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External Validity of Trials . Background. External or ecological validity refers to whether the results of the trial can be generalised to the general clinical population. Randomisation per se does NOT make a study externally valid. Validity Issues.
Background • External or ecological validity refers to whether the results of the trial can be generalised to the general clinical population. • Randomisation per se does NOT make a study externally valid.
Validity Issues • Are the ‘correct’ patients being included in the trials? • Are the ‘correct’ practitioners taking part in the study? • Are the ‘correct’ facilities being used?
Trial Problems • Many if not most trials are undertaken in circumstances that are far removed from ‘usual’ clinical practice. • Usually clinicians running trials are content experts yet the results are to be applied by non-experts.
Osteoporosis Trials • Most of the large osteoporosis trials with fracture as an outcome recruited participants from ‘bone’ clinics. • Patients under care of clinical experts but results are expected to be applied by clinicians who are not experts.
Participants • Usually participants who go into trials are different from those who do not. • These ‘storm troopers’ of patients usually comply with instructions better than average. • Combined with different clinicians and patients results can be different from the ‘real’ world.
% (n) with Took part in trial n = 1 409 Did not take part in trial, n = 1 814 1 risk factor 42.4 (597) 62.9 (1 141) .000 2 risk factors 40.9 (576) 29.4 (533) .000 3 risk factors 13 (183) 6.9 (126) .000 4 risk factors 3.8 (53) 0.8 (14) .000 Trial participants v non
Type of fracture Took part in trial n = 1 409 Did not take part in trial, n = 1 814 P value Overall 6.5% 10.4% .000 Hip 1.4% 1.8% .405 Wrist 2.5% 3.8% .044 Crude risk of fracture
Type of fracture OR (adjusted) 95% CI lower upper P value Overall 0.42 0.31 0.55 .000 Hip 0.50 0.28 0.90 .021 Wrist 0.52 0.34 0.79 .002 Risk of fracture (adjusted)
Alendronate • Alendronate is a bisphosphonate for osteoporosis treatment. Large trials conducted in expert clinical centres showed it reduced fractures with few or no side-effects. • Things were different when it was licensed and ‘real’ clinicians used the drug.
Alendronate problems • To take a bisphosphonate one needs to take it on an empty stomach with a large glass of water and remain upright for at least 2 hours. • Otherwise the drug can get affect the oesophagus and cause ulceration. • In real life this is what happened and led to a warning. Trial data gave to evidence this was a problem.
The Wrong Solution • Often once the phase III trial has been finished companies finance a ‘real’ world non-randomised study. • This is usually nothing more than a marketing exercise and produces worthless data on ‘real’ world experience of the problem.
A correct solution • Involves some form of randomisation to eliminate confounding. • For example one might undertake a cluster trial of giving the drug non-specialist physicians to use of their patients BEFORE the drug is widely available. • This will produce more robust data.
Alternatively • We should try and design our trials to be as pragmatic as possible so that the results are widely generalisable. • This means recruiting non-expert clinicians and their patients. • Using a pragmatic design rather than an explanatory design.
Back Pain Trials • An early RCT of chiropractic manipulation for back pain was criticised by physiotherapists that the chiropractic was undertaken in private practice. • May have been a ‘Bach’ effect.
MRC back pain trial • To address the issue of nice premises the MRC back pain trial included an arm where patients were randomised to be treated on private premises or NHS premises. • Increased the costs of the trial hugely.
Surgical Trials • Often surgical trials have poor external validity because the new technique is usually developed in a teaching hospital among ‘expert’ surgeons (e.g. laparoscopic methods). • It is unlikely the results of surgery undertaken in ‘top’ hospitals would be the same as a ‘bog-standard’ DGH.
Big and Simple • Try and make the trial large, as it allows for various PRE-SPECIFIED sub-group analyses (specialists vs generalists). • Simple which means one can get as many in as possible.
Summary • Most trials will NEVER be able to recruit exactly the same types of participants as those who receive treatment in clinical practice. • PRAGMATIC trials have the strongest external validity and usually one of these should be done before implementation.