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Environmental Systems and Society SL1. Course expectations Grading Instructor: Darlene Oehlke. Welcome to Environmental Systems and Society Standard Level Year One! This year ’ s topics include much of the course of the IB Standard Level Curriculum: Systems Human Population Growth
Environmental Systems and Society SL1 Course expectations Grading Instructor: Darlene Oehlke
Welcome to Environmental Systems and Society Standard Level Year One! This year’s topics include much of the course of the IB Standard Level Curriculum: Systems Human Population Growth Natural Capital Resource Use: Energy, Soil, Food, Water Limits to Growth Pollution management Eutrophication Solid Domestic Waste Air Pollution: Ozone Depletion Smog
General Expectations • Come with a good attitude • Pay attention, participate and try your best • Have good attendance • Make up work when you are absent (website) • Be on time to class • Bring your text book and materials to class • Complete your homework for each class as well as you can • Respect other people and school property • Use class time productively, especially in the computer lab
Please do not… Eat junk food during class Bring soft drinks into this room Use cell phones during class Listen to your ipod Disrupt the learning of other students Do not chat or check your email while using the school computers unless it is directly related to the assignment.
Required materials • A notebook for notes and homework • A ruler 3. A Scientific Calculator 4.The Environmental Systems Text book: Living in the Environment by Miller 5. The ESS Course Companion 6. Something to write with: pen and/or pencil 7. A folder for handouts 8. An agenda to organize your homework 9. A pen drive 10.An internet connection at home!
Good use of class time • Look at the assignment on the white board and write this in your agenda / check webpage each night. • Participate in all learning activities • Take notes that you can understand later • Listen to other people when they speak • USE CLASS TIME PRODUCTIVELY!
Laboratory 20% of the coursework will be in the laboratory and the reports will be kept in a portfolio for the IB internal assessment. Read the handouts before each practical and prepare data tables in advance. During the laboratory, write observations in your notebook. Include with your lab report. Work on your lab report the same evening after you finished the experiment. Submit all lab reports to turnitin.com and give a hard copy of your notes as well as the instructions
Laboratory continued Students who are absent must make up the practical as soon as possible after school or during a free period. All lab reports are individual unless otherwise stated. DO NOT send any part of your report to another person. Grades will be reduced by 10% if late the first day. When the reports are returned to the class, a “1” will be awarded. If you give me an excuse 24 hours BEFORE the report is due, I will consider an extension.
Homework キExpect to read, work on a project, finish a lab report or study between each lesson. キMany of the readings are online. You are expected to check the website daily for links. キIf you are absent, you should check the website to find out what work was missed and try to do the assignment before the next lesson. Send me an email if you have questions or if you are going to be absent.
Quizzes • Quizzes are shorter than tests and usually only include one topic. • All quizzes must be made up as soon as possible if missed due to an absence. • Quizzes are only given on 1st or 3rd period classes, the same as a test
Tests • Tests include topics from the whole unit and are longer than quizzes. Tests and quizzes make up 65% of the quarter grade
Integrity Do what is right, even when no one is looking! Submit all lab reports to turnitin.com IF the work is a group project, submit ONE copy with both names on it. Individual work must be different than other people’s work.
Grading: • 65% Test and quiz • 20% Laboratory reports • 15% Project and assignments
Expect me to… Start class on time… Be available for extra help (after school at lunch, and email at night.) To return graded work quickly To try to keep the course interesting and varied
Unit 1: Systems Assessment Unit Test Quiz: Carbon and water cycles Projects: Biosphere 2 Carbon and water cycles project
Unit 2: Human Population Natural Capital Project Age-Sex Population Pyramids Laboratory Female Literacy Graphing data related to human population growth Quiz Human population graphs and calculations Natural capital including food, soil, energy and water resources Unit test Topics 2.1 and 2.2
Unit 3: Energy, Soil, Water and Food Resources Energy project Energy graphing lab Soil testing experiment Soil degradation project Decomposition lab Water case study Analysis of two food production systems Quizzes and Unit Test
Unit 4: Limits to Growth and the Ecological Footprint Limits to Growth debate Comparison of Ecological Footprints between MEDC’s and LEDC’s Food for Thought Lab Calculation of personal footprints Human Trophic Lab Unit test
Unit 5: Measuring biotic components • Zonation Experiment - Outside! • Simpson’s Diversity Lab • Calculate Density and Percentage Frequency • Lincoln Index minilab • Kite Diagrams • Abiotic components: Temperature, light intensity, wind speed, particle size, slope, soil moisture, drainage, mineral content • Dichotomous Key laboratory • Unit Quiz
Unit 6: Pollution Management • Biotic Index Calculations • Stream study in El Arayan • Water Pollution Quiz • Solid Waste Project • Unit Test
Unit 7: Air Pollution • Acid and seed germination experiment • Detection of Ozone in Santiago experiment • Quiz: Components of the atmosphere • Quiz: Sources of Air pollution • Air pollution review packets • Unit Test
Unit 8: Issues of Global Warming • Project: Global warming magazine article • Laboratory experiment: Greenhouse gases and temperature using data loggers • Quiz
Extra help Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1:00 Bring your LUNCH! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday starting at 3:15 Email or make an appointment.
Study area at home • Be sure you have a comfortable, quiet place to study at home. • Remove distractions including the television, radio and computer from the area. • Focus when you study so that you are efficient and you get some rest after you are finished!
More about home study • Do not keep computers, TV or radio in your room • Eat healthy snacks • Avoid caffeine, especially late at night
Communication • All homework is posted on my website. • The handouts will be on the site • Links for extra help and review are included • If you are absent, you are expected to keep up and know what is going on by checking the website • If you have questions, my email address is doehlke@nido.cl • Website: www2.nido.cl/~doehlke/index.htm
Let’s have a great year! • This year, there are 7 billion reasons why the impact of humans on the environment, is very important!