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NURSING & MIDWIFERY PROGRAMMES. ELECTIVE PLACEMENTS Updated October 11. Summative (assessed) 1 option 1. A placement audited by the University of York You can still request where you would prefer this to take place unless there are educational reasons why you
Summative (assessed) 1 option 1. A placement audited by the University of York You can still request where you would prefer this to take place unless there are educational reasons why you need to be allocated to a specific placement or placement category. It is not advisable to request an identical placement to one already undertaken in branch where you have been assessed previously. Formative (non-assessed) 4 options 1. A placement audited by the University of York 2. A placement within the Yorkshire & Humber (& Teesside) region 3. A placement outside of the regionbut within the UK A placement overseas NB. Nursing placements should ordinarily be branch specific. If you are interested in a non-branch specific placement you must obtain support from your supervisor Summative or Formative – Options?
Placements within the Yorkshire & Humber area Placements audited by the following Universities are party to local agreement for the assessment of availability:- • University of Hull • Leeds University • Leeds Metropolitan University • Sheffield Hallam University • Bradford University • Huddersfield University • Teesside University
Process of Requesting Placements • The following flowcharts will assist with the process for requesting each option. • Following these are further slides (wordy!) if you would like additional detail.
FlowchartsRequesting Placements within the University of York’s Circuit
FlowchartsRequesting Placements within the Yorkshire, Humber & Teesside region
FlowchartsRequesting UK Placements (outside the Yorkshire/Humber/Teesside region)
Requesting placements within the Yorkshire & Humber Region (& Teesside) • The universities within the Yorkshire & Humberregion have agreed to request placements directly through the allocations / placement offices. • Students may approach placements to discuss the services provided but must not discuss availability. The Allocations Manager will liaise with the allocations team at the appropriate university on your behalf. • Many placements within the area have now published profiles on the PPQA website http://www.healthcareplacements.co.uk • These arrangements for requesting placements also apply to areas audited by Teesside University. Please note, they do not utilise the PPQA website. Please provide as much information as possible with your request!
Other UK placements • You are solely responsible for sourcing, requesting and confirming UK placements outside of the region • It is advisable to also run your request by the local university – unless your placement confirms they are offering you a placement regardless of the number of students their partner university will be allocating. • You will need to request a Preparatory Form (UK) (from Julie Platts email julie.platts@york.ac.uk) which advises you on certain insurance, health and legal issues and requires you to confirm you have considered and/or obtained the necessary documentation where applicable. The front page of this should be completed as soon as possible and emailed to Julie. • Once you have agreement from the placement provider that they are willing to offer you a placement, they will be contacted by the department and a legal agreement signed by both parties.
Placements Overseas • You are solely responsible for researching, requesting and confirming placements overseas. • You need to request a Preparatory Form (Overseas) from Julie Platts (julie.platts@york.ac.uk) which you should use as a working document to guide you through the issues you need to consider e.g. visa requirements, health assessments, Foreign Office advice, immunisations, insurance etc. Please note, however, that you are individually responsible for researching requirements for your specific placement and obtaining all the necessary information and documentation. You should complete the front page of the preparatory form and return it to Julie Platts as soon as possible. • Legal agreements will be sent by the department to the placement provider. These must be signed by both parties prior to placement commencement
Overseas…… continued • You will be asked to complete a risk assessment which requires you to research your chosen area in detail. A panel in the department considers the information you supply. Approval must be given by the panel before the placement can go ahead. • A fully completed and signed Preparatory Form (Overseas) must be submitted to the Allocations Office by the student prior to placement commencement along with a copy of travel arrangements. • Please note you are required to be proactively involved in the documentary process by keeping in regular contact with both your placement contact and Julie Platts to check on progress with the legal agreement and risk assessment