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This Presentation Will:. Recommend How to Develop a Strategy for Successful Sentencing ReformRecommend Alternatives to IncarcerationSuggest Reforms for the Prison System. Developing a Successful Strategy Define Success Develop Objectives Develop Principles Adopt a Strategy. First-T
1. Strategies for Successful Sentencing Reform Presentation to S.C. Sentencing Reform Commission by
S.C. Public Defenders
Chris Scalzo, Charles Grose & Ashley Pennington
March 5, 2009
2. This Presentation Will:
4. First-Things-First: Define Success
Not Knowing Where Youre Going is a Recipe for Getting Lost.
5. How Should We Define Success? As Sentencing That
protects public safety
makes efficient use of tax dollars
reduces recidivism
provides effective sentencing options for fair punishment
6. Make This a Shared Definition Everyone Should Use the Same Definition
Defense Attorney
All Stakeholders
7. Develop Objectives for Success
Our Objectives Should Be
Greater Public Safety
Reduced Recidivism
More Efficient Use of Tax Dollars
Improved Sentencing Options
8. Greater Public Safety No Clearer First Principle for CJS
Protect Public At-Large
Protect Victims
9. Reduce Recidivism Higher Rates Mean
Greater Threat to Public Safety
More Demand on Public Resources
Less Effective CJS
10. More Efficient Use of Tax Dollars We Can Make Smart Choices About Money
We Should Make Smart Choices About Money
Tax Dollars Are Not Unlimited!
11. Put More Tools In Sentencing Toolbox Sentencing Options are Tools
If Used ProperlyTools Can Increase Our Effectiveness
If an Available Tool Is Not In the ToolboxEffectiveness Suffers
12. Evaluating Sentencing Tools If a Tool No Longer Works
Remove It from Toolbox
And Get a Tool that Works!
If a Tool is Outdated
Replace it With a New or Improved Tool
Stop Using Outdated Tools!
If a New Task Demands a New ToolGet One!
13. Adopt Principles for Meeting Objectives These Principles Are:
Incarcerate Those Who Need to be IncarceratedBut Only Those Who Need to Be Incarcerated
14. Adopt Principles for Meeting Objectives These Principles Are:
Identify What Reduces Recidivismand What Does Not
15. Adopt Principles for Meeting Objectives These Principles Are:
Evaluate Sentencing Options Based on What Provides Best Outcome
16. Adopt Principles for Meeting Objectives These Principles Are:
Make Evidence-Based Decisions
17. Incarcerate Only People Who Need Incarceration People Who are a Physical Threat to Others
Need to Be Incarcerated
People Who Choose Not to Conform Behavior
Need to Be Incarcerated
18. Dont Incarcerate the Wrong People Doing So Does Not
Increase Public Safety
Reduce Recidivism
Increase Efficient Use of Tax Dollars
19. Identify What Reduces Recidivism Ask the Right Question:
What will reduce recidivism and what will not?
20. Its the Only Rational Thing to Do If We Want to Reduce Recidivism
We Have to Educate Ourselves on What In Fact Reduces Recidivism
We Cannot Continue to Do Things That Do Not Reduce Recidivism
There Are Tools and Research Available to Help
21. Is Intuition Enough? Create Longer SentencesThat Will Reduce Crime For Sure.
Yeah, Create Mandatory Minimums That Will Reduce Crime, Too.
This Approach Makes Intuitive Sense
People Will Stop Committing Crimes Once They Find Out How Much Time Theyll Spend in Prison
22. Intuition Over Validation The Problem Is People Who Commit Crimes Dont Share Our Intuitions!
The Bigger Problem
No Effort Was Made Before Implementation to Validate the Intuition With Data
23. Results Federal Sentencing Guidelines Put In Place in 1980s
Based On The Intuition That Longer, Harsher Sentences Will Deter Crime
State & Federal Prison Populations Have Increased Six-Fold Since the 1970s
24. Truth In Sentencing in SC TIS Developed From an Intuition, Too
Should Do The Time One Was Ordered To Do
Stiffer Penalties Deter Crime and Reduce Recidivism
These Intuitions Were Not Validated, Either
25. Result for SC SCDC Population Grew Twenty-fold
1997 TIS Population = 540
2008 TIS Population = 10, 328
SCDC: Overall 3-year Recidivism Rate Increased
FY1997 it was 28%
FY2003 it was 32%
26. Focus On What Produces the Best Outcome Ask the Right Question:
Does this sentencing option meet our objectives or is it counterproductive?
27. Example of Counterproductive Option Conviction for Drug Offense = Loss of DL
Decreases Ability to Comply with Probation
Virtually Eliminates Transportation
Leaves Near Inability to Report
Huge Hurdle to Employment
Hobsons Choice: Comply or DUS
28. Make Evidence-Based Decisions Before Using a Sentencing Option Analyze It
Will it produce the results we want?
Will it further our objectives?
Answer the Questions With Evidence
The Statistical Tools Are Available
The Data Is Available
The Experts Are Available
29. Decision-Making in Courtroom What Sentencing Options
Should Prosecutor Make Available?
Defense Attorney Advocate For?
Judge Order?
Answering Requires Informed Decision Making
30. Maximize Skills of Judicial System Lawyers & Judges are Not Trained
Social Workers
We Are Well Trained to Use Evidence, Though
31. Adopt a Strategy for Implementing & Improving Reform
identify all the agencies that should be involved in the criminal justice system,
establish clearly defined missions for those agencies,
incorporate those agencies into the sentencing reform process,
establish benchmarks to measure progress,
make decisions based on evidence, and
declare that sentencing reform should take place as an on-going endeavor.
33. The Commission Should Promote effective communication between the agencies in the criminal justice system
Access to information
Collaboration between agencies to propose solutions for individual offenders
Joint training
34. The Commission Should Create an environment where Judges can make evidence based decisions about sentencing
Promote individual responsibility of offenders and ensure the protection of victims rights
35. Look at the data
Look at existing numbers
Track outcomes: recidivism (minor and major)
Track to see what is working and what is not working
36. Alternatives to Incarceration
37. Alternatives to Incarceration Diversion Programs
Treatment Courts
Work Release
38. Diversion Programs Pre-trial Intervention (PTI) works
Promotes individual responsibility
Restitution to victims
Non-conviction protects jobs
Conserves court time
Increase availability of PTI
Allow PTI for General Sessions even if the person has been through PTI in Magistrate or Municipal Court
39. Diversion Programs Restitution in consideration for dismissal
Minor property offenses
If the incident is more civil than criminal
Non-violent disputes between family members of friends
Promotes individual responsibility
Restitution to victims
Non-conviction protects jobs
Conserves court time
40. Treatment Courts Drug Courts, Mental Health Courts, CDV Courts
The success of treatment courts comes from cooperation between agencies to provide current, accurate and complete information to the Judge
The Commission should increase the availability and expand the access to treatment courts
Individual responsibility
Treats the underlying problem
Avoids incarceration
Reduces recidivism
41. Probation The Probation Agent should be the Courts method for monitoring compliance with the Courts sentence.
The Commission should stress Probations mission includes rehabilitation.
42. Restore Probation Resources Restitution Centers
Non-incarceration, structured, residential settings where offenders live, work, and pay restitution and court costs.
Community Control Center
Non-incarceration, structured, residential program that provided intensive, in-patient drug and alcohol treatment
43. Other Agencies Department of Mental Health (DMH)
Alcohol and drug treatment
Mental health counseling
Provides treatment during pre-trial detention
Vocational Rehabilitation
GED programs
Vocational training
Employment Security Commission
44. New Probation Violation Procedures The probation agent should prepare a detailed report for the court
Background information on the offender
Reports from other agencies identifying issues unique to that individual and making recommendations
Propose solutions to the Court
Consider non-incarceration alternatives
Detail why non-incarceration alternatives are not appropriate and make specific recommendations for services during incarceration
45. Study Collateral Consequences of Conviction Drivers license suspension Drug conviction?
Look for a job
Getting to and from work
Provisional licenses can be inadequate
Driving on the job
Support families
Create a first time offender status
conviction can be expunged after completing the sentence
46. Work Release Sometimes short (6-12 mo) periods of incarceration are appropriate in lieu of SCDC, often times in connection with probation.
State and Counties should increase the availability of work release
Not available in all counties
Standardize around the state
47. Work Release Advantages
People stay in the community and keep jobs
Promotes individual responsibility
Consequences for criminal conduct
People can still support families
Inmates contribute to cost of WR
Can tie in needed rehab at night and offer mentoring
48. Prison Reform
49. Prison Reform Mandatory minimum sentences, no parole sentences, and lengthy sentences (particularly in drug cases) do not reduce recidivism and increase the size of the prison population.
50. Prison Reform Abolish mandatory minimum sentences
Abolish no parole (85% sentences)
Reduce lengthy, mandatory sentences in drug cases
51. Sentencing Reform Increase the use of split sentences
Create a three year Youthful Offender Sentence for violent crimes
Allow judges more discretion to recommend specific programs during incarceration
52. More Programs Increase the use of the Addictions Treatment Unit (ATU)
Increase the available beds for adults from 250 to 1000
Skills training
Work Release
53. Provide for Re-Entry
55. Can we be more effective? Can we be tough and smart on crime at the same time?
When the debt is paid and someone really wants to fit in, what should a correctional system or community offer?
What could we gain? A good citizen, neighbor, father, community leader?
56. Four (4) Keys: Before & After Release The Individuals Will to Change Habits and Preparation
Real Employment
Mentoring and Involvement in an Accountability Community (ex. AA, church)
Opportunities for Service & Leadership
57. Employment reduces recidivism Need for birth certificates, SSN, SC ID card
Need for Drivers license to get to work
Build on existing access to education
Build on existing access to voc rehab
Every inmate needs a job in prison
Inmates need to plan for release
58. Mentoring can change attitude Collaborate with legitimate organizations (AA, NA, churches, synagogues, mosques, and other pro-social support groups)
Encourage pre-release mentoring
Link to welcoming support group at release
Encourage service to the community as a way of life
59. Sentencing Reform Commission Public Defenders
March 5, 2009
60. The Commission Should Invest each agency in the Criminal Justice System with responsibility for success in reducing recidivism.
By establishing a mission statement for each agency.
By setting goals and benchmarks for each agency.