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Innovation and Knowledge European Management's Agents ( INMA). Athens, December 13th & 14th 2010. GENERAL DATA. OFFICIAL EVALUATION. Evaluator 2 – SUMMARY
Innovation and Knowledge European Management's Agents (INMA) Athens, December 13th & 14th 2010
OFFICIAL EVALUATION Evaluator 2 – SUMMARY It’s about making the transference of an up to date European professional profile adapting the deliverable of INNOVATION MANAGERS project developed inside the LEONARDO DA VINCI PILOT PROJECT. Its application will be made in all the stakeholder countries and always considering final users participation.
OFFICIAL EVALUATION Evaluator 1 – SUMMARY Sectorial and Geographical Exportation: transferring “Innovation Managers” profile to EL, NL, FR and PL, created in a former project (with current partners’ participation), adding as innovative value the creation of both multimedia and multilingual platform, available for the targeted group: under-represented women in the labour market in this sector. Final goal: European professional profile transference for promoting women insertion to the labour market and in SME, ITC and competitiveness improvement sectors, adjoining innovative elements.
WHY One of the priority aims of the EU is the based on knowledge growth and the employment generation. In this framework, from the Lisbon Strategy points a series of challenges to achieve: • Reply to globalization making the European Economy more competitive. • Support States` reform programmes facilitating good practices sharing. • Try to reconcile growth and competitive requirements with the social cohesion and sustainable development ones, proper essence of the European model.
WHY This Project aim to give a response to all of them through the transference of a new professional European profile that, when defined and tested, it demonstrated its great capacity of job placement for those who got involved.
DETECTED PROBLEMS What’s more, it does it as a response to two detected needs that are being aggravated by the current crisis: • SMEs represent the 90% of the European enterprises, with low capacity to maintain an innovation and development internal department, so that innovation (I) gets slowly into these organizations, making his competitiveness difficult. On that way the created profile has as objective work in an external way –autonomous, integrated in a net with other managers- for several enterprises (so that the cost of an Knowledge Europe comes down in price for each independent enterprise) and playing the role of been a link between the university and the proper enterprises.
DETECTED PROBLEMS • Innovation and New Technologies sector is mostly occupied by men, being women representation very limited. With the present profile and its transference we expect to give a turn to the I (putting I at the same level as the knowledge and exchange and not only to New Technologies, as EU recommends) and promote women participation in this sector in which they are under-represented, favouring also the placement of women with particular degrees that the market could not absorb by supply excess, and they finally end holding positions under her qualification (e.g. administration and management).
OBJECTIVES • Give value and run a new training profile with verified results in its previous testing stage which helps to: • Promote woman (targeted public of the project) incorporation in the I area, in which it is underrepresented. • Facilitate labour market insertion of particular profiles whose graduate’s supply is higher than market’s demand completing their training with a defined profile. • Favour “Innovation Managers” European profile transference to the partner countries and then, once created the training and social community 2.0 tools, favour the direct operation in other European countries.
OBJECTIVES • Help to reduce individual investing innovation costs in the European SMEs (mainly small enterprises) facilitating in this way that knowledge Europe and SME competitiveness considering innovation managers formed will work in an external way reducing the cost of create and maintain a specific department. • Promote contact and exchange between enterprises and universities, transferring theoretical developments to the business sphere, through the work made by the managers as bridges between both actors and the two national nets expected to create (organizations net and managers mutually supported through the scheduled virtual community)
SPECIFIC AIMS • Current situation analysis per country and actualization / adaptation previous profile • Adaptation and update of training contents from each profile modules. • Profile validation through experts and different countries organizations (national net to create which include think tanks, university, business, public administration) that enable sensitization about the importance of long life learning and innovating.
SPECIFIC AIMS • Profile and contents translation and creation of a training multimedia tool translated into the partners’ languages, supported by a 2.0 social community. • Tools testing with the targeted public in the different countries involved. • Evaluation and validation of the created tools.
TARGET GROUP • Forthe PROFILE: • Women - Unemployedwomen • Forthe NETWORK: • Experts in innovation / HHRR/ local development / LLL • Thinktanks • Universities • PublicAdministration SMEs
REVALENTO DIMITRA DOCUMENTA 8 months 7 months 12 months • Profiletranslationtoallpartners’ language • Country report: similar profiles • Country report: Innovation and SMEs (HHRR) • Proposalforupdatingtheprofile • Ref. docsfor training contents • Design of Training tool • Creation of contentsfor training tool • Insertion of contents in training tool (first Beta in English) • Handbookfortrainers and trainees • Select 15 – 25 unemployedwomen in each country • 3 months training withsupport of virtual community • Feedbackfromeachpartnerforeach module and contents • Validation of final profile and contents • Translation and final multimedia tool
CEEI WPBS 24 motnhs 24 months • Contactorganizations and expertstoinvolvethem in theproject and profile’svalidation (min. 20 + 5 per country) • Network creation at local / regional / national / EU level • 2 workshopsforprofilevalidation in each country • Creation of virtual social community 2.0 calledInnoNetBookwith 3 specificareasforINMAs: • ePortfolioarea • Blog area • Groupworkingarea • Communityavailable in English and Spanish (possibility of otherlanguages?)
DOCUMENTA DOCUMENTA & DIMITRA GTIR 24 months 24 months 24 months • Management and coordination guide • 4 Transnationalmeetings • Partialreports • Interimreport • Final report • Meetings in Madrid withNationalAgency • InternalEvaluation: • Ex ante • Intermedia • Final • ExternalEvaluation: Final Evaluation