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Dipole Moment of Solitons

2011/10/27. Dipole Moment of Solitons. Makoto Kobayashi KEK. Recollections of Nagoya Univ. Under graduate 1963-1967 Graduate 1967-1972. Chiral s ymmetry Maskawa , Kondo, Hattori. Deep inelastic scattering Iizuka , Nitto. Cosmic ray events

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Dipole Moment of Solitons

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2011/10/27 Dipole Moment of Solitons Makoto Kobayashi KEK

  2. Recollections of Nagoya Univ. Under graduate 1963-1967 Graduate 1967-1972 • Chiralsymmetry • Maskawa, Kondo, Hattori • Deep inelastic scattering • Iizuka, Nitto • Cosmic ray events • Nakagawa, Nitto

  3. mag. monopole x spin e.d.m. ? elec. charge x spin mag. moment

  4. N=2Supersymmetric SU(2) Gauge Model N=2 Supermultiplet : • BPS solution with Mass: Spin:

  5. Spin ½ monopole Spin angular momentum: Electric dipole moment from the long distance behavior Kastnor, Na; P.R. D60(1999), 025002 Kobayashi; P.T.P. 117(2007), 479

  6. Witten 1979 Dyon

  7. Spin 1/2 dyon Kobayashi, Kugo, Tokunaga 2007 Progr. Theor. Phys. 118(2007), 921 Normalization of Spin Angular Momentum

  8. Dipole Moment of Dyon • electric dipole moment • magnetic dipole moment Nomagnetic dipole moment

  9. Duality(1) N=2 SU(2) gauge theory Effective U(1) gauge theory S-dual Electric Magnetic

  10. Duality(2) Dyon in dual variables • Coulomb part • Dipole part

  11. Summary • Dyon in the original discription Magnetic moment Electric moment • Dyon looks like ‘electron’ in the dual discription Magnetic moment Electric moment EDM of ‘electron is calculated non-perturbatively.

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