directly and firmly ( ) A word for sexual activity used esp by newspaper ( ) To try to find more information ( ) The last few words of a joke 9 2 8 3 4 5 7 1
Woods alsomadeanunprecedentedadmission __________a professionalathlete - thathissexrompswere __________ a misguidedand _________-inflatedsenseofentitlement. "I knewmyactionswerewrong, but I convincedmyselfthat normal rulesdidn'tapply," hesaid. "I thoughtthat I hadworkedhardmyentirelifeanddeserve to enjoyallthetemptations __________ me." BY DUE TO OVER AROUND
Woods admittedhewas _________ themidstofsexaddictiontherapy to exorcisethedemonsthatdrovehim to cheatwith a parade _________ porn stars, party girls andwaitresses, buthedidnotnamenamesordelve _________ thedetails. "That is a matter _________ husbandandwife," hesaid. Woods alsosuggestedthathewas still in thedoghousewiththemissus, saying "Elinand I havestartedtheprocess _________ discussingthedamagecausedbymybehavior.” IN OF INTO BETWEEN OF
CREDITS http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8391350.stm http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/12/07/2009-12-07_hiding_in_her_den_latest_tiger_gal_alerts_pals_to_alleged_tryst_source_sez.html